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Go-Forth Pest Control is now Go-Forth Home Services!

Things That Fleas Would Not Want You To Know This Fall Season


Fleas can have a very unlikely impact on your family and pets.  Take care of your beloved family and furry pets by getting the help of Go-Forth Home Services - the one you can trust for any pest infestations in your home.

The Facts About Fleas

  • 10 to 15 people in the United States contract the Bubonic Plague from fleas each year
  • Flea populations thrive in hot and humid climates
  • Winter does not always kill fleas. Many larvae can survive short periods
  • Fleas are more prevalent in southern states while dry western states have a lower risk of fleas 
  • Tungiasis, Tularemia, and Plague are known diseases that are passed on to humans 
  • Fleas lay 40-59 eggs per day
  • Fleas can jump around 30 thousand times in a row
  • Fleas have been on the earth for at least 165 million years
  • If fleas were human size, they could jump over the Eiffel Tower

Effective Tips For Flea Control Tips

  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Table Salt
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Lemon Spray
  • Vacuum Your Place Daily
  • Boric Acid
  • Regularly Bathe Your Pets