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Exercising With Your Dog

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Once you get in the habit of working out with your dog they will encourage you to keep going on days you want to skip -  and research supports it! According to a study by Michigan State University dog owners are 34% more likely to get the recommended amount of weekly exercise than those without a furry friend.

Get Active With Your Dog

We are dog lovers here at Go-Forth Home Services and when we see some unique ideas for activities to enjoy with your pets we have to share! Dogs are not only man’s best friend but they also make great workout buddies.

Below are some ways you and your pooch can get active:

  1. Running - If you get in the habit of running with your dog they will help motivate you when you are having an off day. Dogs don’t sweat like humans do so be careful on those hot and humid days.
  2. Stand-Up Paddleboarding - It may take a few tries to find your balance with an extra passenger but breeds of all sizes can fit on a board and enjoy the water with you. There are also doggy life vests for when you inevitably tip over. You can even play fetch from the board once you paddle out far enough if your dog is a strong swimmer.
  3. Kayaking - Start off on land to get your dog accustomed to sitting in the kayak then move to the shallows before heading out into deeper water. Pick a spot where there isn’t as much traffic for your dog to get comfortable either sitting up at the nose or closer to your feet. Some dogs would even enjoy swimming next to you, just be careful with the oars!
  4. Cycling - What if your dog likes to run at a faster pace and you can’t keep up? Cycling may be your answer! It can be a great way for high-energy breeds to get the right amount of exercise and there are special leashes that attach to the bike that reduce the force when your dog pulls in different directions.
  5. Rollerblading - If you are confident rollerblading, it can be a great way to exercise you and your dog. If you aren’t confident, it can be a disaster! Know your own skill set and find a place with little traffic where you don’t have to worry about your surroundings as much.
  6. Dog-Friendly Boot Camp - There are fitness classes designed for you and your dog! You get a high-intensity workout and your dog works on obedience skills. As a bonus, your dog learns to behave in a busy environment which will prepare him or her for more exercise with you!
  7. Dog Yoga - Your dog is already a pro at stretching but in Doga, you can teach them more moves and create a deeper bond between the two of you. Classes also include massages so you can help your dog relax and do a health check.
  8. Active Fetch - Don’t just stand there and wait for your dog to bring the ball back to you, fit in some squats, crunches, or lunges. You can even sprint to beat him to the ball!
  9. Soccer - Yes, dogs enjoy soccer too! Especially herding breeds and there are special soccer balls made to withstand bites. Teach the dog to dribble with his nose or paw and start playing keep away from him!
  10. Snowshoeing And Cross-Country Skiing - Snow is no excuse to skip a workout and some dogs love to play in it as much as kids. If your dog gets a lot of snow build up in his or her paws you can look into buying little booties to protect them.
  11. Stair Running - Running stairs will make you work up a sweat in no time and your dog will burn off lots of extra energy at the same time. Bleachers are also a great substitute.
  12. Join A Canine Charity Race - Who better to train for a marathon with than your best friend? Look for pet-friendly races around the country to join one.
  13. Call A Local Animal Shelter - Don’t have a dog? Go to the local animal shelter and give a dog some love by exercising with them! It helps them learn social skills and gets them out for much-needed exercise.

Source: Check out the full article at

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