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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Moths? (Columbia, SC Exterminators)

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Moths are one of the most common insects that infest homes. While they come in a variety of gorgeous designs, they cause damage to our properties. As much as we want to see them bring color into our homes, it could cost us our clothes and food.

There are two types of moths that infest homes:

Pantry Moths 

This first species damages pantry foods such as pasta, grains, and flour among many others. Pantry moths hide inside food packaging, slowly feeding on our foods. If the infestation gets worse, there would be nothing left to eat.

During this pandemic, while everybody’s in lockdown, we need to store as many foods as we can. Foods are growing scarce in the market. So, you need to prevent pantry moths from infesting what’s left of your food. If you spot pantry moths, check the most affordable plans for pest control in Columbia, SC.

Clothes Moths

The clothes moth’s favorite treat is wool and silk. If your home is infested, you can see tears and holes on the fabric. If the infestation is not prevented, soon, you will have no clothes to wear. That’s not the worst part! Clothes moths can also damage furniture, rugs, mats, and blankets. This will cost you more money than you expect. Imagine yourself without any sweater or blanket to use by winter. Unless you’re Elsa, the cold will be bothering you anyway. 

How To Respond To Moth Infestations

There are different methods to deal with a moth infestation, here are the expert-recommended tactics for moth control:

  1. Keep humidity low. Like most pests, moths are attracted to moisture. We cannot fully eliminate moisture because we need it for our skin and nostrils. So, the best thing we can do is limit moisture production. One way to do that is by fixing leaky pipes under the sink. This limits attraction inside your house. Another way you can eliminate excess moisture is by using a dehumidifier. You can easily purchase these in hardware stores at an affordable price. 
  2. Fix cracks and crevices. Moths can enter homes through the smallest cracks and crevices. To prevent them from coming in, conduct a checkup of the perimeter of your home and fix any crack, crevice, or hole you see. If you cannot do it alone, contact a carpenter near you and let them fix these for you.
  3. Fix broken windows and doors. Broken doors and windows are the best entrance for moths and other pests. It pays off to have these fixed to prevent infestations.
  4. Close doors and windows before night come. Moths are nocturnal insects. They usually enter homes during the night. This is why experts recommend closing the doors and windows before the sunsets. This will prevent any moths from coming in.
  5. Inspect cabinets often. Moths usually dwell in unused and unchecked areas. Even if you do not need some blankets from your drawers, it pays off to check the fabric regularly. Human activity helps deter moths from infesting. This can help limit their activities in the household.
  6. Wash affected fabric. When washing the affected fabric, don’t just wash it with soap and water. If possible, dry it in high heat to kill the larvae and the eggs. If these are not eliminated, you’ll experience another wave of moth infestation.
  7. Clean suitcases. Moths can also dwell inside suitcases. When they do, they damage its inseams along with its contents. Before storing your suitcases, make sure to clean them first to prevent bed bugs and moths.
  8. Vacuum regularly. Pantry moths can detect crumbs on floors. It serves as one of their attractants. To eliminate food sources of moths, vacuum the floors, and clean the tables every time you use grains and flour.
  9. Store foods in tightly-sealed containers. When moths are hungry, they will do anything to fill their bellies. This includes destroying food packaging. To prevent this from happening, store your food inside secure containers–somewhere they cannot penetrate. This strategy also helps eliminate ants, roaches, and mice.

Why The Need To Call A Professional Exterminator?

This is the most practical way to eliminate moths and prevent their infestation. Compared to DIY pest control, professionals use more advanced methods for pest management. With their help, there is greater assurance for the effectiveness of their methods.

When we use DIY, we focus on the pests we can already see. We apply strategies that last for a short period. Essential oils, for example, can only deter moths for a while. But when the smell fades away, you’ll need to reapply. Let’s face it, not all of us have the luxury of time to keep applying DIY pest control methods. The best thing we can do is prevent pest infestations by applying effective housekeeping skills.

Professionals, on the other hand, apply long-term techniques to eliminate pests for good. They target the main source to completely stop the infestation. For moth control, pest control experts do not only focus on the affected areas indoors. They will look for the main nest where moths breed to know where to target. Moths are naturally outdoor pests. So, don’t be surprised if they snoop around your backyard, garden, or lawn. 

How Do Professionals Work?

The World Health Organization has strict orders to limit the use of pesticides because of their health risks. This is why Columbia, SC exterminators use baits and traps for pest control. The only time they use pesticides is during severe infestations. But even when they do, they apply low-impact measures that are safe for the environment.

If ever they need to use pesticides, the professionals will advise the homeowners to prepare. Here are some of their usual instructions to prepare for extermination:

  1. Seal pest entryways. Pesticides, traps, and baits, will not be as effective if pests have ways to escape. When professionals start working, the pests will run for their lives. If they get out, they could just wait for the extermination to finish and come back in. You will all be wasting your time and effort in eliminating pests. 
  2. Conduct general cleaning. Cluttered materials limit the space needed by exterminators to work. Plus, it serves as an effective hiding spot for various pests. During the general cleaning process, eliminate all forms of clutter on your floors, tables, and compartments. This way, exterminators can easily apply pest control procedures and catch every pest without stumbling into obstacles. 
  3. Take out infested materials. Depending on the type of moth, empty the cabinets where you stored infested products. For pantry moth control, segregate unaffected food and store them in a safe and tightly-sealed container. See if there are infested foods you can clean and restore to save more. But if there aren’t any, place the infested goods in a secure bag and dispose of them. For clothes moths, take out the infested clothing from your cabinets and wash them thoroughly. As for the uninfected fabric, store them in secure plastic containers. Also, don’t forget your mattresses, bedding, and blankets. This inhibits the moths from infesting them. Plus, it helps protect them from the fumes of the chemicals.
  4. Set aside breakables. Like clutter, breakable materials limit the movement of professionals. As much as possible, set them aside before the pest control procedure and cover them with protective plastic. This will prevent them from getting in the way of an effective procedure. 
  5. Store utensils. If the professionals need to concentrate procedures inside the dining area and the kitchen, store your utensils in protective plastic and store them someplace else. This prevents pesticide residue from settling onto your utensils which could cause food poisoning and other pesticide-related illnesses. 
  6. Preparing for evacuation. Depending on the severity of the infestation and the methods that need to be applied, you need to prepare for temporary evacuation. Stay with friends or family members until after the residues have subsided. This protects your family and pets from inhaling any potential hazard. 
  7. Storing plants someplace else. As much as possible, store plants in a more secure area. Indoor plants could serve as hindrances to the pest control process. Besides, if you store them elsewhere, it protects them from the residue of pesticides. Even if the chemicals are proven environmentally-safe, some plants exhibit allergic reactions to specific ingredients. To keep them healthy, place them someplace else for the duration of the infestation. 

How Much Does Pest Control Cost?

One of the most practical factors in choosing a pest control professional is the affordability of their services. We all have financial obligations to consider but this should not stop us from getting the help we need. This is why South Carolina residents recommend hiring Go-Forth Home Services.

This company is a highly-recommended pest control agency in the United States. Equipped with the latest and most effective technologies for pest control, they guarantee nothing but the best. The best part is, they offer their services at an affordable price! What better way to achieve a pest-free life than booking a reliable and inexpensive service? Call now and have a free quote!