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Moths And Best Pest Control

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If you are reading this, you are most probably being bugged by these pesky flying insects called moths, and are looking for an exterminator for pests in North Carolina to deal with your moth infestation problems.  

But are moths really that troublesome? The answer to this is yes. These moths are considered among the most troublesome pests to have ever graced American households. When they are not a nuisance, they destroy our clothes, fabrics, carpets, wall insulation, and dried stored foods. It really depends on the type of moths you have in there. Some blow unsightly damages in the walls. Repainting oftentimes would be all for naught, because as long as you have moths inside the house, they will keep causing damage. Worst of all, their population has tripled in the last five years. Indeed we are under an onslaught of these pesky insects.  

Why The Increase In Numbers?

Moths have increased their number due to several factors. Among these is that people are reverting to natural fibers. This push for natural fibers for carpets and clothes is great for the environment but attracts clothes moths. 

Moths also thrive in warmer environments, and our winters are getting hotter each year due to climate change. We also like to keep our homes warm and comfy, which the moths find nice too.  Moths love to breed in warm homes with central heaters all throughout the year. We can say that these moths have exquisite tastes. 

An adult female moth can lay 100 eggs. The emergence of adults usually happens in April and May, then another batch will come out in August until parts of September.  Moths also could not get enough of museums, where temperatures are required to be constant.

One thing about moths is that they do not fly very far. It is highly unlikely that they enter into homes through open windows and doors; instead, they are probably introduced to the house through clothes, blankets, old rugs, and sweaters that have come from places like charity shops and maybe even garage sales. 

It is also possible that they may have lived inside the house quietly and without the homeowner noticing. Then when the time is right, when the temperature allows for it, their population explodes suddenly.

Description Of Moths

Moths are the relatives of the more illustrious butterflies. Both of them belong to the order Lepidoptera. Moths definitely outnumber their cousins with are around 160,000 species. Moth fossils that were found are said to have been 190 million years old. Not all of these species are here in the United States though, as there are only 11,000 of them here. These creatures of the night are the only group of insects that have scales on their wings. They have mouths that are called a proboscis, which they use to suck nectar. They also have wings and antennae. Their antennae are usually threadlike or feathery, which distinguishes them from the butterfly, which has club-tipped antennae. They are also attracted to light, for still unknown reasons. 

 Some moths are doomed to die early; they are those who are not blessed with mouths that they can use to feed. The luna moth is one example of this. Because of this, they only get to live just a few days as adults. They immediately die after mating. They live off the stored energy they got as caterpillars, so they really have no use for mouths because they do not eat.  


Moths undergo complete metamorphosis their entire lives. This means they go through several stages in their lifetime. First is the egg stage. Then, they enter the larva stage or caterpillar stage.  This is when they start to eat what is in their immediate surroundings. This is the stage wherein they cause damage to your clothes, carpets, sweaters, or feeding on your stored dry foods, depending on the kind of moths you have. The next stage is the pupa, and then the adult. Then the cycle will begin all over again. 

Types Of Moths

Some moths damage your clothes, carpets, and other furniture. Some moths destroy your dried stored food. This would all depend on what type of moths you have. Here are some of the moths you might encounter:

Pantry Moths

Also known as Indian moths, or Indian meal moths, or meal moths. Whatever the name, they are pests that are known to be the most troublesome of all the indoor pests because they can attack any kind of dry foodstuffs like sugar, rice, cereals, grains, nuts, flour, sugar, pasta, dog food, dried fruits, and nuts. They are about 8 to 10 mm in length and a ⅝ inch wingspan. They come in gray color while the outer lining of their wings is highlighted by a reddish-brown color. They can chew their way inside plastic and cardboard containers. They also cause economic damage because of all the food waste that should be thrown away once they attack this foodstuff. 

Meal moths do not fly very far, so they are able to get into our homes through the food packages that were bought from the store. Before buying dry foods, make sure to check these for the presence of moths. The presence of webbings is a sure sign that there are meal moths inside the package. Return the package to the store in case you already bought the food and noticed moths inside only after you get home, Proper disposal of the item should soon follow.

Once you discover that your dried stored foods are infested, dispose of these properly and immediately to prevent the moths from spreading. Store dry foods in sealed metal containers; meal moths can chew their way into boxes and even plastic. Good housekeeping also helps; clean your cupboard every week to remove any eggs that may have been there. Do this by removing everything on your cupboards and cabinets and wipe with a cloth. Vacuum clean as much as possible for the removal of the eggs that might be there.  

Clothes Moths 

Clothes moths damage clothing, carpets, rugs, sweaters, insulation, and other furniture. It is the proteins found in these items that they are attracted to. They typically choose clothes that are dirty and a bit wet.  Like with the pantry moths, clothes moths do not fly very far, so if you have clothes moths at home, they were most probably introduced by bringing in old carpets, rugs, or clothes. Their numbers are said to have tripled in the last 5 years. 

You may have clothes moths if you spot little holes in your clothes. Another sign is the presence of fecal matter from the clothes moths; their feces would take on the same color as the dye used to color the fabric it fed on.

Clothes moths like to hide in dark and damp areas. Remove your clothes from the cabinet every once in a while and wipe. You can also buy mothballs in the grocery store to use as a repellent for moths. Pheromone-laced cardboard traps can also work in controlling the moths.

Ermine Moths

Ermine moths are small to medium-sized moths that are about 8 to 31 mm in length with a wingspan of approximately 20 mm. They come in a light color with white wings and black markings. On their heads are smooth scales. Ermine moths are a nuisance in the garden because they can cause extensive defoliation in garden shrubs. They eat a wide variety of leaves of plants. They also produce extensive silk webbing that adds to the damage, they cause damage to crops and trees as well. In order to get rid of them, simply handpick them or remove the shoots that are infested.  

The Browntail Moth 

Last to be discussed are the browntail moths.  They have hairy, white bodies with a wingspan of about 40 mm. Their tails are covered with reddish-brown hairs. The antennae of the males are larger, which they use to detect unmated females. Brown tail moths are the most invasive among the moths because they can cause breathing difficulties as well as irritation on the skin upon contact. Adult females moths can lay 200 to 400 eggs, usually under leaves. The adult moths spin nests of silk which contain hairs that cause irritation to humans. Caterpillars and nests should be removed if found within your vicinity. Wear rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with these moths. 

If all else fails and you still have these unwanted pests in your house or garden,  be sure to contact the exterminator for pests in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services

Let Go-Forth Home Services Handle The Job

Go-Forth Home Services has in its arsenal professional technicians who will examine your home and your lawn to evaluate your individual necessity.  We will identify points of entry and make treatments as necessary. We only use state of the art equipment to keep up with these ever-evolving pests.