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How To Stop Mosquitoes From Ruining Our Lives


Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes, despite all our efforts to exterminate them all, still continue to exist? They are one tough nut to crack, so to speak. The truth is, getting rid of mosquitoes is a next to impossible task. They breed quickly, as they have for millions of years now. The best thing we can do is protect our territories, and our families, from these dangerous insects.

There is a worldwide hatred directed towards mosquitoes. These small insects, particularly the female ones, make a living by sucking blood from their hosts. They carry with them several diseases that they transmit to humans, making them the most dangerous creatures on the planet.

There are more deaths that were associated with mosquitoes than any other animal; heck, there are more deaths that are caused by mosquitoes than all the wars in world history combined!

This is because mosquitoes carry with them a number of deadly diseases, such as dengue fever, malaria, Zika virus, yellow fever, chikungunya, and encephalitis.

Mother Nature’s real-life vampires are here to stay, just as they have ever since the last time the dinosaurs have roamed the earth. Yet there are still several ways to protect ourselves from them, which we will discuss later in this article.

First, let us discuss what these mosquitoes are.


Fighting off mosquitoes means knowing more about them. Knowing more about their habits, their behaviors, their likes, and dislikes, are keys to fight the dangers they bring.

The scientific name of mosquitoes is Culicidae. There are around 3,000 species of mosquitoes on the planet. Of this number, only 200 species bite humans, and out of this 200, only three of them are known to transmit diseases. Mosquitoes are tiny, fragile-looking insects that are invertebrates. Their size is only about .125 to .75 inch in length and they weigh .000088 ounces. Their bodies are slim, with jointed bodies. They have a pair of wings attached to their bodies. They have six legs, prolonged mouthparts called a proboscis, and antennae attached to their heads. They fly slow, making them easy to disrupt or swat. They fly at a speed of only 1.5 miles per hour. They are also very lightweight, which makes it easy to disturb their flight patterns using an electric fan.

There are three types of more popular - or notorious - mosquitoes, the Culex mosquitoes, which carry filariasis, West Nile virus, and encephalitis; the Anopheles mosquitoes which carry malaria; and the Aedes, which carry yellow fever, dengue fever, and encephalitis.

Between the adult males and females, only the females suck blood. The females are the only ones who have the necessary mouthparts that can suck blood. Their mouths have two tubes: one is for injecting enzymes that would prevent blood clotting, and the other is for sucking blood. Consequently, only females can transmit diseases. The male mosquitoes can only feed on nectar.

Mosquitoes have poor eyesight and can only rely on the carbon dioxide emitted by humans or animals to find them. Aside from that, they also use scent to help them find a host. Mosquitoes go through 4 stages in their lives. The mosquitoes’ life cycle starts from being eggs, then onto the larvae stage, to pupae and finally the adult stage. Female mosquitoes like to breed on water surfaces that have become stagnant for at least a week. They can live to as long as 5 to 6 months. Then the cycle starts all over again. By the way, mosquitoes can lay 100 to 300 eggs at a time and can do so all throughout their lifetime.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

  1. Chikungunya - Chikungunya virus is spread to people by an infected mosquito. An infection of this disease can cause headache, high fever, nausea, severe joint pains, he, rash, and vomiting. This disease is transmitted mainly to humans when they are bitten by infected mosquitoes. It can also be spread from mother to child as the mother gives birth, but happens rarely. Another way it can be spread through blood transfusion, but this also rarely happens. Chikungunya is not a fatal disease, but it can be painful and debilitating. Those who are at risk for more severe symptoms are newborns and people ages 65 to above. Same with people with medical conditions like hypertension, heart ailments, and diabetes.
  2. Malaria- Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite transmitted by a female Anophelesmosquito. It is a serious and often fatal disease. In the United States, Americans get malaria due to increased travel to countries where the parasites are endemic. About less than 2,000 cases are reported in the United States every year. People who get malaria usually have a fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea, muscle aches, chills, and tiredness. If not treated within 24 hours, malaria can progress to severe illness and even death. Consult a healthcare professional if you think you are infected with this disease.
  3. Dengue fever- Dengue fever is another disease that is painful, debilitating, and possibly life-threatening. It is caused by any one of these four dengue viruses: Dengue Virus 1, Dengue Virus 2, Dengue Virus 3, and Dengue Virus 4. Since dengue is caused by four strains, a person can have dengue 4 times in his lifetime. Signs and symptoms of dengue include a sudden high fever, pain behind the eyes, severe headache, severe joint and muscle pains, vomiting, nausea, and fatigue. It has been estimated that there are 400 million dengue cases all over the world every year.
  4. West Nile Fever - The West Nile Fever is the most common mosquito-borne disease here in the United States. Of the people who are infected, only 20 percent show symptoms. Symptoms include mild fever, body aches, headaches, diarrhea, vision loss, numbness, body rashes, swollen lymph glands, muscle weakness, and paralysis. These symptoms usually show after 3 days to two weeks of being bitten. Some people will show more severe symptoms after. They have meningitis and permanent brain damage. This could cause death to the patient. People over 60 or those with medical conditions are at higher risk of getting severe symptoms. Your healthcare provider may order tests to verify if you contracted the virus.
  5. Yellow fever- It is called yellow fever because of jaundice that occurs in the patient after getting infected. There are no symptoms for most people who are infected with yellow fever, but those with symptoms will have a fever, chills, severe headache, body pains, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. Then a few more patients will have a more severe phase in a span of one day. Jaundice, high fever, dark urine, and abdominal pains will appear in more severe cases. There may be bleeding in the eyes, nose, mouth, and stomach. Death of the patient may occur after 7 to 10 days.
  6. Zika virus - One of the lesser-known mosquito-borne illnesses in the United States, the Zika virus is mostly spread by the bite of an infected Aedesmosquito. People with this disease have a fever, rashes, headaches, joint pain, and red eyes. While these symptoms can last for several days, they are mild and not fatal. There is no vaccine for Zika, but people who were already infected develop immunity to it. Sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, and a pregnant mother to her fetus are some other ways to transmit the virus.

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Since these mosquitoes are known to be mass-murderers, we should all fight back. Their presence in our homes is not welcomed, and all efforts must be done to keep them away. Here are some tips on how to get rid of mosquitoes.

  1. Remove all items around the house that can contain standing water. This could be old cans, old tires, pails, abandoned birdbaths, old gutters, and other similar items. These could be potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  2. When going outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and a long pair of pants. This would minimize skin exposure to which the mosquitoes can bite.
  3. Use mosquito repellents with the active ingredient DEET for added protection.
  4. In the bedroom, use a mosquito net.
  5. An electric fan can help turn the mosquitoes away as this can disturb their flight patterns, being so lightweight.

However, when all else fails, you may turn to the professionals. For the well-reviewed company for getting rid of bugs, call Go-Forth Home Services.

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

Go-Forth Home Services is the leading pest control company in North Carolina, with 60 years of experience. Go-Forth Home Services has a team of expert professionals who are experienced in handling household pests like mosquitoes, flies, roaches, rats, mice, bed bugs, moths, poisonous spiders, weevils, and silverfish. We use the latest and the most advanced equipment and technology in the business, with a method that is family-friendly and pet-friendly.

We are trusted by generations in the Triad area. For more information, or to request a free estimate, call us now! Our friendly operators are standing by.