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Treat Millipedes - Goodbye Pests

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Too much of something is never a good thing. We all know that saying. Millipedes are useful to the ecology. They help bring balance by controlling pests. At the same time, they are not harmful to humans and do not transmit diseases, like rodents or cockroaches. They have their own food source much different from ours so they leave our food alone. However, if you have too many of them in your homes they become nuisance pests.  After all, it is hard to imagine sharing your homes with these millipedes.

There are a thousand species out of 15,000 in the United States. They are brown in color with segmented body parts; two pairs of legs per segment. Their size is a 1/16th inch long up to 12 inches. The name millipede is actually a misnomer as they do not have 1,000 legs. Most millipedes have legs that number to less than a hundred. They also have predators, and they do not run away from them because they move very slowly. They just coil their bodies to protect their underbellies.

Some millipedes protect themselves is through emitting certain chemicals. They have ozopores that emit foul -smelling and bad tasting compounds that deter predators from eating them. Some millipedes produce chemicals that can burn skin.

Millipede Habitat

Millipedes prefer to live on leaf litter, dead wood, or soil. They like to live in humid conditions and are typically forest floor dwellers. During the colder months, millipedes tend to migrate to warmer places, that is how they find our homes. When inside our homes, they usually inhabit basements and front porches.

How Did We Get These Millipedes?

The colder months see them move in search of humid places, and our homes bring them such comfort. Migration into buildings and houses occur in the summer and winter too.

Control And Prevention

If you do not want millipedes in your homes, here are a few tips to avoid millipede infestation:  

  • Use natural methods - You can use Diatomaceous earth. Place it around the entry points of your home and around its foundations.  When crawled on, millipedes get hundreds of tiny cuts, killing them later on. You can buy Diatomaceous earth from a local gardening store.
  • Use a broom -  If you do not like the idea of having dead millipedes in your house, use a broom and dustpan. If you see millipedes crawling around, simply use your broom and sweep them off the floor. Use a dustpan to discard them outside.
  • Control moisture - Millipedes survive only in a high moisture environment. Control moisture in your homes. Fix leaking faucets and pipes.
  • Keep debris away from your home - Remove leaves, grass, mulch, stones, boxes and other similar items which they can use as hiding places.  
  • Seal cracks and opening - Remove all entry points by sealing off cracks and openings.

 You may also need to call in the experts if the millipede infestation has become too large to handle.Go-Forth Home Services Company has a team of highly skilled experts who can get the job done.  To set an appointment, just dial (877) 274-1475.