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The North Carolina Spiders You Must Be Aware Of

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No matter how much you explain to people about how gentle spiders actually are, it would all probably fall on deaf ears.

Millions of people around the world are fearful of spiders. Mention the word spider and people would only think about fearsome monsters. Theirs are the classic case of being judged by their cover, and undeservedly so. 

Spiders are beneficial insects, preying on the real pests.

But to humans, they are rather gentle and would leave us alone. Scientists do know that humans have a natural fear of spiders, but none can fully explain why.

As for my pest control for my house in Charlotte NC, spiders pose no threat to humans. They are generally peaceful creatures that would rather be left alone.

North Carolinians have learned to coexist with them. It has been said that we all live within 3 feet of a spider whether at home or in the office. If this surprises you, then it tells a lot about how peaceful spiders really are.

However, there are some spiders you will have to be a little wary of. I am talking about the poisonous spiders here in North Carolina. A bite from these spiders can really cause so much pain. 

We are talking about the black widow and the brown recluse spiders.  

Today, we will talk about one of the most important creatures not only in North Carolina but in the entire world - be it poisonous or non-poisonous.  

All About Spiders

Spiders are close cousins of scorpions, ticks, and mites. They are arachnids, which is a class of arthropods. There are more or less 45,000 identified species of spiders, and they can be found all throughout the world. Spiders differ in size, depending on the species. There are some that can go as small as .11 inch long; and there are some that are larger than afoot, like the Goliath birdeater, a kind of tarantula. Spiders have poor eyesight. 

Spiders are creatures that want to be left alone, sitting rather peacefully in one corner of the house. They never attack. Venomous spiders bite only when they are threatened. Only a few species can really harm humans, and that is only out of self-defense.  

A huge majority of spiders actually serve an honorable purpose: that is to get rid of insects that are actual pests. They control the population of insects that are actual pests to crops and in the household. Their absence would only put our food supply in major peril. Spiders are the primary controllers of insects, without them, pests would have feasted on our crops long ago.  

All Spiders Species Produce Silk

All spiders can produce silk. Spider silk has tremendous strength and is very flexible.  They primarily use it to catch prey. Upon catching prey, the silk vibrates, enabling the spider to know where the prey is.  Remember, spiders have poor eyesight. Spiders have plenty of other uses for this silk: they use it to climb, to break a fall, to build their nests, to build egg sacs, and many other things. 


Despite what you see in some movies wherein spiders eat humans, they don’t.  Spiders are carnivores; they eat different kinds of insects. They either trap them or hunt them.  Mosquitoes, flies, roaches, and grasshoppers are just among the pests that they feed on.  

Types of Non-Poisonous Spiders In North Carolina

We here in North Carolina have a mild climate that is ideal for spiders.  Here is a list of  some of the spiders that might find in North Carolina:

  1. Fishing spiders -  They are called fishing spiders because they can go underwater to hunt for prey.   This type of spider is usually found in areas where water is abundant but will go out to the woods in search of prey.  Their legs can be as long as 3 inches, making them a bit bigger than the palm of an adult human. They also bite and have venom, but their venom is not dangerous enough to humans. They are known to stay under the water for about 30 minutes, as they breathe through the tiny air bubbles that they trap through their bristly hairs.  They remain under the water until prey swims by. Aside from fishing, they also hunt for food on land. 
  2. Thin legged wolf spiders - This type of spider is dark in color, with specks or bands, or speckles on the carapace and abdomen.  Their legs are long and spindly and have hairy spines on them. Thin legged wolf spiders are territorial and are very active hunters.  They do not build their nests but instead, they just go around looking for food.  
  3. Goldenrod crab spider - Just like the thin-legged wolf spiders, this type of spider do not build their nests.  They use silk to capture their prey and to hold their eggs. Unlike other types of spiders, they have good vision and they are mostly seen during sunny days.  The female adult is larger than their male counterparts, being at 8 mm to 10 mm in length. The male goldenrod crab spiders are only about 4 to 5 mm in length. Their colors vary, depending on their diet and their environment as well.  It can range from white to yellow, to pale green. Their legs are spread out, just like a crab. 
  4. Green lynx spiders - This type of spider is green in color. The females are larger than the males,  about 12 to 22 mm in length. The males are only about 12 mm. They have 8 legs and have black spines.  They rarely bite and tend to keep to themselves.

Types Of Poisonous Spiders In North Carolina

Most spiders are nor dangerous to humans.  They do have venom but are potent enough only for their prey.  There are indeed a couple of spiders that North Carolinians ought to look out for.  The black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are the 2 types of spiders that we should be wary of.

  1. Black widow spiders - The most common type of venomous spiders in North Carolina, the female black widow spider has a shiny black body with a red hourglass marking on the abdomen.  This marking serves as a warning to other predators that they are poisonous. The lifespan of the female black widows can be as long as three years. They are about 1.5 inches in length.  The male black widow is smaller, which is about .75 inch in length, lighter in color, and has either red or pink spots on their backs. They can live up to a year if conditions are favorable.  The black widow spiders have the most potent venom; it has been said that their venom is 15 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake's. They are peaceful and bite only when defending themselves though.  Only the females bite. For adult humans, their bites are very painful but are rarely fatal.  For children and adults, it can be deadly so immediate medical attention would be needed. If you are bitten, wash the site of the bite with soap and water.  Then, if possible, try to capture the spider that bit you, whether dead or alive. Show it to your healthcare provider. This would enable the doctor to make an informed decision as to what kind of treatment you should get. 
  2. Brown recluse spiders - The brown recluse spiders are almost similar to the black widow when it comes to behavior. They are peaceful and tend to keep to themselves.  They have a violin-shaped marking on their bodies, a characteristic that is exclusive to them. They only have 6 eyes arranged in three pairs.  Like the black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders hide in dark places. They search for food only at night. They also only need to mate just once a year to be able to produce 150 eggs yearly.

Spider Control

We now know which spiders are okay and which ones we should avoid.  This would make it easier for us to control them. Below are a few tips on how to get rid of poisonous spiders.

  1. The presence of insects attracts spiders. Getting rid of other insects in your house can keep them away.  Spiders are in your house is because they can get a steady supply of insects that they can eat. 
  2. Seal off cracks, crevices, and holes around the house by caulking.  These openings may be used as entry points by spiders.
  3. Keep shrubs, decorative grasses, and plants, especially ivy, short.  Brown recluse spiders are fond of hiding in these plants.
  4. Remove clutter both inside and outside the house so they would not have any hiding places.  Storage boxes, woodpiles, the back of the closet, under the furniture, and shoes are some of the places they can hide.  Clean them every once in a while.

No matter what happens, do not kill the spiders.  As much as possible, catch them and set them free outside.  

If you need some help, then you may call the best pest control experts in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.