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Rodent Control: How To Get Rid Of Rodents

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All animals play a vital role in our ecosystem, but some of these creatures can be a nuisance if in the wrong place, hence being a pest. Rodents as one of them, roam around the streets and infiltrate the homes and businesses of many individuals to ruin, damage, or cut things apart. What is your initial reaction when you see a rodent? Do you frantic and jump? Well, if you get to know them a little better, you might be confident when dealing with them the next time.

Rodent Removal & Extermination

Rodents are a group of pests that include mice, rats, and squirrels. Rodents can contaminate food, damage property, and spread diseases. The three most common types of rodents are the Norway Rat, the House Mouse, and the Roof Rat. These rodents co-exist with humans and associate closely with human habitats for food, water, and shelter. If the living conditions are right, then they will multiply quickly, and when implementing a rodent control program, the first step is to use the methods of baiting and trapping to get rid of the rodent population.

If you want to carry out rodent removal, you will need a combination of baiting and trapping for the highest rate of success. However, if the rodent population is too large, start with a high-quality rodent bait to reduce the rodent population and prevent rapid growth of the rodents. You should consider integrating any rodent control program with a general cleanup, exclusion techniques, and removal of their hiding places. Rodent exclusion, inspection, and sanitation are critical in rodent control measures, and there are traps available for rodent control programs.

Using Rodent Baits

When employing baits for rodent control, try not to disturb their original habitats, or they may change the location to another area. After you commence baiting continue with sanitation procedures, harborage removal, and food source removal to ensure rodents from other places are not attracted to your location. We also install rodent bait stations to hold the bait and ensure that children and pets cannot access the poison bait.

Using Rodent Traps

Choosing the right rodent trap is critical for trapping rodents and before laying them down you must be sure there is rodent activity. If the rodents are rats and you select mice traps, then you will find the traps too small (the trapping mechanism will not be sufficient for a rat). If you have mice and choose rat traps, then the traps would be too large (not sensitive enough to trigger the trap) for the body weight of the mouse. One of the ways to tell the difference between rats and mice is in their feces. If you have mice, you will notice a lot of droppings that look like small beads. Another error which most persons make when beginning a trapping program is that they do not set out enough traps. Place traps in the areas of rodent activity and places of infestation. If you have rats, place the traps about 15-20 apart.