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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Snakes? (Columbia, SC Exterminators)

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Snakes have always been one of the most fearsome creatures on the planet. It is one of the oldest mythological symbols that people use. Remember the snake in the Garden of Eden? Since then, snakes have been associated with certain rituals, mostly representing evil, probably because of the snake’s role in the downfall of humankind in the Bible’s Book of Genesis.

In real life, however, snakes are not as bad as people made them be. Snakes are beneficial creatures to the ecosystem. They control pests by turning them into prey. They feed on beetles, mice, slugs, voles, and rats. Conversely, they are also food for other animals. They generally avoid humans and would rather be left alone, which is why they are usually found in hidden places and all curled up.

Still, like in all other creatures on this planet, some snakes do give their species a bad name. While some snakes are not venomous, some are. If you are unfamiliar with which ones are venomous and which ones are not, then it is best to just completely stay away from any snake you find.

In this article, Go-Forth Home Services, the leading company that deals with pests and has great reviews, would like to share with you what you have to know about snakes, and how to act when you find them in your house or garden. Read on.

What Are Snakes?

Snakes can be found all over the world; there are actually around 2,900 identified species. They are closely related to lizards, which explains their similarity save for the legs of the lizards. They are all legless, elongated reptiles. To move from place to place, they need to crawl on the ground. They have smooth and dry scales on their skins. Their jaws have wide openings which can fit in a huge prey. The narrow bodies of snakes make it necessary to have their paired organs appear in front of one another rather than side by side. Most snakes only have one working lung.

Snakes have a heightened sense of smell, which they use to find prey. Aside from that, their underbellies are sensitive to vibration. This makes up for their weakness, which is poor vision.

Snakes avoid humans and are generally harmless. They like to just be by themselves. However, they will bite in self-defense, or when they feel threatened. This is why it is best to avoid them. Do not handle snakes to be sure.

Snake Bites

Okay, so here are some facts. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, it is estimated that around 5.4 million people around the world are bitten by snakes. Out of this number, around 81,000 to 138,000 people die every year. There are also three times as many cases of amputations and other permanent disabilities caused by snake bites.

Bites by venomous snakes can cause paralysis. This paralysis, in turn, can cause difficulty in breathing, bleeding disorders that will lead to fatal hemorrhaging, kidney failure, and tissue damage that can lead to limb amputation. Those who are most at risk are those who love to go outdoors or those whose living need them to be out in the field. Children are also at risk.

Common Types Of Snakes

South Carolina has some of the most poisonous snakes in America. We have listed below the poisonous snakes you should be aware of:

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

All the venomous snakes in South Carolina, this is the best known. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is a heavy and stout snake. Due to its sheer size, it is a powerful snake, though not aggressive. A fully grown Eastern Diamondback can weigh up to 20 pounds. It can be brown, brownish-gray, gray, or olive. It also has distinct diamond-shaped markings down its body, hence the name. Its venom is potent because it attacks red blood cells and tissues. Death may occur if the bite is left untreated.

Copperhead Snake

The copperhead snake is venomous. They can be found throughout South Carolina. The size of an adult copperhead snake is less than 3 feet. It is pale tan to a pinkish-tan in a color that darkens in the middle. The copperhead snake is a pit viper, like most snakes in South Carolina. Pit vipers have heat-sensitive pit organs that they use to detect warm-blooded prey. This pit organ is located in the middle of the eyes and nostrils. Its bite is very dangerous, as it can do a lot of damage to the tissues within the bite area. With early treatment, this can be survivable. It is said that copperhead snakes have the least potent venom of all the pit vipers in North America. They keep to themselves and would rather be left alone.

Timber Rattlesnake

It is also known as the canebrake rattlesnake. Timber rattlesnakes are scattered throughout South Carolina. An adult can grow to as long as five feet in length. It has a color pattern that makes it difficult to be seen because it blends with the soil, rock, or among the lives where it usually hides. It has large fangs and can produce lots of venoms. Fortunately, they are not aggressive and will bite only when threatened.

Coral Snake

Coral snakes are always hiding; they make burrows and stay there almost all the time, except when looking for food. They have several bands all through their bodies, and wide red and yellow rings separated by a yellow ring. Coral snakes are highly venomous but rarely bite humans. Coral snakes are shy creatures but will bite to defend themselves. Their venom is closely related to cobra venom.

Water Moccasin

Also known as cottonmouth snake. They thrive near water and eat fish and frogs. The cottonmouth opens its mouth and hisses when threatened. It has a broad head and a blunt snout, and its mouth is whitish-pink. There is a stripe under each eye. Most cottonmouths have black colored bodies, but some come in tan, gray, or brown. It is aggressive because it is territorial; it would chase off intruders in its territory, including humans.

Pigmy Rattlesnake

Pigmy rattlesnakes are venomous snakes and are mostly found in the eastern part of South Carolina. They are a small type of rattlesnake, with its size going from 14 to 22 inches in length only. It has a red-orange marking that runs down its back. Its bite is not fatal, but is very painful and can cause localized tissue damage.

Pest Control To Get Rid Of Snakes

We understand how frightening it is when there is a snake in your yard. Here are some tips to get rid of poisonous snakes:

  • Cutting your grass regularly. Snakes love to be alone, so they look for hiding places where no one would find them. They like tall grasses because aside from providing them with a good hiding place, it provides them with lots there. It also gives them a perfect hiding place from predators.
  • Remove their food source. Snakes are always looking for food, that is why they can be found in many different places, including human dwellings. Keep your area free of rats and mice. Keep pet food away and place them in sealed containers.
  • Clear your yard of clutter. Clutter, like grass, allows a snake to hide from predators and gives them a nice place to hide. Clutter also gives them warmth since snakes are cold-blooded reptiles. Removing clutter will make your garden less attractive to snakes. Clutter also includes scrap metal, woodpiles, and trash.
  • Use snake repellents. Snake repellents are effective in keeping snakes away. Before you do, make sure to read the label for instructions for proper usage. Misuse can lead to harm to kids, pets, and the environment.
  • You can build a snake-proof fence. A snake-proof fence around the house can keep out these snakes. Snakes are not capable of climbing fences.
  • In case a snake manages to enter your home, you can use mechanical traps. Capture the snake but do not kill it. If you need help, call a professional pest control company.

We realize that not all people can handle snakes because snakes do bite. If you have snake infestation problems, do not worry. With just a phone call, help will be on its way. Call Go-Forth Home Services, the best pest control experts in Columbia.

Why Go-Forth Home Services Can Help You In Getting Rid Of Snakes

Here at Go-Forth Home Services, we bring in a new and fresh approach to the pest control industry, using family-friendly and pet-friendly methods of extermination that caters to your specific needs. Our expert experience in exterminating pests like cockroaches, wasps, weevils, mosquitoes, mice, flies, termites, ants, and spiders can make you say goodbye to these pests in your home. You may check us on Facebook or Google us to see what our satisfied customers have to say about us. Our friendly operators are standing by to assist you. Call now!