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Flea Control Company Near Hickory NC

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Do you want to get a ringside seat to arguably the greatest show on earth? One wherein a good time is guaranteed for all. There are jugglers, belly dancers, and tightrope walkers. If you say yes, then step right up into the flea circus!

Before you pay your hard-earned money to watch Ali Baba and the Forty Fleas who happen to be in town, know that these talented performers are man-eaters. They suck your blood as well as your pets’.


Fleas are tiny, dark brown insects that are usually found in the dog’s coats and skin.  They have long claws in all of their six legs, and their bodies are narrow. They appear to fly, but they don’t. What they do is jump. They can jump up to 150 times their length. On average, fleas can live for two to three months.  Without a host to provide a blood meal, though, they can only live for a few days. They not only feed on animal blood but also on human blood.  

Fleas lay eggs in your garden or on your carpet and furniture. These eggs can remain dormant until they find a host. Outdoors, like to stay in shady, protected areas, basically the places where your dog likes to stay.  

Control & Prevention

The flea circus has long been extinct, not because there are not enough people who are interested in watching them; it is because there are not enough performers who can entertain us nightly. As hygiene methods improved, the flea circus started to disappear.

We can learn a lot from the history of the flea circus. Try to adopt flea-controlling measures like vacuuming your carpet two to three times a week to remove the eggs. Wash your pet’s blankets regularly. You can spray insecticides in your house and outdoors too. Bath your pet too using soap, hot water, and flea shampoo. Check with your veterinarian for advice, since each pet has a different need, and a vet can properly assess your dog.

It is also important to note that killing the fleas is not enough; there are still eggs on your carpet, your floor, and your sofa. In all the places your pet goes to, those areas should be vacuumed and cleaned.

If all else fails, and you are in Hickory, then there is a Go-Forth Home Services Company to take care of your needs. These guys only use state-of-the-art pest extermination equipment and the latest and safest pest control methods.  

Why Go-Forth?

So who is Go-Forth Home Services and why should we trust them?  It is a family-owned, locally-operated extermination company that understands pest control since it has been around for 59 years now. Then they have highly skilled and well-trained professionals. They have excellent experience not only in flea control but also with many other pest problems like ants, cockroaches, rodents, bed bugs, mosquitoes, etc. The company has a special team of technicians who can evaluate your homes or offices on what type of service is just right for you.  

So just pick up that phone now and let their team of professionals at Go-Forth Home Services take care of your flea problems. Call as soon as possible. You would not want the fleas to spread throughout your household.