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Here Are Plants You Can Grow To Repel Mosquitoes

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"The love you take is equal to the love you make.'' 

The Beatles once told us that. 

And that line could not be apter than in the case of Mother Nature herself. Mother Nature is such a demanding mom. Everything needs to be balanced. Abuse her, and she will get back, usually with disastrous consequences. But if she is taken care of,  she will give her bountiful blessings, as she has done for millions of years. Mother Nature has also produced some of the most terrifying creatures. Creatures that are out to kill humans. Yet it also has in its arsenal a myriad of remedies that are at our disposal.  Mother Nature destroys, but it protects as well.

One such deadly creature is the mosquito. Well, it is actually considered the deadliest creature on the planet. This tiny creature that looks lightweight is responsible for millions of deaths around the world. More than that, they have caused more deaths than all the wars in history combined. No man-made killing machine has come close to that.  How did they get so dangerous, given that they are so small and fragile? Mosquitoes transmit several diseases that are life-threatening.  

But worry not! 

You may ask, can we just simply ignore mosquitoes? 

Mother Nature has her own way of balancing things out. She has provided something for us that can check the spread of mosquitoes. She has sent quite a number of animals to prey on mosquitoes. Some other insects, birds, and reptiles relish mosquitoes. 

And of course, something as common as house and garden plants help repels them too. In this article, we will help you decide which plants to grow in order for you to repel mosquitoes. They are guaranteed beautiful and will protect your family from diseases that mosquitoes can cause. 

Description Of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are tiny insects, only about .125 to .75 inch in length and weigh .000088 ounces. They are classified as invertebrates and with the Scientific name Culicidae.  There are as many as 3,000 identified species of mosquitoes, but only three of them are known to transmit diseases.

Looking at them, they do not seem to amount to much. Mosquitoes have slim, jointed bodies; a pair of wings each, with six legs, prolonged mouthparts, and antennae attached to their heads. They are one of the slowest and clumsiest flying insects, they fly at a speed of only 1.5 miles per hour. They are so lightweight that using an electric fan will disturb their flight pattern. That is why an electric fan is actually a good mosquito repellent.

Only the females have the necessary mouthparts that can suck blood. Their mouths have two tubes: one is for injecting enzymes that would prevent blood clotting, and the other is for sucking blood.  The male mosquitoes can only feed on nectar. Both females and males actually feed on nectar; the females only needing to feed on blood so that they can fertilize their eggs. 

Mosquitoes have poor eyesight. They rely on the carbon dioxide emitted by humans or animals to find them. They also use scent to detect a host.

Mosquitoes can lay 100 to 300 eggs at a time and can do so all throughout their lifetime. Global warming may likely even increase their population. They are three types of mosquitoes: Culex mosquitoes, which carry filariasis, West Nile virus, and encephalitis; Anopheles mosquitoes which carry malaria; and Aedes, which carry yellow fever, dengue fever, and encephalitis. The mosquitoes undergo a complete metamorphosis all their lives. They start from the egg stage, then to larvae, pupae, then finally the adult stage. Female mosquitoes breed in the stagnant water surface, where they lay their eggs too. The lifespan of mosquitoes can be as long as 5 to 6 months. 

The Dangers Of Mosquitoes 

Mosquitoes are not like spiders that you can just peacefully coexist with. Unlike spiders, who would keep to themselves without disturbing humans, mosquitoes are very invasive. 

These insects are mass murderers. They are known to transmit deadly diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, encephalitis, elephantiasis, West Nile fever, and Haverhill fever. Some people simply exhibit allergic reactions to their bites.

Mosquito-Repelling Plants

These plants are a thing of beauty and a must-have if you want a fresh and natural-looking home. Try to make use of them, so you will experience their benefits.

Mother Nature sure has her own way of balancing things out.  When she sends out mass murderers, she makes sure she also produces something that will protect her.  According to mosquito control professionals, in this case, it is these plants that can repel mosquitoes. 

