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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Stink Bugs? (Cary Exterminators)

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The common stink bug is one of the most invasive pest species on the planet. It was introduced to the United States in the 1900s from the Eastern countries. In Asia, it is called the yellow-brown stink bug. Entomologists first collected samples of stink bugs in Allentown, PA in 1996. But it wasn’t identified until 2001. The infestation spread to New Jersey, then Virginia in 2004. Now, it is infesting North Carolina and nearby states.

This bug got its name from its predisposition to release a foul odor when it is disturbed or squished. This is why people avoid getting in contact with the bug because it stinks.

Stink bugs are triangular-shaped and mottled creatures with a gray to brown color. It has six legs and it is about ¾ inch long. It has an antenna and is found in several states in the US like California, Washington, Texas, and many more.  Adult stink bugs grow up to 2 cm in length which is proportional to their body width. However, their long legs stretch out, making them look bigger on the sides. Most people see them as shield-shaped creatures that roam around gardens.

These creatures are amazing fliers. They can fold their wings to the top of their bodies when landing. They are also very durable. So, even when you fog them, they can easily avoid the fumes.  Their nymphs, on the other hand, don’t have fully developed wings. This is why they are more prone to human contact, making them susceptible to pest control methods.

The nymph stink bugs are tiny. They are marmorated bugs that have a yellow to red color. It takes them at least five molts to turn into adults. Each molt turns them bigger. However, this is their most vulnerable stage. It is where they are sensitive to pesticides and other methods of pest control. If you want to get rid of stink bug infestations, target the nymphs and the eggs for a more effective strike. 

The Extensive Damage of a Stink Bug Infestation

Most people fail to detect stink bugs because they mistake their damage to other common pests. To give you more insights about the signs, here are facts you need to know.

Stink bug infestations are common during the fall. It is during this season that you can see dead or flying stink bugs on your garden or lawn. If you see them roaming around, it’s the first sign of infestation.

These creatures usually dwell in the sun-lit areas of your home to warm themselves as the cold weather rises. You can see them on the east side in the morning and the west side in the afternoon.

Another way to detect stink bug infestation is the damage they cause to crops. In 2009, countries in Asia reported cases of loss due to the infestation of stink bugs. Trees and shrubs were damaged by the species which cost countries over $37 million.

Stink bugs plunge their sharp and hard beaks into the stems, leaves, and fruits, sucking every nutrient from them. This causes the plants to wither and die immediately. They are also known for poking holes in fruits and draining their tissues, leaving them puckered and drained.

This made it clear that stink bugs do not only target fruit-bearing plants such as apples and pears. They also target leafy crops on the field. This problem spread in 20 states in the United States which caused extensive damage to fields and gardens. Entomologists witnessed the record-breaking damage by these insects. Since then, stink bug infestations have been feared by most farmers in the entire world. 

Stink Bugs in Households

Stink bugs are cunning creatures. They hide when the weather gets too cold for them. This is the reason why they infest homes during the winter. This is where they take shelter and lay more eggs for the next seasons to come.

Not only do they inhabit houses but also cars and camping equipment. They infest any place that can give them shelter and heat. By the time winter comes, you need to take the necessary precautions to prevent stink bugs from taking shelter inside your house.

Here are some ways to stink bug management:

Seal Entry Points

This is a common way to eliminate and prevent pests in the household. By sealing entry points such as cracks and crevices, you can prevent pests from squishing themselves in.

Plus, if you plan to apply pest control methods inside your house, you won’t have to worry about the pests getting out. When they do, they might come back in larger and stronger populations. This is the reason why experts recommend sealing every hole that can serve as an entryway for pests.

Conduct a monthly check of your house’s perimeter. Check the shingles, chimneys, floorboards, and pipelines to see any possible entrances. If you can’t fix it on your own, you can always hire your local carpenter to do the job for you. It shouldn’t take more than a day, especially if you already know what to fix.

Replace or Repair Broken Windows & Doors

Stink bugs are tiny creatures. They can easily fit through broken doors and windows. Before winter comes, check these entryways for replacement or repair. If you can no longer fix the damages, it’s best to invest in a new window or door. This small investment will protect you from other pest infestations from cockroaches, ants, mice, and many more. 

Remove Light Attractants

These pesky creatures are enticed to lights. Experts highly recommend keeping outdoor lights to a minimum. Before you go to bed, switch the lights off or turn them down. This way, you can’t attract any pests. 

Eliminate Moisture

If you want to prevent stink bugs, it’s best to eliminate moisture. Just like roaches, this is one of the factors that attract them to homes. This is why you can see them infesting the kitchen and the bathroom where it is more humid.

If you have an indoor garden, secure these immediately if you observe signs of stink bug infestations. One way of doing so is by applying preventative sprays or adding a row cover. Make sure that there are no pests on the plants before installing the covers or else they will be feasting on your plants.

Another way to reduce moisture is by checking and fixing leaky pipes. This will add more moisture to the atmosphere, attracting more pests. Contact your local plumber and have these all fixed immediately. 

Don’t Give off Food Sources

Another popular method to deter pest infestations is to not give them access to food. As much as possible, store your food inside airtight containers so they can’t smell it and access it. Place them in secure compartments without any cracks or crevices to avoid infestations of various pests.

Another way to eliminate food sources is not leaving any food crumbs on the floor, dining table, and sofa beds. As long as there is something to eat inside your house, pests are more likely to infest. So, maintain a clean environment to deter any pest from infesting your home. 

Maintain a Well-Ventilated Environment

This is a great way to prevent stink bugs at home. As much as possible, allow ventilation for your whole house including your basements, garages, and attics. Without ventilation, pests will see these as secure places to lay their eggs and harbor more food. In no time, you will be facing a full-on infestation that will be more difficult to eliminate. 

Consistently Check Your Belongings

Don’t focus on the things that you use frequently. Pests are likely to target unused spaces or compartments. So, if you want to prevent them from establishing a habitat in your home, inspect unused nooks and crannies regularly. Clean them as often as possible to show signs of human activity. This will dissuade them from dwelling inside your house. 

Maintain a Well-Landscaped Lawn

Your garden or lawn should be your first line of defense. One way to keep stink bugs away is to keep bushes and trees away from your house exterior. This will prevent them from entering through the attic and basement.

Also, store your garbage and firewood away from the house. Maintain a 20-feet distance, minimum. This way, they are less likely to find your house. They will dwell on the firewood instead. This will give you a better chance of eliminating them for good. 

Contact a Trusted Pest Control Company

If DIY methods do not cut infestations, call a professional to do the work for you. If you’re in North Carolina, there are hundreds of extermination services in Cary, NC, and nearby areas. But if you’re in Cary or you’re somewhere near Cary, contact an exterminator. This way, you can save more time and effort in dealing with these pesky creatures.

One of the most reliable companies in pest management is Go-Forth Home Services. Not only do they provide affordable services but also an environmentally-friendly one. This will prevent any damage and illness associated with harmful insecticides. What are you waiting for? Call them now and get rid of those pests immediately.