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Avoiding Heatstroke Hazards

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With higher temperatures also comes a higher risk for things like heatstroke. If you're planning on spending an excess amount of time outdoors this season, there are a few things to remember to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Five Tips To Staying Cool This Summer

  1. Wear Proper Attire: Wearing loose-fitting clothing will help keep your body cool while spending time outdoors. Apparel that fits tightly to a person's form doesn't allow the skin to breathe, preventing the body from being able to cool itself off.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Water is key. Your body is made up of around 60% water. When you're subject to extreme temperatures, perspiration causes your body to lose water rather than retain it. Staying hydrated will help your body maintain a healthy sweat, ensuring you are less likely to overheat and suffer heatstroke.
  3. Wear Sunscreen: Besides being uncomfortable, sunburn inhibits your body's ability to regulate its internal temperature. While you think slathering on the SPF might be a hassle, so is visiting the ER after collapsing from heatstroke. Generally, experts recommend everyone wear at least SPF 15 or higher. They also recommend that you reapply at least every two hours and even more often if you will be swimming, sweating excessively, or regularly toweling off.
  4. Know Your Risks: Certain things can greatly increase your susceptibility to the sun and increase your risk of heatstroke dramatically. Particular medications, certain sports activities, skin conditions, and age can all be factors in increased sensitivity to the sun. Keeping your particular risk factors in mind and limiting your time outdoors is essential to prevent heat-related conditions.
  5. Be Mindful Of Time: We know time flies when you're having fun, but losing track of time and spending too much time in direct sunlight is one of the main causes of heatstroke. Taking frequent breaks indoors, even when swimming, will significantly lower your chances of falling victim to heat-related illness.

Whether you're working on your lawn or enjoying leisure time outdoors, keep these safety precautions in mind to prevent yourself and your loved ones* from the dangers of a heatstroke.

Your friends at Go-Forth Pest and Lawn hope you're having a great summer!

*PS. Don't forget about your pets!