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While Two Giant Companies Fight Over A Spider-like Comic Character, Homeowners In North Carolina Scramble To Get Rid Of Spiders

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It was the biggest news last week coming out of the entertainment industry: the popular comic character closely associated with spiders named Spider-Man got involved in a huge tug-of-war between two giant companies struggling for control of the famous and profitable character. The company that owns the rights wants to maintain control, the other one wants 50% control because they resurrected the career of the said character anyway. Negotiations eventually stalled, so the spider character will now be exclusive to the company that owns its rights, to the dismay of some fans. Now, they are unsure of the future of the quality of future Spider-Man movies. 

Real spiders do not get the same kind of love from humans, however. Humans are indifferent to them, at best, and murderous at worst. The spider’s appearance does not really inspire people and can even invoke fear. Aesthetically, they do not look pleasing, with their eight legs and for the majority of spiders, have eight eyes.

Spiders are generally peaceful creatures. They are also very common, so common in fact that it has been said that we are all within three feet of a spider whenever we are inside a house or a building. The fact that we are not really aware of them is a testament to how peaceful they are. They even help in reducing the real pests like mosquitoes, bugs, cockroaches, and ants by catching them and feeding on them. That is why the fear of spiders is generally unwarranted. If you feel that these poisonous spiders have managed to enter your home, you can call in the spider exterminator in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.


Spiders are arachnids. They are not insects, as many people think they are. They are characterized by their eight legs and two body parts: the head and the abdomen region. Most spiders have venom which they use to kill their prey, but only a few species can actually affect humans. Most of them have 8 eyes, about 99% of all spiders. Some though have 6, some have 4, some have 2, and some even do not have any. They have 2 types of eyes; one type is the primary eyes wherein images are formed, and the other type is to help the spider track movements and measure distance. 

Life Cycle of Spiders

There are more than a thousand species of spiders, but all of them have the same life cycle. A spider goes through 3 stages: the egg, stage, spiderling, and the adult stage.

When spiders mate, the male usually dies after. The female takes care of her offspring on her own and is very independent. Female spiders store the males’ sperm after mating until they are able to produce the eggs. The eggs take a few weeks to hatch. In many types of spiders, the mother would guard the eggs until they hatch. In some species, the mother would just put them in a safe place and leave the eggs on their own, a mother abandoning her children. One type of spider, the wolf spider, carries their eggs on their backs. When they are ready to hatch, they bite off the sac to release the spiderling. The spiderlings then would spend around 10 days riding the backs of their mothers.

Spiderlings are immature spiders. They look like the adult, only much smaller. They will molt repeatedly until they become adults. They are very vulnerable until their new exoskeletons are fully formed. Most spider species molt at least 5 times until they reach adulthood.

After their spiderling stage, they become adult spiders, a stage in which they are ready to mate. In general, spiders live for 1 to 2 years. Females live longer than males. Then the cycle starts all over again. 

Venomous Spiders in the United States

There are around 45,700 species of spiders worldwide. While most of these spiders are peaceful, some are poisonous and can be dangerous to humans. In the United States, there are two venomous spiders. They sometimes get into human homes, where it is warm and comfortable, and food can be found. They can bite and release a powerful venom when disturbed. These spiders are the black widow spiders and the brown recluse spiders. These are the spiders that we can all consider as pests in our homes. 

The black widow spiders - The black widow spiders is the biggest spider between the two venomous spiders in the United States. They are considered the most venomous spiders in North America, as it is said to be 15 times more powerful than that of rattlesnakes. A female black widow is about 1.5 inches long, has a shiny black body with a red hourglass marking on their abdomen. The red hourglass markings serve as a warning to other predators that they are toxic, and thus cannot be eaten. The male black widows are smaller in size, lighter in color, and have either red or pink spots on their backs. Only the females bite.

The black widow got its name because it is said that female black widows kill their male counterparts after mating. The female would then save the carcass until her eggs hatch. The males make this ultimate sacrifice so that their offspring will have enough source of food. The female black widows can live up to three years, while the males can live up to a year, that is if they are not eaten.

Though their venoms are very powerful and can be very painful, it is not fatal to adult humans. They can be fatal to children and the elderly, however. If you somehow run into a black widow spider, and it bites you, seek immediate medical attention. If possible, catch the same spider that bit you, whether dead or alive. Show it to your healthcare provider. This will allow him to make an informed decision on the type of care and treatment that you need. As a first aid precaution, wash the bite with soap and water, then apply a cold compress.

According to the spider exterminator near me, Black widows capture with their webs and eat insects like mosquitoes, flies, ants, termites, and roaches. Once these insects get trapped in the web, the black widow then approaches it and covers it in silk. It then bites into it to release an enzyme that would liquefy their prey. Only then will the black spider eat its prey.

Brown recluse spiders - The brown recluse spider is the second most venomous spider in North America and the most common of the brown spiders. They are identified by the violin-shaped markings on their bodies. They only have only 6 eyes and these are arranged in three pairs.

Both the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider have almost the same behaviors and habits. The brown recluse is by nature shy creature, And just like the black widow, they hide in dark places. They forage for food at night because they are nocturnal creatures. They also only need to mate just once a year to be able to produce 150 eggs yearly.

If you are bitten by a brown recluse, go see a healthcare professional. As much as possible, capture the spider and bring it with you to the doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be made. Their bite is not fatal, but some develop severe symptoms. People who are bitten by the brown recluse often have small red marks on the skin, but heal immediately. Symptoms of their bites include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and sweating are the symptoms of their bites.

Prevent Them From Entering Your House

Poisonous spiders are not supposed to be inside your homes. They can be very harmful, despite them being gentle. Seal off cracks, openings, and holes to prevent them from entering your homes. Place weather stripping around the windows and walls. Clean your house regularly. Remove clutter as this might be used as the spiders’ hiding places. As much as possible, dispose of old boxes or cartons. Outdoors, clear away vegetation around your home, especially ivy. Black widows may find it cozy living in plants. Cut or trim shrubs, grass, and plants.

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