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How To Kill And Get Rid Of Drywood Termites


Everybody may have some sort of idea that termites are terrible. Most people simply know that termites can damage homes, but can be exterminated by getting the services of exterminators. Not everyone knows, though, that termites can totally demolish homes if left unchecked. In fact, termites cause billions of dollars in structural damages in the United States alone, and millions more trying to treat them.

The “Silent Destroyers”

What makes the termites such difficult pests is that they manage to destroy our homes without us knowing about it. They just work or eat quietly behind the scenes; actually, behind the wood to be more accurate. Termites have this terrible habit of eating just the middle part of the wood, preferring not to eat the outer casing.

In the United States, we can find around 40 species of termites. Worldwide, there are at least 2,000 species of termites. Looking at them, they do not seem to amount to much. After all, how can an insect so tiny can destroy an entire building. They measure just about ¼ to ½ inches in length. They have straight bodies and short antennae. Their colors can be from light to brown. But since termites can number up to millions even, they can easily eat up all the wood in our homes.

What Are The Types Of Termites?

Treatment of termites depends on the kind of termites you have in your home. Even though they are all grouped together as termites, they each have different behaviors and preferences, just like how humans have different cultures. In the United States, there are four very common types of termites, namely the dry wood, damp wood, subterranean, and Formosan termites.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites nests in wood, not in the soil like many other species. They infest dry, firm wood like lumber, utility poles, fences, decks, furniture, and dead limbs on trees. Their nests are located mostly above ground. Drywood termites eat wood by cutting across its grain, leaving a chamber-like pattern. Some of these chambers are filled with fecal pellets. The dry wood termites then often expel these fecal pellets outside through small openings. This is very important, as it gives out a clue that dry wood termites are already present under the wood’s casing.

Drywood termites’ colonies are very small compared with the colonies of other termites. They have large mandibles with teeth. Flying drywood termites are the most visible. They have two sets of wings and are 12 mm long. They get into our homes when they spot exposed wood.

Once spotted, immediate treatment is very important since they can certainly do so much damage to the structure.

Checking For Drywood Termites

You may check for the presence of drywood termites yourself. All you need is a flashlight and a screwdriver for probing. You may also need a pair of gloves.

Always check for holes on wood, hollow sounds from the wood when tapped, damaged wood, fecal pellets, piles of discarded wings, and sightings of the termites itself.

Whole-Structure Treatment Of Drywood Termites

Once infested by drywood termites, DIY’s are no longer advised. It would take pest extermination professional to get rid of them.

The pros have two way to get rid of them. One is by whole structure treatment. This kind of treatment involves the treatment of all infestations, whether hidden or not hidden, be it easy to access or those hard to access areas inside a house or building. Fumigation using sulfuryl fluoride is an effective way of treatment. It can kill the termites after several days, as long as it has been used effectively. As far as fumigation goes, there is the monitored and non-monitored fumigation. Monitored fumigation has the highest rate of success. It involves setting up of gas monitoring lines inside the house or building. Non-monitored fumigation does not do this, so not enough gas concentration is produced, which in turn lowers the success rate. All living occupants of the structure must vacate the area since the gas will be too toxic. It is advisable that they stay away for several days until the professional exterminator deems it safe to go back.

Another way of treating the structure that is classified as whole-structure treatment is the use of heat. Exterminators heat the wood to a minimum of 120 degrees F. This temperature will be held for at least 33 minutes. Its advantage is that this is non-chemical, thus there is no longer the need to vacate the house or building for several days; it would only take hours.

Localized Or Spot Treatment

Localized treatment is done by treating the house part by part. This treatment must be performed by a licensed professional. As with whole-structure treatment, there are chemical and non-chemical treatments. Non-chemical treatments also include heat. They can also use a microwave device. Microwave kills the termites as they cannot stand the heat emitted by the microwave. Then there is the electrocution method. A device is used that emits high voltage. The termites are killed by electric shock.

Another option is to replace the wood itself. This will entail getting the approval of an architect or an engineer to ensure the safety and maintain the integrity of the structure. A building permit might also be required.

If you suspect that you have dry wood termites, then it is time to call the best pest control management in North Carolina. Residents and businesses all agree that the best one is Go-Forth Home Services.

Other Types Of Termites

Not to scare you, but there are many other types of termites that destroy wood. Another type is the subterranean termite. Unlike the dry wood termite, the subterranean termites build their nests in the soil. They are also the most troublesome and can destroy structures much faster. They have larger colonies than dry wood. They prefer to live in dark places. They also form mud tubes that go all the way from the soil to the structure. Their large teeth are capable of biting through the wood, paper, books, and other cellulose-based items.

Control of subterranean termites is much different from dry wood termites. Heat, microwave, and electrocution may not work. Primary control is through insecticides. This could be applied to the soil near the structure, directly to the nests, or through baits.

The third type of termite is the Formosan termite. These termites are very aggressive and can destroy structures faster than any termite. This is because, in their colonies, the queens can produce up to a million termites.

Dampwood is the opposite of the dry wood, as they like moisture. The like wood that is damaged by water.

Getting A Wood Destroying Insect Report

One of the most important things to remember when selling or buying a house is that it should be checked for the presence of termites. This is important as the sale may depend on it. The seller may not get the asking price he originally set, or worse, the sale may not even push through at all. As we now know, if a house has termites, it is most likely damaged already. If you are the buyer, you will exert due diligence before buying the house.

Buyers, therefore, should request a copy of Wood Destroying Insect Report. This report is processed by licensed professional pest experts. This only discloses to the buyer that the house may either have or do not have any termites or other wood destroying insects in it. With this report, the buyer may or may not decide to continue with the purchase, and how to best deal with it in the future. This report, however, will not tell you what to do. Sellers of the house usually have their houses checked in order for them to obtain this report.

DIY Is Never Advisable For Treating Termites. Get A Pro.

Pest control experts undergo special training when conducting pest extermination. This is because using insecticides are very harmful when handled incorrectly. If these insecticides were placed incorrectly where it is not supposed to, it can cause insecticide contamination of heating ducts or plumbing used for water. This is why it is never advisable to do the extermination on your own.

Call The Best Pest Control Management In North Carolina

People only trust the best pest control management in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.

Go-Forth is a family owned company with excellent experience in terminating pests like termites, mosquitoes, mice, cockroaches, ants, weevils, spiders, moths, and bed bugs. They have highly skilled, well trained, and very professional technicians who utilize the only state of the art equipment - the most advanced in the business.

Their team of experts only use family friendly and pet-friendly methods of extermination, so you are assured of the safety of your family.

Go-Forth Home Services has earned the trust of residents and business establishment in North Carolina for more than 50 years. You may Google us, or check us on Facebook to see what our satisfied customers have to say about us.