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Pest Control Near Me For Wasp

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Wasps are insects that closely resemble bees. They also have social structures similar to bees, but compared to bees, wasps are a worse pest. They are also diverse insects that are divided into many species. There are social species and solitary species, as well as herbivorous species and predatory species.

Wasp Identification & Prevention Methods

Below are a few different wasp species found in the United States. If you've discovered that your home or business has been infested with wasps, call the professionals at Go-Forth Home Services to get rid of them today!

Yellowjacket Wasp

They first appeared in Ohio in 1975, they are a social species that can come in a colony of about 1,000 workers. They measure about 10-16 millimeters. Adult yellowjackets eat plants, while the larvae eat meat, fish, and other insects for protein.  The smell of perfumes and bright-colored clothing mainly attracts them. They are known to be aggressive and sting to humans once threatened. Their sting can be really painful leading to swelling in the affected area. It may also lead to symptoms that require immediate medical attention such as coughing or wheezing, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, changes in skin, lightheadedness or dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea.


They are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and most common in the southeastern US. They are also a social species that may come in a colony of about 100 to 400 workers. They eat both plants and animals. They are less aggressive than Yellowjacket wasps, as they will only sting and squirt venom once they feel threatened. Their sting may cause severe pain and temporary blindness if it has been squirted into the eye. Their venom also signals other hornets to attack any creature that threatens their colony.

Paper Wasp

They can be found in the US and Canada. They can eat both plants and other insects. Compared to yellowjacket and hornet, paper wasps is the least aggressive. However, their sting is the most dangerous among the three and may cause a fatal reaction called anaphylaxis. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include itchiness, swelling of the throat or tongue, shortness of breath, vomiting, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure which may potentially be quickly followed by death.

Wasp Management

  • Some plants can repel some species of wasps, you can plant them in your garden or choose to place them in areas around your home. These include spearmint, thyme citronella, eucalyptus, and wormwood.
  • Spray peppermint oil inside of your house. Avoid spraying it directly at wasps to protect yourself from their sting.
  • Make your repellent using chili pepper. Chop two pieces of chili pepper and boil them in three cups of water. Let it cool, then spray it directly to a wasp. Make sure that you are wearing protective clothes and goggles while doing it to protect yourself from their sting.
  • Make your trap. Mix sugar and water in a soda bottle. Wasps are attracted to sweets, once they reach the water they can eventually drown and won’t be able to escape. You may also use a mixture of cloves and lemon, apple cider vinegar alone, or white vinegar alone.
  • Use powder-repelling substances such as Diatomaceous Earth (DE), Talcum Powder, Boric Acid, and Cinnamon. Sprinkle them around the outside of your home.
  • Use bay leaves by placing them anywhere where you suspect wasps are nesting. It also works as a repellent.
  • Avoid wearing bright-colored clothes, as most wasp species are attracted to them.