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Interesting Facts About Mosquitoes

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Mosquitoes are one of the most famous pests to inhabit a home because aside from carrying fatal diseases, it's very hard to eliminate them from an area in which people live. Let us get to know more interesting facts about mosquitoes as it can be helpful to understand their nature and how to exterminate them faster and more effectively.

Learn More About Mosquitoes

Only Antarctica Is Mosquito-Free

Perhaps it is the extremities of the temperature of the climate that inhibit the habituation of mosquitoes in Antarctica and another polar region including Iceland – thus, making it known as mosquito-free regions. On the other hand, mosquitoes are worldwide as they live in many parts of the world – including your area. Mosquitoes existed where people also breathed, and they can be found almost everywhere.

One Of The Oldest Insects

Facts about mosquitoes including fossils, carvings, and drawings are discovered to have existed even during the Jurassic era and thus, considered as one of the oldest insects. There are thousands of species of mosquitoes all over the world, yet, only a certain percentage of this is considered to be deadly. Let us not underestimate the ability to survive this insect for almost 46 million years with only some little changes in their kind.

Female Mosquitoes Are The Most Dangerous

Among its species, there is only a certain percentage of the deadly kind – those called the blood-suckers kind of mosquitoes. Among this kind, male mosquitoes do not bite humans instead they are fed from nectar. In contrast, the female kind of the blood-sucking mosquito is the most dangerous because they are vectors of various deadly diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus, and other arboviruses. These diseases have millions of casualties and still counting.

Cannot Transfer HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS can be transferred from an affected person to another person through blood. While mosquitoes can bite multiple people, they are not able to transmit HIV because the virus dissolves in their stomachs.

Effectiveness Of Mosquito Repellant Products

Upon various research, most of the mosquito repellant products in the market today are identified to be ineffective in warding off mosquitoes. Yet, DEET is still considered effective but there are only certain numbers of hours that you can be protected from mosquito bites. Whilst they do not like the scent of DEET, they are on the other hand attracted to Carbon Dioxide. It serves as their signal for the coming blood meal.

Call The Professionals

With this hard-to-eliminate kind of deadly pest in your house, it is necessary to call in for professional help. Go Forth Pest Control has been in the industry for many years and the ability of a highly trained professional team in various pest exterminations is incomparable. The company has designed an innovative solution to effectively eliminate the presence of mosquitoes in your area. Call us now and get a free quotation.