1. Basil -Basil is not only used in the kitchen, but it also repels mosquitoes and houseflies as well. Experts recommend this as a better alternative to chemically made ones. To make a homemade repellent, you will need 4 ounces of boiling water, 4 ounces of basil leaves, and vodka. Pour boiling water into a container then put the fresh basil leaves. Let it steep for several hours. Remove the leaves then add 4 ounces of vodka. Store in the refrigerator. Put in a spray bottle and spray outdoors. 

Basil belongs to the mint, lavender, and sage family.  It also has some other health benefits. Basil helps control arthritis, manages stress, supports brain development, supports bone health, and manages epilepsy.  It is also filled with nutrients. And finally, it can be used as an ingredient for several recipes. It is delicious in salads, in pork and beef dishes, and soups.  

2. Catnip- Catnips are aromatic herbs that are native to Central Europe but are commonly used in the United States too. They are easy to grow. It may grow from seeds or as outdoor plants in the spring or fall. Catnips contain the chemical nepetalactone. This chemical is attractive to cats and at the same time repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies, deer ticks, and cockroaches. It contains many essential oils that can be used as homemade pesticides. It grows up to 1 meter and is dark green in color. It has oval-toothed leaves. Its leaves and shoots are used for flavoring soups, sauces, beverages, and other dishes. The leaves are also used as herbal tea. It has lots of health benefits, including being used as a cure for intestinal cramps, indigestion, diarrhea, common cold, and many other illnesses.  

3. Bee Balm- Like mint, bee balms have fragrant leaves that are attractive to humans but repel mosquitoes. To use as a mosquito repellent, simply crush the leaves to release the oils.

Bee balms are beautiful additions to your garden. They come in pink, red, or light purple.  

4. Lavender-Lavender can be used to repel pests like moths, fleas, flies, and of course, mosquitoes. Its scent is very pleasing for humans but not for these insects. Lavender thrives in sunny areas. Aside from that, lavender has so many health benefits too. These include stress removal, improves mood, promotes sleep, soothes stomach bloating, eliminates dandruff, and lowers skin irritation. In the kitchen, it is used in salad dressings, sauces, beverages, and teas. 

Lavender has essential oils that have powerful effects on the human body.  People love the scent of lavender but repel plenty of pests. Oils extracted from lavender can be used as a mosquito repellent, just simply apply on the skin. 

5. Mint- Known as a mouth freshener as well as an ingredient to several dishes, mint is a popular herb.  It is used for cooking, either in its fresh or dried form. It also has plenty of health benefits.

Mint can also help repel mosquitoes.  Mint can be placed in the garden to keep it mosquito-free. It also has aromatic oils and can be used in combination with apple cider and vodka to make a mosquito repellent.

When growing mint, do so in a pot because it spreads rapidly when on the ground. 

6. Garlic- Many people love garlic in their meals. But aside from being a great ingredient to several dishes, garlic is also a very good mosquito repellent.   Cut up the cloves of garlic to make it an effective mosquito repellent. Sprinkle the cut garlic around the yard or mix it with other essential oils to make a really good mosquito repellent spray. 

7. Rosemary- is an herb known for its fragrant scent. It is usually green in color. It is used for cooking, for making perfume, and for repelling mosquitoes and many other insects that are harmful to plants.  It is available in various forms. These plants can be enjoyed for up to 2 years, then it dies.

Rosemary can be used as a repellent by boiling 1 quart of rosemary in a quart of water for 30 minutes. Transfer the liquid into a half a gallon-sized container that has a quart of cool water. Use a strainer when doing this. Store in a refrigerator.

Amazing, is it not? Now you have plants that beautify your surroundings, and they are mosquito repellents too.

However, if your mosquito problems have become too much to handle, you can always count on the pest control office near me for mosquitoes, the Go-Forth Home Services.

Go-Forth Home Services has been serving the people of North Carolina for 60 years, making them the name to trust.