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Bed Bug Control Company Near Wilmington, NC

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Are you being bothered by bed bugs biting you at night? Do you feel helpless against them? Do not worry, there are ways to get rid of them yourselves. Or you can look for a bed bug control company near Wilmington, NC. Either way, you will end up the winner.

The Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that live off the blood of humans and other warm-blooded hosts. They are about the same size of an apple seed. Once they feed off their hosts, their bodies swell. They move around quickly, though they do not fly. And though they cause discomfort to their hosts, they do not transmit diseases. They are nocturnal; they bite only at night while you sleep.

Bed bugs were once reported as having disappeared from public notice in the United States. However, since the 1990’s, these pests have made a comeback. The cause is unknown, but it is said to have been the result of the increase in international travel.

Where Are They Found?

Bed bugs are travelers; they may enter your homes or offices through bags, luggage, clothes, or other items. Once they get to your house, they tend to hide on mattresses, bed frames, box springs, and headboards. This makes you vulnerable to them as they have easy access to you as you sleep.

Signs That You Have Company

If you wake up in the morning feeling itchy on areas that were not itchy the night before, you may have been bitten by bed bugs.  You may also notice fecal stains, eggs, or blood stains on your sheets or pillow cases. It is also said that bed bugs smell like “rotting raspberries.”

Getting Rid Of The Bed Bugs

Clean your linen, beddings, and clothing in hot water then dry them on the highest dryer setting. High temperatures help kill off the pests. Vacuuming your bed can also work, but be sure to dispose of the vacuum right after use. If you have a spare bedding, enclose it in a plastic bag to protect them from bed bugs. If you have cracks in your wall, repair them. These are some of the favorite hiding places of bed bugs.

Get The Professionals

Go-Forth Home Services Company provides the best bed bug extermination services in Wilmington. They have bed bug experts that are professionally trained to eliminate bed bugs both in your homes and in commercial spaces. They look for these bed bugs not just in your beds, but also in other hiding places that they are known to dwell. Go-Forth also uses industry-leading extermination techniques so you are assured of a worry-free, bed bug free home or office.

Go-Forth has been around the industry since 1959. That is 59 years of solid experience eliminating pests found in homes and in commercial spaces. People from Wilmington have learned to trust them because of the excellent quality of service they provide.

Just dial (877) 274-1475 to set an appointment. Our friendly operators are standing by.