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Best Mosquito Control Services Near Me

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Mosquitoes are small flies that contain elongated mouth parts which is what they use to consume blood from their hosts. These creatures usually feed on mammals, birds, reptiles, and even amphibians. While these creatures may feed off plentiful on their hosts, loss of blood isn’t an issue for their hosts, but what’s somehow problematic is how the saliva of mosquitoes causes irritation and rash to the skin of the latter. Another thing is that, since these creatures feed off from almost any living thing, they tend to pass on diseases from one host to another.

Professional Mosquito Prevention & Control Methods

Imagine a fly feeding off from a monkey first before feeding from you. Disgusting, right? This is why precautionary measures should always be taken to fight off these blood-thirsty pests. Mosquitoes can lay eggs even in the simplest of places. All they need is stagnant water to lay their eggs on and then their life cycle starts. A mosquito’s life cycle only needs a small amount of period to finish, this is probably one of the main reasons why there’s a high count for these creatures. In line with this, we have taken the time to list some of the best natural ways to repel these things from your houses.

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Ever since the year 1940, Lemon Oil has been proven to be one of the most well-known and effective natural repellents for these pests. It is produced by deriving the chemicals from lemon leaves from trees and is converted into a form of spray. This oil is famous for its refreshing and invigorating scent that has purifying and cleaning properties. Lemon Oil also contains strong antioxidants that help in reducing inflammation and fighting off bacteria and fungi; which makes it a strong antimicrobial agent.


Lavender being in the form of a natural oil or simply crushed leaves, produces a smell that repels off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes breathe through their exoskeletons, which means that oxygen goes into their bodies through the little holes located at the sides of their bodies, which makes them very sensitive to smell as this is also the way that they hunt for food. When mosquitoes are in the presence of such a strong aroma, it leaves them vulnerable since they have a hard time breathing because of Lavender’s analgesic, antiseptic, and anti-fungal capabilities.

Go-Forth Pest Control Services

While you can only do so much home remedy in repelling these types of pests, sometimes these methods are just not enough and you’ll have to call experts to resolve the problem. Let us solve it for you. Go-Forth Home Services focuses on obtaining a pest-free environment for its customers. Our core goal is to ultimately relieve and eliminate any pest infestations that are causing problems for homes and even infrastructures. We specialize in dealing with various types of pests in different levels of infestations which makes us credible if you want your pest issue to be ultimately fixed. So what are you waiting for? Call our nearest branch now.