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12 Beautiful Plants That Can Repel Mosquitoes


They are at it again! The world’s greatest mass murderers are active all throughout the world, and nothing can seem to stop them at this point. They are monsters, as they have been through most of the history of mankind. With billions of deaths already under their account, who can say they are not the most dangerous creatures on the planet. So, what can stop them? The answer to this might be as simple as finding them in your backyard: plants. Yes, there are plants that can repel mosquitoes. 

Mosquitoes are considered the most dangerous creatures on the planet.  They have caused more deaths than all the wars in history combined. Scores of soldiers who died in the 2 World Wars died not because of bullets, but because of mosquito bites.  Millions continue to die all over the world annually. This is because mosquitoes transmit several deadly diseases, like malaria, dengue fever, West Nile fever, Zika virus, and more.  That is why you would want to have these insects as far away from you and your family as possible. Aside from applying chemicals that can repel mosquitoes, do you know that you can harness the power of Mother Nature to protect you from these mass murderers? 

Mosquitoes are odor sensitive. Since they have poor vision, they make up for this through scent detection. They home in on their next hosts via their scents. Fortunately, there are plants that give off scents that mosquitoes hate. This makes them look to other places to find their next blood meal.  

Why Not Grow These Mosquito-Repelling Plants?

These plants can help you turn these mosquitoes away for a happier, healthier you.  


Aside from being a great ingredient for several dishes, garlic is also a very good mosquito repellent.  Cut up the cloves of the garlic to release the repellent properties. Sprinkle the cut garlic around the yard or mix it with other essential oils to make a potent insect repellent spray. 


Many components of eucalyptus are as effective as DEET, the active ingredient they put in mosquito repellents. The strong scent released by eucalyptus disorients mosquitoes and make it hard for them to find you. Eucalyptus can also be used as an antiseptic.   


These are aromatic herbs that are native to Central Europe but can also be found in the United States. Catnips contains the chemical nepetalactone, which is attractive to cats but is said to repel not only mosquitoes, but also flies, deer ticks, and cockroaches. It grows around 1 meter and is dark green in color. It has oval-toothed leaves. Its leaves and shoots are used for flavoring soups, sauces, beverages, and other dishes. The leaves are also used as herbal tea. Catnips were also used as a cure for intestinal cramps, indigestion, diarrhea, common cold, and many other illnesses.  

Catnips contain essential oils that can be used as homemade pesticides. They are easy to grow. It may grow from seeds or as outdoor plants in the spring or fall.


Basil repels mosquitoes and house flies. It can also be used to make homemade insect repellent, which is much better than chemically made ones. You will need water, basil leaves, and vodka. Just pour 4 ounces of boiling water in a container then put 4 ounces of fresh basil leaves. Let it stay there for several hours.Remove the leaves then add 4 ounces of vodka. Store in the refrigerator. Put in a spray bottle and spray outdoors. 

Basil belongs to the mint, lavender, and sage family.  Aside from repelling mosquitoes, it also has health benefits. Its health benefits include controlling arthritis, managing stress supports brain development, supports bone health, and manages epilepsy.  It is also packed full of nutrients. And finally, it can be used as an ingredient for several recipes. It is delicious in salads, in pork and beef dishes, and soups. 


Rosemary is a green herb known for its fragrant scent. It is used for cooking, for making perfume, and for repelling mosquitoes and many other insects that are harmful to plants.  It is available in various forms. Its lifespan is 2 years.

Rosemary can be used as a repellent by boiling 1 quart of rosemary in a quart of water for 30 minutes. Transfer the liquid into a container half a gallon in size containing a quart of cool water. Use a strainer when doing this. Store in a refrigerator. 

Lemon thyme

Lemon thymes are tiny, aromatic, and flavorful plants. It smells and tastes like lemon, making it great in the kitchen. It is a perennial type of plant. It can be used in repelling mosquitoes too. It can grow 12 inches tall. This herb can thrive in rocky, shallow soil and can live on an herb garden or rock garden as long as there is enough sunlight. For it to be able to repel mosquitoes, you will have to bruise the leaves so that it can release chemicals. Just simply cut off the stems and rub them between your hands.  


Mint repels mosquitoes. Known as a mouth freshener as well as an ingredient to several dishes, it is quite a popular herb. It is used for cooking, either in its fresh or dried form. It also has plenty of health benefits.

When growing mint, do so in a pot because it spreads rapidly when on the ground. 

Mint can be placed in the garden to keep it mosquito-free. It also has aromatic oils and can be used in combination with apple cider and vodka to make a mosquito repellent.


Lavender helps repel pests like moths, fleas, flies, and of course, mosquitoes. It has a scent that is very pleasing for humans. Aside from that, lavender has so many health benefits too. Health benefits include its ability to relieve stress, improves mood, promote sleep, soothe stomach bloating, eliminates dandruff, and lowers skin irritation. For food, it is used in salad dressings, sauces, beverages, and teas.  

Lavender has essential oils that have powerful effects on the human body. People love the scent of lavender but repel plenty of pests. Oils extracted from lavender can be used as a mosquito repellent, just simply apply to the skin. Lavender thrives in sunny areas. 


Lemongrass can help repel mosquitoes. Lemongrass can grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It can thrive in a pot or in the ground as long as the location has plenty of sunlight.

Usually, it is used as a flavoring to dishes, it is also used for fragrance as well. People use it for a wide variety of medical conditions too, though this needs to have further studies. Citronella can be extracted from lemongrass.  


Putting sage into a fire releases smoke that repels many pests, including mosquitoes.Sage belongs to the mint family. It emits a strong fragrance that mosquitoes do not like, and produces oils that can add flavor to several dishes. It grows well in full sunlight and in fast-draining soils.  

To make sage essential oil repellent, you will need sage essential oils, vegetable oil, and aloe vera. Put 25 drops of sage essential oil into a jar. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of aloe vera. Stir. You may rub this on your skin to repel mosquitoes


Clove is a natural insect repellent. Plant this in your yard to help keep mosquitoes away. Undiluted clove essential oil can also be put on your clothes to repel mosquitoes.  Do not apply directly to your body as it may irritate the skin.  

Bee balm

Bee balms have fragrant leaves that are attractive to humans but turns off the mosquitoes. To use as a mosquito repellent, simply crush the leaves to release the oils.

Bee balms are beautiful additions to your garden. They come in pink, red, or light purple.  

Mother Nature sure has her own way of balancing things out. When she sends out mass murderers, she makes sure she also produces something that will protect. In this case, it is the plants.  

Other Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Aside from these mosquito-repelling plants, there are some other ways to make sure you are mosquito-free at home. Here are some tips:

  1. In the bedroom, use a mosquito net as protection. Mosquitoes somehow find their way in the bedroom, where they detect humans through their scent.
  2. Electric fans can be used as protection. Mosquitoes are so lightweight, that strong winds from the fan can throw them off.
  3. When going outdoors, use mosquito repellents. Choose one that has the active ingredient DEET for added protection.
  4. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when going out.  
  5. Mosquitoes love standing water. Remove old materials outside the house that can hold water. Things like old cans, old tires, old gutters, water containers, abandoned birdbaths, and other similar items should be removed.  

If all these still manage to fail, then you may simply call the pest control service for mosquitoes in Burlington NC, Go-Forth Home Services. 

Go-Forth Home Services has been serving customers in North Carolina since 1959.