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Termite Control Company Near Columbia, SC

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If you—like million other homes—are having problems with termites and you are from Columbia, then you want the best termite control company to service your needs. Termites, if not checked early, can certainly destroy your most precious investment: your home.

Go-Forth Home Services can service your pest control needs. They have been doing this since 1959, so you are assured of a highly experienced, highly skilled team to assist you. We can help you get rid of mosquitoes, flies, spiders, moths, fleas, and of course, termites. We guarantee your satisfaction, and you can even check social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and many others and you can see the positive reviews from satisfied customers.

So, unless you love to keep those termites in your homes as pets, you can call us to get rid of them as pests. Termites may be small, but they have caused billions of dollars in damages each year in the United States alone. Primarily, they feed on wood for food, but they also feed on your important papers, boxes, your favorite books, and insulation. All termites consume cellulose-based plant materials, which is the reason why all our homes and buildings are sitting ducks to these termites; all homes can provide cellulose food for them. It is also important to note that, termites are a big consideration when buying or selling a home. A buyer would normally have your house inspected for termites. If found to be infested, a sale will not be closed.

Types Of Termites

In the United States, there are three major types of termites: the subterranean, drywood, and dampwood termites.

Termite Diet

No, this is not another diet fad. Termites are detritivores, they eat dead wood and plants. They also eat mulch, stumps, and roots. There are times that they also eat living trees. Other things they eat are carpets, cardboard, fabric, and animal feces.

How To Prevent Termite Infestation

The obvious way to prevent termite infestation is to remove their food source. Avoid wood to soil contact; remove wood piles and keep them away from the house’s foundation; do not build wooden structures near the foundation or crawl space; get rid of debris near the house; minimize plant materials.

You should also eliminate moisture problems by repairing leaking faucets, water pipes, and air conditioning units. Keep gutters clean, get rid of stagnant water on the roof.

However, once infested, there is nothing much you can do. It is not advisable to do it yourself as termite termination requires special skills. That is where the professionals come in. You can get help from Go-Forth Home Services, perhaps the best in pest control in Columbia. They only use state-of-the-art extermination equipment and the latest and safest pest control methods.

They have established their presence in Columbia and have worked closely with several homeowners as well as business owners in eliminating pests within the area. Just dial (877) 274-1475 to set an appointment.