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Top Exterminator Near Me For Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs are probably one of the most problematic pests that one has ever needed to encounter. Most of the time, these little creatures are found in the spaces and items where humans would usually be in. They like to dwell and nest in these spots simply because they feed on human blood. Bed Bugs are very adaptable creatures as they are able to live for several months without intaking any type of food – this makes it somehow difficult to exterminate them as they can easily hide given the fact that they do not need to constantly feed.

When Bed Bugs feed, they release some kind of anesthetic substance that allows their host not to sense that they are already feeding on their skins. This substance also allows for better blood flow to come through from the host's skin to the antennae of the bed bugs. Moreover, these creatures also do not require much in order to be able to reproduce which is another problem that homeowners face. But you do not have to worry as there are ways to get rid of bed bugs in your home, and Go-Forth Home Services is here to help you! Before the date of your scheduled appointment with us arrives, there are various ways that you can get rid of those bed bugs near you.

Baking Soda

Just like salt, baking soda has the effect of drying out materials and substances which makes it a great weapon in the fighting against pests or any of the same sort. This substance has the ability to kill bed bugs in an instant by being able to cause them to be dehydrated and ultimately die in just a few short minutes. This makes it one of the most effective ways to use natural ingredients as a way of exterminating bed bugs.

Natural Oils

Natural oils or essential oils are another way of fighting against pests in a very environment-friendly way. Not only this, but it is also cheap and it has a great variety of options to choose from such as Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Lavender, and the like. The seemingly fresh and aromatic smell of essential oils comes off dangerous and deadly for pests as they only breathe through the holes on their bodies or so-called exoskeletons. This method also benefits those who are living with either children or pets at home.

It all boils down to trusting the experts

Go-Forth Home Services has been in the pest treatment industry ever since the year 1959. Our company has been known to service and cater to those who are living in the Triad area and the nearby places. We offer our customers a variety of services that are sure to resolve and satisfy every customer preference and expectations. So what are you waiting for? Call in the nearest Go-Forth Home Services branch in your area right now and schedule up an inspection with our team!