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Our Top 5 Insect Costumes For Kids

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Why do we love our kids? For a lot of reasons, of course! But hearing, "Mom, I need a costume for school tomorrow..." on the night before, well, you (the parent) should've seen this one coming. That's why parents are equipped with super speed skills and the ability to handle any last-minute situations thrown their way, right? We'll leave that one for you to answer.

DIY Bug Halloween Costumes

With Halloween quickly approaching, so is the urgency of having every detail of your child's costume complete. That sense of stress is ok because Halloween is an exciting time for children and you want to see them take part in the fun, you just weren't necessarily concerned about it last week...or the week before, or the week before. With that being said, if you're that parent reading this article scrounging for last-minute ideas that you can throw together, we've got you covered.

You can assume that we'd be a little swayed toward insect costumes, and while you're not exactly wrong (I mean, come on, we're the bug experts here), these costumes are cute, quick, and easy! Your kids will not only love them, but they're a great way to spend time together creating them. It's also particularly rewarding for your child to create their costume through their creativity, rather than buying something off of the shelf at Walmart or Target.

Check out our favorite insect costumes below:

1.) Baby Praying Mantis

The Praying Mantis is a truly fascinating creature! Just read some fun facts about them to your kid, and they're sure to be convinced that this is the "coolest bug ever". This costume is completely homemade and completely adorable. Find out how to make it here!

2.) An Adorable Ladybug

This one's too cute and too easy! Ladybugs are among the most popular of insects, and we can see why. This costume is for the busy parents who are tackling Halloween attire in a one-night deal. Learn how to create it here!

3.) A Beautiful Butterfly

This costume defines DIY. Not only is it cheap and easy, but your child will have fun creating this with you! Check out how to make this costume here. Another simple way to create beautiful butterfly wings is to buy them from your local store and let your child paint and decorate them.

4.) The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Cardboard and felt, construction paper, a stapler or glue, and a little bit of yarn...and this costume creates itself. If your child loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar, they'll love this! Learn how to make it here.

5.) A Buzz-y Little Bee

A bumble bee costume is great for both girls and boys, all you need is a little black and yellow! Check out how this look was created here. An additional idea is that you can dress up as the Queen Bee OR the hive, and your little ones can be your Worker Bees!

As you can see, these are just a few manageable options that are super fun and appealing to kids of all ages. You not only have the opportunity to make these unique by creating your variations and interpretations, but you also can create your little insect colony with your family if you choose to! And for all of you parents out there who have waited until the last're welcome, and happy Halloween!!!