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Not Even A Single Rodent On Holidays

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“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was staring, not even a mouse” - Clement Clarke Moore

Truly, it would be an ideal world if there is not a single mouse in the house, not only for the Christmas season but for the entire year. Yet we know that humans and mice are almost attached to each other - where there are humans, mice are sure to follow. 

Rodents, which include mice and the much bigger rats, are not only one of the biggest nuisance pests in North Carolina, but they are also among the biggest disease transmitters that we have; this makes them very dangerous to have around the house. Mice may look cute, but they are not cute; they are pests. They crawl around the house and love to investigate; they are in our cabinets, on our tables, they steal our food, and they leave their droppings in the process.

Rodents are also known to be disease vectors and plagues throughout history point to these creatures as the source of these diseases. This is why rodents are dangerous. Rat-bite fever, leptospirosis, hemorrhagic fever with Renal Syndrome, and Lassa fever are just among the diseases directly transmitted by mice. They breed quite fast and can adapt easily to ever-changing conditions.

What is more baffling is that these rats and mice are highly intelligent creatures. They have photographic memories; for example, rat poisons often only work for some time, but they would soon realize their friends are dying because of the poison, so they learn would learn how to avoid it altogether. To battle rodents, you have to outsmart them.

Description Of Mice

The house mice are gray in color, with cream-colored bellies. They have pointed muzzles, large rounded ears, and have four legs. They may be up to 3.75 inches long excluding the tail. Their bodies are so flexible, they can squeeze through a hole the size of a nickel. Their tails are hairy and are longer than their bodies.  The house mouse can live an average of just 1 year when they are living outdoors. This is due to the presence of predators that feed on them. In a protected environment like human dwellings, they can live up to 3 years. 

Mice are very inquisitive. They like to explore their surroundings.  They climb whatever they can because of their curiosity.  But then, they avoid confrontation and quickly scamper away when they sense danger.

Mice As Pests

Mice usually look for food outdoors during the warmer months. During the cooler months, they move inside houses for shelter, food, and water. They attack food that is left on the table, leftovers, trash, and even garden produce. This habit of looking for food risks the contamination of food through their droppings, saliva, vomit, or urine.  They also can spread fleas, ticks, and lice.  

They are also known to spread diseases. Among them are leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, rickettsialpox, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome,  and salmonellosis.

Signs Of Mice Infestation

Signs that can tell you that your home is attacked by mice include seeing droppings that look like little black pellets around the house.  You may also see your old papers, boxes, your yearbook, and clothes with nibbled parts. Mice nests are made of shredded paper. Mice also produce a musky odor.

When you spot a mouse somewhere inside your home, there are probably many more somewhere.

Mice are nocturnal, but sometimes there are occasional sightings during the day. This means the infestation is heavy.

What About Rats?

Rats are the close cousins of mice, albeit much larger.  If mice are small rodents, rats are medium-sized rodents that look like the common house mouse.  Everything is longer: they have long bodies, longer tails, and longer legs. While some people keep rats as pests, they are more of pests than pets, and they are seen as unsafe to keep around the house.  

The most commonly known types of rats are the black rat and the brown rat.  The black rats are the common house rats that are pests to both households and agriculture.  An adult black rat is about 5 inches to 7.2 inches in size and weighs about 75 to 230 grams. They are omnivores and eat a wide variety of food. They are enemies to the farmers, as these rats feed on their crops. They can live in houses, warehouses, and commercial buildings. They can also thrive in agricultural areas like crop fields and barns. 

On the other hand, the brown rat is about 11 inches long. They are much bigger than black rats. They can weigh up to 17 oz. They are nocturnal, and as the black rat, they are not picky eaters.

Rats are highly intelligent, and like their cousins, the mice, have a great memory.  They do not forget. They easily learn of new trails, and would likely avoid trails that they find dangerous.  They know if an obstruction has been added to their trails. They like to investigate and are very inquisitive, but once they sense danger they quickly run away and avoid any form of confrontation.

Rats are also highly social creatures. They live in groups, and they sleep cuddled next to each other. They feel lonely when they are left alone. And just like humans, they feel depressed when they lose a loved one. Rats really do have emotions.

Rats can reproduce quickly.  A rat that can already reproduce when they get to 5 weeks old. It can reproduce every three weeks for two years. They can live for 20 days without drinking any water. They get their hydration requirements from the food they eat, and as we discussed earlier, they are not choosy eaters. That is why rats are such great survivors.

Rats are very dangerous to have around because they transmit deadly diseases.  For this reason, it is very important to choose Raleigh pest control for mice as they are proven to eradicate them faster and effectively.  

Rats As Pests   

Rats can be such a nuisance because of their ability to cause damage to property.  They have this habit of chewing through plastic, wood, and cardboard. This habit can be explained by their ever-growing incisors which makes them always looking for something to chew on. When they chew, the incisors stop growing. They also gnaw on books, papers, and clothes. Food contamination is possible via their urine, droppings, and saliva.

Aside from being nuisance pests, they are also vectors of disease and can transmit diseases to humans. Among the diseases they transmit are hantavirus, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and the plague.

Rats are known to swim up in sewer pipes and into toilets. It is really very difficult to trap them because of their high intelligence and also have a great memory. Because of this, they are wary of objects that are unfamiliar to them that are set in their paths and avoid them in the future.

Control Rodents Altogether

Rodents are always on the lookout for food, shelter, and water. These things are what bring them to our homes. If you keep these in mind, you can avoid pests altogether.

Rats and mice do not need clean, fresh food. They feed on whatever food scraps that are left on the table, on the floor, or wherever you eat around the house. They would even scavenge for food in the trash cans and garbage bins. These food sources encourage rats to stay indoors. 

Wipe off food debris, drink spills, and crumbs.  Keep food in sealed containers. Clean stoves, tabletops, and the kitchen sink. Keep trash cans and garbage bins well covered, out of the reach of rats. Do not wait for the next day to clean up your mess. By that time, it would have been too late, and the rats may have attacked your home already. 

Check for any leaking pipes and faucets and try to fix them.  This provides enough water and moisture for rats. Repairing leaking pipes and faucets should be a priority. Not only will you be able to get rid of rats and mice, but you will also be able to save lots of water too. 

It would really be a nice world if rats and mice do not bother us in our homes. If you are still having problems with rodents, you may want the help ofthe best pest control professionals in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

Go-Forth Home Services is a family-owned commercial service solutions provider of modern pest control services and techniques, using the latest and most advanced technology in the business. We have a team of expert professionals who can provide the best pest control services to residents and business establishments all throughout North and South Carolina. We only use the latest and most advanced equipment in the business.

Go-Forth Home Services has earned the trust of residents and businesses in North Carolina for more than 50 years. 

For more information, or to set an appointment, just dial (877) 274-1475. Our friendly operators are standing by.