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Why Not Melt Your Stress Away With These Indoor Plants


If you live in a concrete jungle as I do, you most probably miss seeing green spaces where you can breathe in the fresh air and feel the soft wind touch your skin. Instead, we are mostly surrounded by high-rise buildings that do not look relaxing at all.

If you are like most city-dwellers who do not have the luxury of having a garden right where you live, do not fret. You can still create your own green space right in your living room. Why not add indoor plants?

The benefits of indoor plants are hard to quantify. It adds beauty to your living room; lowers your stress levels; has a soothing and calming effect; and definitely lifts the spirits. Some of these plants even can absorb toxic chemicals in the air, like toluene and benzene.

It would be really nice to come home to a place that has an aesthetically pleasing space filled with green indoor plants after a long, hard day’s work. Do not worry, they are easy to grow and require little maintenance. Here are some indoor plants you can bring in.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a favorite among homeowners because not only is it pretty, it also grows easily both indoors and outdoors. This type of plant does not need much watering due to the fact that its thick, fleshy leaves store water.

Aloe vera releases oxygen even in the evenings, so it would be nice to have them in your bedroom too so that you get fresh air while you sleep.

The aloe vera plant is about one foot to two feet tall. It has leaves that are bitter and prickly, which is its defense against plant pests. These leaves also contain a gooey, bitter gel. This gel is known for its healing properties. This gel contains 18 amino acids that are found in the body as well as Vitamins A, B, C, and E. Aloe vera is also beneficial to the skin and hair, and even for weight loss.

Areca Palm

This is widely used for bright interiors. It is also known for its other names like Butterfly palm, Golden cane palm, or Bamboo palm. It is also one of the best air purifiers among all indoor plants. It has feathery, arching fronds, with 100 leaflets each.

These plants are usually bought as small, tabletop plants because purchasing a fully grown one can be expensive. This grows around 6 to 10 inches yearly until it reaches its maximum height of 6 to 7 feet. The good thing about areca palm is that it can withstand trimming without serious harm, thus making it possible for the plant to remain indoors for its entire lifespan of ten years. A key factor in caring for areca palm is giving it enough light. They need bright, indirect light. Water them enough so that the soil will be slightly moist during spring and summer. During fall and winter, allow the soil to dry a bit in between watering. To give the plant all the nutrients it needs for the entire season, fertilize it with time-release fertilizer during the spring. 

Cooking indoors and generating heat release air pollution indoors. Petroleum products, paint, nail polish, and cleansers release toxic gases like acetone and xylene into the air. Having areca palm helps purify the air and absorb the pollutants. The best place to put it is near the window so it can get the right amount of sunlight.

Money Plant, or Pothos

The money plant, or pothos, is the “beginner’s plant”. The money plant is the least demanding, so they say because it can grow in a wide variety of environments.

Money plants can be cultivated and grown indoors easily from stem cuttings in water, in a pot or soil. You can grow them vertically either upward or downward. Or you can grow them horizontally along the boundary wall. This plant is very popular with feng shui believers. They believe that it attracts positive energy, wealth, and prosperity. These plants are also effective in reducing indoor air pollutants like carbon monoxide, benzene, and formaldehyde. At night, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Money plants can grow up to 20 meters high and do not require extensive care. It can be grown either indoors or outdoors without special care, and you can plant it any season at any time you wish.

If you are wondering about what fertilizer to use, money plants do not really require any. You can give liquid nitrate-based feed occasionally for a healthier money plant.

Snake Plant

Its name does not really inspire confidence, but it really is a nice indoor plant to have. It is also known as Sansevieria.

People are attracted to it because of its foliage, which is shaped like a sword. It really makes a nice focal point in any room. It is also great for the bedroom because it releases oxygen at night. It is also a very good indoor air purifier. Snake plants remove toxins like benzene and formaldehyde.

Snake plants are also very hardy plants. You can place it somewhere in your house and forget about it for weeks. Despite the neglect, it would still look fresh and healthy. They can also survive low light levels. Insect problems are no problem for the snake plant as well.  

If you are a busy person, snake plants are perfect for you. They are loyal plants; they actually reward your neglect by giving you cleaner air and beautifying your surroundings.

Like All Plants, House Plants Can Be Attacked by Pests Too

You have to watch out for these pests because just like outdoor plants, indoor plants can also be attacked by pests. These indoor pests can be just as dangerous as their outdoor counterparts, except that indoor pests have the benefit of having a more ideal environment. For one, they have fewer predators to worry about, resulting in them multiplying faster.

Here are some of the indoor plant pests you should look out for.


These common indoor and outdoor pests have around 4,000 species throughout the world. They look like miniature pears since they are just ⅛ inch long. They have very long antennae attached to their heads and spiked tubes protruding from their back. They have soft bodies and may come in different colors like green, yellow, brown, red, or black. Aphids do not have wings generally, but some may grow wings if their population becomes too high. They have sucking mouthparts, which they use to suck the juices from the plants. Heavy infestation of aphids results to curling of the leaves or wilting, and in addition, stunted growth. Several aphid species can also transmit diseases to plants. They also cause a decline in the overall plant vigor.


Adult mealybugs are 1/10 to ¼ inches long. They have soft bodies, wingless, and appear as a cotton-like mass on the leaves, stems, and fruits of the plant. They are very common greenhouse pests that affect houseplants. There are about 250 species of mealybugs in the United States. Adult female mealybugs lay 300 to 600 eggs, and they lay these on the underside of leaves.


Whiteflies ‘ size is about 1/12 of an inch.  They have soft bodies and wings attached to their bodies. Active during the day, they can be found in clusters under the leaves of plants. They thrive on the sap or plant juices. When the whiteflies feed on the sap, the plant weakens and will not be able to perform photosynthesis. The leaves of the plants would wilt, resulting in the plant’s death.

Fungus Gnat

Fungus gnats are another one of the most common indoor plant pests we should worry about. They are a ⅛ inch in size, greyish black, long legs, and a pair of clear wings. Plants that are affected by fungus gnats suddenly wilt, lose vigor, and turn yellowish.

If your home has pest problems and you need help, call the best pest control experts in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.

Go-Forth Is Simply the Best

Go-Forth Home Services is a family-owned commercial service solutions provider of modern pest control services and techniques, using the latest and most advanced technology in the business, making our service to you more efficient, safer, and more convenient. We have a team of expert professionals who can provide the best pest control services to residents and business establishments all throughout North and South Carolina.

We bring in a new and fresh approach to the pest control industry, using family-friendly and pet-friendly methods of extermination that cater to your specific needs. Our expert experience in exterminating pests like cockroaches, wasps, weevils, mosquitoes, mice, flies, termites, ants, and spiders can really make you say goodbye to these pests in your home. You may check us on Facebook or Google us to see what our satisfied customers have to say about us.

Go-Forth Home Services has earned the trust of residents and businesses in North Carolina for more than 50 years. For more information, or to set an appointment, just contact us. Our friendly operators are standing by.
