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Best Pest Control For Bed Bugs Near Lexington, SC

Same Day Service Offered

Are you tired of being bitten by those little trespassers called bed bugs at night? Your answer most probably is a “yes”, otherwise, you would not be here, right? Well, do not worry! We have got you covered. You are looking for the best in pest control for bed bugs, and we have the answer: Go- Forth Pest Control Company is just within your neighborhood, Lexington and are ready to help you. 

Why Go-Forth?

Go-Forth has been around for 59 years now. You would not last that long as a business if you are not very good, would you? They have highly skilled professionals and friendly ones at that. They have excellent experience not only in bed bugs control, but also with many other pest problems like cockroaches, rodents, moths, mosquitoes, ants, weevils, and many others. The company has a special team of technicians who can evaluate your homes or offices on what type of service that is just right for you.

Go-Forth has been providing pest control services in Lexington, South Carolina since 1959. This is a family-owned exterminator company that has earned the trust of local homeowners and businesses alike. We have also served customers from Columbia, Greensboro, Asheboro, Jamestown, Winston- Salem, Burlington, Lexington, Burlington, and other surrounding areas within the Piedmont Triad region.

Why You Should Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Immediately

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that live off the blood of humans and other warm-blooded hosts. They are about the same size as an apple seed. Once they feed off their hosts, their bodies swell. They move around quickly, though they do not fly. And though they cause discomfort to their hosts, they do not transmit diseases. They are nocturnal; they bite only at night while you sleep. Their bites cause itching and welts. Their bites may cause an allergic reaction to some people. In which case, treatment with an injection of adrenalin may be necessary.

If you wake up in the morning feeling itchy on areas that were not itchy the night before, you may have been bitten by bed bugs. You may also notice fecal stains, eggs, or blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases. It is also said that bed bugs smell like “rotting raspberries”.

You May Try These First:

Clean your linens, beddings, and clothing in hot water then dry them on the highest dryer setting. High temperatures help kill off the pests. Vacuuming your bed can also work, but be sure to dispose of the vacuum right after use. If you have spare bedding, enclose it in a plastic bag to protect them from bed bugs.

If you have cracks in your wall, repair them. These are some of the favorite hiding places of bed bugs.

Now, after taking these steps and the bed bug problems still persist, it is time to call Go- Forth Pest Control Company.

To schedule an appointment, just dial (877) 274-1475. Our friendly operators are just standing by.