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Why Do Flying Pests Infest Your Home?

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We all occasionally have to go through one of the toughest phases of our lives as homeowners: pests. They all come in different shapes and sizes, different colors, and of course, different behaviors. Some are merely a nuisance. Take for example the moths. They do not harm humans at all, but their presence alone gives us enough headaches to last a lifetime. Well, maybe not a lifetime, but you get it. Other examples of nuisance pests are weevils, silverfish, and centipedes.

Then there are disease-carrying pests. These include cockroaches, mosquitoes, mice, and flies. Due to the danger they pose, getting rid of them is very important and should be done as soon as possible.

The worst thing is if these pests not only crawl but fly. It is bad enough that they are present in our homes, let alone fly around freely to bug us.

Our homes are where we should all feel safe it is where we retreat to after a long and stressful day at work. Coming home to these pests certainly is not our idea of a retreat. But what attracts these pests in our homes? In particular, what is it that attracts flying pests?

Before we go into that, let us identify the flying pests we usually encounter in our homes.

Lists Of Indoor Flying Pests


The mosquitoes should always top off any list of flying pests that we ought to get rid off. Why? Mosquitoes are identified as the deadliest creatures on the planet, and that is a fact. They have caused more deaths in history than all the wars combined. Come to think of it, we all have taken great measures to keep our homes safe and secure for our families, not knowing that danger had already infiltrated it with the presence of the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes suck blood from human and animal hosts, and in this way they transmit diseases.

Aside from mosquito bites which are itchy and at times painful, they also are capable of transmitting diseases. Among the diseases, they spread are dengue fever, malaria, West Nile fever, yellow fever, encephalitis, and many others. Female adult mosquitoes breed in standing water. The females are also the ones who suck blood. The reason for this is that only the female mosquitoes have the necessary mouthparts to suck blood. Their moths have two tubes; one is for secreting enzymes that prevent blood from clotting so that they can easily suck blood, and the other tube is for sucking the blood.  

To get rid of mosquitoes, make sure there is no stagnant water around your home. You can do this by removing all items that can hold water; items like old tires, old cans, old gutters, abandoned birdbaths, and old water containers. You may also avoid mosquito bites indoor or outdoors by wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long pants. This would lessen the exposed skin in which the mosquitoes can bite on. You may also use insect repellent that has the active ingredient DEET to for added protection.

House Flies

Like the mosquitoes, house flies are major disease carriers. They are matched only by cockroaches when it comes to being filthy. They thrive on the dirt and are not choosy on what to eat. They feed on anything and crawl on anything. They eat garbage, rotten food, decomposing animals, feces, and all kinds of trash. Then they get into our homes and crawl on our food. Bacteria and viruses attach to their legs which they then spread when they crawl on fresh food. The bacteria and viruses they carry can cause diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and food poisoning.

Pantry Moths

Pantry Moths. Meal Moths. Indian meal moths. A moth by any other name is still the same pest that is so bothersome when inside our homes. In fact, they are reputed to be the most bothersome pests in our pantry. They attack our dry food like cereals, grains, rice, pasta, sugar flour, and even pet food. They can chew their way into the boxes and cardboards that hold dry food.

Pantry moths get in your homes through packaged food bought from the store. That is why before purchasing dry food, inspect first for any signs of pantry moth infestation. Adult meal moths lay eggs near dry food, and the female moths can lay as much as 300 eggs at a time. The size of these eggs can be anywhere between .3 and .5 mm. Within two weeks, larvae begin to hatch and they start feeding on whatever dry food that is near them. The larvae can spin cocoons. After that, larvae become pupae, and after 30 days the adult meal moth emerges.

Clothes Moths

Clothes moths, on the other hand, attack clothes. They find the fibers that come from animals like wool, fur, and feather to be very tasty. They actually prefer clothes that are damp and dirty, or has not been used for a while.  

Clothes moths are nuisance pests since they do so much damage economically. With the clothes moths attacking, you might find your clothes with holes in them. They hide in undisturbed places like under your sofas and cabinets.


Cockroaches are most of the time crawlers and not really considered flying pests, but they do have wings and actually fly from time to time and that makes them all the more terrifying.  

Cockroaches are considered major disease carriers. They thrive on the dirt and carry around bacteria and viruses. This is because of their feeding habits and behaviors; they like to live in dirty places for some reason. Like the flies, they eat anything. They feed on rotting food, garbage, human and animal excrement, and even their own kind. 

Some of the diseases they spread are salmonella, cholera, diarrhea, allergies, typhoid, and food poisoning. They are able to contaminate our food by their droppings, vomit, droppings, or saliva. They can also contaminate food just by simply crawling on them. Food surfaces and kitchen utensils can also be contaminated.

Getting rid of them is of utmost importance because of their disease-carrying capabilities. However, it is not always easy to kill cockroaches. They can even survive for a month without food and a week without water. They can also live for a week with its head cut off. You read it right. They do not need their heads and obviously, they do not need brains to live. They can breathe through the tiny holes found all over their bodies. The only reason they die after a week is that they could not drink water without the head.  

Why Are Flying Insects Inside Our Homes?

No matter how hard we try to avoid having pests in our house, they somehow seem to appear, disappear, then reappear anytime they want. Somehow, we must be doing something wrong to deserve this.

The biggest factor in attracting flying pests in our homes is hygiene. Flies and cockroaches favor dirty places. Food that is out in the open and uncovered or unsealed are their first targets. Food crumbs and drink spills are their favorites too. Trash bins should also be covered. This attracts pests too. Same with dirty dishes that are left overnight.

Pests are attracted to humid areas as well. Moths, termites, and cockroaches are fond of this. They hide under the sink, in the basement, in the bathroom, and under the furniture. Leaky pipes and faucets are the usual culprits.

If your house has standing water somewhere, then that would definitely attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love to breed in standing water. If you have old items that can hold water for a week at least, get rid of these items.  

Search around your homes for cracks, holes, and crevices. If you have flying pests in your home, they probably entered through these openings. Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible too.

Keep in mind that these flying pests are there in your house for one major reason, to be near a steady supply of food. Store food in sealed containers.

If you already have any one of these pests infesting your home, you may want to call in the services of the best pest control management in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.  

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

Say goodbye to your pest problems with Go-Forth Home Services. Go-Forth is a family-owned company with excellent experience in the extermination of pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, moths, mice, spiders, weevils, and silverfish. The company has a team of expert technicians who are highly skilled, well trained and extremely professional. They use only the latest and most advanced equipment in the business. As for their methods, you do not have to worry because they use family friendly and pet-friendly methods, so you know you and your family are safe.

For these reasons, residents consider Go-Forth Home Services as the best in pest control management in all of North Carolina. To set an appointment, just click here or dial (877) 274-1475. Our friendly operators are standing by.