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Plants That Can Repel Pests

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Many people have given up hope in having a pest-free household, and they simply react to whatever pests are attacking them at the moment. Living a life without pests is actually possible, all you have to do is be vigilant 100% of the time. Insects like mosquitoes, flies, moths, weevils, and other bugs still manage to sneak in despite our best efforts to protect our families from them. And if they are not indoors, you may probably encounter them outdoors. 

It has often been said that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. It sounds cliche now, but it will always be a great piece of advice, especially now that we are talking about pests.

Pest prevention will always start with sanitation, be it for flies, cockroaches, and mosquitoes; but do you know that there are some plants that can be used to repel these pests, especially when they are still out in your lawn or garden? Enjoying your garden does not have to include shooing away pests; having these plants is a beautiful way to repel insects. Plus, you do not have to deal with dangerous chemical pesticides too.

These plants contain oils that insects abhor. Insects stay away from them. A bit of a disclaimer though: this is not 100% fail-proof. Further research still needs to be done. Your best bet would actually be to get the services of the best pest control management in the Carolinas, and they are just a phone call away.

There is no harm in trying; and even if these plants are not able to give you the desired effect on pests, well at least you have these beautiful wonders of nature.

Here is a list of these insect-repelling plants that you may want to try.  You may get some of them, or you may try to get all.  


Catnips are an aromatic herb that is native to Central Europe, but now can also be found in the United States. It grows around 1 meter and is dark green in color. It has oval-toothed leaves. Its leaves and shoots are used for flavoring of soups, sauces, beverages, and other dishes. The leaves are also used as herbal tea. Catnips were also used as a cure for intestinal cramps, indigestion, diarrhea, common cold, and many other illnesses.

Catnips contains the chemical nepetalactone, which is attractive to cats but is said to repel mosquitoes, flies, deer ticks, and cockroaches. It also contains essential oils that can be used as homemade pesticides.

Catnips are easy to grow. It may grow from seeds or as outdoor plants in the spring or fall. 

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are among those amazing plants that have so many benefits. A word of caution though: there are lots of leaves that are commonly known as bay leaves. To get the most benefits, you will have to look for the one that was derived from a laurel tree. This plant is native to the Mediterranean region. Bay leaves are commonly used as a spice to flavor soups, sauces, and stews. It is also said to be beneficial to one’s health. Some of its health benefits are: it improves digestion; helps treat respiratory conditions, and it protects heart health.

Bay leaves are also known to repel flies. So save yourself from these filthy insects by growing this plant. You get free spices too.


Basil belongs to the mint, lavender, and sage family. Its health benefits include controlling arthritis, managing stress supports brain development, supports bone health, and manages epilepsy. It is also packed full of nutrients. It is delicious in salads, in pork and beef dishes, and soups.

Basil repels mosquitoes and house flies. It can also be used to make homemade insect. All you need to do is to pour 4 ounces of boiling water in a container then put 4 ounces of fresh basil leaves. Let the leaves steep for several hours. Remove the leaves then add 4 ounces of vodka. Store in the refrigerator. Put in a spray bottle and spray outdoors. 


Mint turns off mosquitoes. It is best known as a mouth freshener and is quite a popular herb. It also has medicinal use, as it is known to be helpful to people with depression, fatigue, headache, and helps indigestion. It is also used for cooking, either in its fresh or dried form.

The best place for the mint to grow is in pots and not on the ground because it spreads rapidly. Mint has aromatic oils and can be used in combination with apple cider and vodka to make a mosquito repellent. Mint can be placed in the garden to keep it mosquito-free.


Put some lavender in your garden and watch it repel pests like moths, fleas, flies, and the always deadly mosquitoes. It has a pleasing scent, at least for humans. Aside from that, lavender has so many health benefits too. Health benefits include its ability to relieve stress, improves mood, promotes sleep, soothe stomach bloating, eliminates dandruff, and lowers skin irritation. For food, it is used in salad dressings, sauces, beverages, and teas.

Lavender is chock full of essential oils which have powerful effects on the human body. People love the scent of lavender, but it is hated by many pests. Oils extracted from lavender can be used as a mosquito repellent, just simply apply on skin. Plant lavender in sunny areas of your garden. 


Rosemary is a green herb known for its fragrant scent. It is used for cooking, for making perfume, for its health benefits, and for repelling mosquitoes and a host of other insects that are harmful to plants. It can live for 2 years and is available in various forms.

Rosemary can be used as a repellent by boiling 1 quart of rosemary in a quart of water for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid into a container half a gallon in size containing a quart of cool water. Store in a refrigerator. 

Lemon Thyme

Lemon thymes are very good at repelling mosquitoes. It smells and tastes like lemon, making it great in the kitchen. It is a perennial type of plant and is a tiny, aromatic, and flavorful plant. It can grow 12 inches tall. This herb can thrive in rocky, shallow soil and can live on your herb garden or rock garden as long as there is enough sunlight. In itself, it cannot repel mosquitoes; you will have to bruise the leaves so that it can release chemicals. Just simply cut off the stems and rub them between your hands. 


Lemongrass is another one of those plants that can help repel mosquitoes. It is commonly used as flavoring to some dishes, as well as for fragrance. It is also used for a wide variety of medical conditions, though this needs to have further studies.

Citronella, a natural oil, can be extracted from lemongrass. Lemongrass can grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It can thrive in a pot or in the ground as long as the location has plenty of sunlight. 


Sage belongs to the mint family. Its leaves emit a strong fragrance and produce oils that can add flavor to several dishes. Putting sage into a fire releases smoke that repels many pests, including mosquitoes. Sage can also be used to make insect repellents. It grows well in full sunlight and in fast-draining soils.

To make a sage essential oil repellent, our 25 drops of sage essential oil into a jar. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of aloe vera. Stir using a spoon. You may rub this on your skin to repel mosquitoes. 


Parsley is an herb used as spice either in its fresh or dried form. It is used for stews, soups, salads, and sandwiches. It needs ample moisture and lots of sunlight to thrive. For your garden, it can repel asparagus beetles.

Though these plants work for many people, further scientific studies still need to be done about how truly effective these plants are in repelling pests. If, after all your best efforts, you still find your household still having pest problems, do not worry. You can enlist the services of the best pest control management in all of the Carolinas, Go-Forth Home Services.

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

At Go-Forth Home Services, we have highly skilled and well-trained professionals who are experienced in handling pests like cockroaches, mosquitoes, termites, ants, moths, silverfish, rats, mice, weevils, spiders, and flies. We only use the latest and most advanced equipment in the business, coupled with family-friendly and pet-friendly methods of extermination so you are assured of your family’s safety.

We are an experienced company established in 1959 and have led the way in pest extermination in the Carolinas since then.

Go-Forth Home Services has earned the trust of residents and businesses in North Carolina and South Carolina for more than 50 years.