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Tick Bite Treatment

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Ticks are tiny insects that like to feed on the blood of both humans and animals. While ticks may be harmless, their bites can sometimes cause allergic reactions and transmittal of diseases because of how they can easily feed off from one host to another. Ticks like to stick around even after they’ve already bitten their host, so you must remove them as soon as you see them on your skin.

How To Treat A Tick Bite

Ticks need blood from their hosts to grow. They can easily crawl or jump from one host to another and then attach themselves to the skin of their host to start feeding. When they stick their antennae to the skin of their host, they release a substance that allows for numbness at the same time prevents the skin from forming blood clothes for them to be able to feed on more blood from their hosts. In some cases, people tend to have allergic reactions to their saliva, and this is usually where the problems start to show.

This is why it is important to know when you’ve been bitten or when someone’s been bitten for it to be dealt with immediately. Once a person has been bitten by a tick, an instant redness or swelling around the area of the bite will usually appear. But once the tick feeding off from the skin has been removed, the swelling will then disappear.

Symptoms Of A Tick Disease

Here are some symptoms of a tick paralysis: skin rashes, headache, fever, paralysis on the face, weakening of the limbs, sore glands, flu-like symptoms, irritability in bright lights, and unsteady walking. Other symptoms can be detected through people who are allergic to the saliva of ticks, these signs are swollen throat, collapsing, and difficulty in breathing.

If the person who has been bitten has come from outdoors and they are finding a very itchy spot on their skin, it is best to avoid scratching it to be able to properly inspect the area. The next step is to find something to spray on the bite such as a wart-off freeze or Aerostart to kill the tick attached to the skin and then using finely tipped tweezers, grab the tick upwards on steady pressure. Avoid twisting or turning the tick in different directions upon removing it so no further damage can be done to the skin. Also, don’t use items that contain kerosene, petroleum jelly, nail polish, oil, or alcohol on the tick as these products can cause the ticks to dive deeper into the skin of the victim.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure!

Well, isn’t that right? Go-Forth Home Services is here to ensure you a safe and pest-free environment that shall allow you to have all the fun you want even in the outdoors of your home. All you have to do is call us now and let us create the perfect environment for you and your loved ones!