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Roach Control In Raleigh, NC & Beyond

Same Day Service Offered

Roaches, also called cockroaches, have been on our planet for more than 300 million years. Entomologists believe their resilience and strength of survival is unique, which makes them very formidable foes to us humans. They have adapted themselves well to live off of us, sharing our homes and food free of charge as we have nurtured them by providing an environment conducive to their habitat. Our laziness in clearing up our kitchens at night after we consume our meals, and leaving everything unwashed has exacerbated the situation for which we must take the blame. Being nocturnal, roaches forage our leftover food when we fall into deep slumber at night. They have been very enterprising pests and eradicating them from our homes would be no easy task, but we could make a determined effort in roach control and effective roach treatment.

Dependable Roach Management Solutions

Nearly 4000 species of roach share planet Earth with us, but fortunately, only about 40 of them are classified as pests. They breed prolifically and incubate in sacs called oothecae, which protect their eggs. The oothecae can resist normal household insecticides or baits, which protects the eggs during the gestation period. They live in the smallest of crevices and feel comfortable when their bodies are squeezed tight between the sides of these crevices. They scavenge but can go without any food for more than 6 weeks at a time, which makes them difficult to control by denying their sustenance.

They can hide in the crevices during this period and crawl out again hence any form of roach treatment has to be consistent at least for this period to be effective. Roaches carry parasites on their bodies called bacteria which give them all the vital vitamins they need for their metabolic system, hence they could eat anything and some of their delicacies could include paper, soap, glue, bookbinding, and even hair.

Roach control can be demanding as they are so resilient and have been found to live for weeks even if decapitated. Their respiratory system is independent of their heads, and they breathe through what are called spiracles located on the two sides of their bodies. Without their heads, they would not be able to, partake food and water which would ultimately be the cause of their death. They do perform an important part in the ecological cycle, by devouring all decaying organic matter in our homes, but the adverse effect of their existence is the spread of disease to us humans.