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Pest Control Near Me For Millipedes


The Millipede is an arthropod that looks like a worm. With an average lifespan of about 7 years, they can be identified from their approximately 750 legs and flabbier body. There are about 10,000 diverse species of millipedes, and their colors vary from white to black, red, brown, green, orange, and more.

Some species even can camouflage themselves. Millipedes are mostly found outdoors and are most active during the night. They eat decaying organic material such as decaying leaves, and have a significant role in the decomposition of plant litter. Occasionally they can be destructive to agriculture because when they are in groups they can attack crops such as melons, strawberries, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Trusted Millipede Control Methods

Millipedes generally are not harmful to people. They do not attack, bite, or sting humans. They are believed to be very clean creatures and are observed to spend time cleaning their bodies using brush-like hair on their legs. They only invade human homes during extremely wet and dry seasons. They can be found hiding in places such as storage boxes indoors. Unlike common household pests, millipedes do not damage any food, furniture, or the structure of your property. This leaves the major concern for avoiding millipedes being their poisonous secretion.

Millipede’s Poisonous Secretion

While they do not bite humans, they protect themselves with their poisonous liquid secretion, which occurs only on the occasions that they feel threatened, like when you touch them roughly. They can spray their poison as far as 32 inches, and these liquid secretions may contain acid or chemicals such as phenols, quinones, ketones, terpenes, esters, benzoquinones, hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen cyanide.

The type of liquid secretion varies depending on the species of a millipede. Having contact with this secretion may cause discoloration, cracking, itch, pain, eczema, and blisters on the skin. In the eye, it can cause conjunctivitis, keratitis, and blindness in rare conditions.

Follow these simple tips below to ensure your home or business will be free of millipedes:

  • Avoid storing overripe fruits or withered flowers at home. These are what millipedes eat.
  • Remove wood debris, rocks, grass clippings, and leaf litter where millipedes stay.
  • Repair the damages in and around your home like cracks and holes, which can be entry points for millipedes and other household insects.
  • Reduce the humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier or an air-conditioner. Moisture attracts many types of pests, including the millipede.
  • Keep the outdoor area dry as well. Check that rain gutters do not clog water.
  • Simply use a broom to sweep them away, since these pests move slowly it is very easy to get rid of them. It may be easy to kill one millipede, but if they are in a group, protect yourself from their poison and dispose of them far from your home where they won’t be able to come back.
  • If it is necessary to get rid of the millipede by hand, use goggles and gloves to protect yourself in case this creature secretes its poison.
  • Sprinkle wood ash in the areas of every corner of your home’s exterior. This will allow the grounds to completely dry.
  • Use insecticide containing deltamethrin. It is necessary to spray it both outdoors and indoors. There are brands available in stores that are safe to use for both outdoor and indoor areas