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How To Control & Avert Fleas

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When you see your dog start to itch uncontrollably your worst fear comes to mind. It might have fleas and this means it could most likely be in your home already. Fleas breed at any time of the year and can infect your pets and home rapidly with their quick breeding habits. The only way to prevent these pests is to get your home treated before it happen.

Flea Identification & Prevention

Fleas were first classified between 1735 and 1758 by a Swedish naturalist by the name of Carl Linnaeus. There are over 2,500 species of fleas in the world and even though this seems like a lot, each species is specific to their host and will only attach to that specific mammal for its entire life. Even though there are many species you would only have to be worried about the kinds related to you or your pets.

These small flightless pests live by consuming blood from whatever species they are connected to, which is animals or humans. Even though they do not have wings, they can jump up to 50 times their length to attach to a new host. Adults can reach up to 3 mm long and are usually a dark color, like brown. Even though they do not possess eyes, they have simple eye spots and compressed bodies to make it easier for them to move through the hairs of their hosts.

Fleas go through four life cycles which include: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs can be laid in small nests on the ground or directly on the hosts once the adult has latched on to it. They can take around two days to two weeks to hatch. Once the eggs are hatched the larva must survive to mature to a pupa. They do their best when they can feed off organic materials like dead insects and feces. They must avoid sunlight and harsh environments when trying to grow and remain viable for the next stage of life. Once the flea is a pupa it forms a silken cocoon to protect itself from its environment. It could be four days before the adult flea finally hatches and it could take longer if it's in a harsh condition. After the pupa hatches it has reached full adulthood. The primary focus of the flea is to attach to a host and feed so it can continue to produce its species. Usually, the adult flea only lives 2-3 months, but an adult female can lay up to 5,000 or more eggs throughout its lifetime.

Even if you don't own a pet, fleas can still infest your home. They are usually found in tall grass or wooded areas, like your deck and backyard. The best way to prevent your yard from being infested is to get your yard treated beforehand by a pest control company. If you have a pet and suspect they have fleas get them to the vet right away. They need to get the right prescription and make sure they haven't developed any other illnesses from the flea bite. Make sure you check your house as well. The fleas have most likely embedded themselves in your carpet and sometimes your mattresses if they jump or fall off your pet. Even though these insects are small, they can cause multiple problems in your house. It is best to be prepared by getting your house and pet treated before an incident occurs to prevent these pests.