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Do I Need To Leave The House For Pest Control?


One of the reasons why property owners are becoming anxious is because they have pests at home. Though you see those vermin crawling and flying around your house and they don’t get near you or your family, they can still bring harmful effects that will put your property and health in danger.

Pests may be friendly to others but for most homeowners, they are a threat and bring dangers. Ants, termites, rodents, fleas, cockroaches, bed bugs, squirrels, mosquitoes, spiders, pigeons, wasps, and more are some of the pests you can see at home and most of them bring illnesses that can be the cause of health problems in your family and your pets are included.

When pests like termites are around infesting, most people will turn to pest control. Whether it is done on their own or a professional does it, pest control is always the choice of everyone when pests are around. Professional pest exterminators are more experienced in doing pest elimination as they have undergone lots of training, know what treatments to apply, and can easily identify the pest you have. With pest control, your way to a pest-free home is never far from happening.

On the other hand, when pest control is being performed in your property, you would like to know if you have to leave your house during the process. Several homeowners would like to stay when the treatment is being done because they want to keep a close eye on pest control so that they will know where treatments are applied. Others would like to stay outside for a while because they don’t want to inhale the chemicals. So, the question is, would you need to leave the house for pest control or should you stay?

Should You Leave Your House During Pest Control?

Several people are asking whether they have to stay or leave the house when pest control is being done. The answer is NO. You don't need to leave the house during pest control especially if the treatments used are non-toxic. If the pest exterminator you hired decides to use human and pet-friendly treatments, he or she may advise you to stay. But, the condition will depend on the type of pest you have at home and the chemicals used by the exterminator. Some chemicals are strong that may cause you health problems. Your family and pets can also experience the same thing so leaving the house is also a good decision.

Though staying is fine, if you want to keep your family and pets safe and free from any toxicity, you should leave the house before pest control starts. In this way, you are preventing any of your loved ones from getting sick. Even though a pest exterminator will do the work, it can’t be guaranteed that you will also be safe from the harmful effects of chemicals in your place.

Moreover, if you have children at home, it is more dangerous to let them stay because when you are focusing on watching the pest treatment application, your kids can sneak into the treated area and play. With this, they can be exposed to different chemicals that can affect their respiratory system and skin.

The decision to stay or leave will depend on you. If you want to know where the treatments are applied and left, you must stay. But, if you want to keep everyone safe and free from risks, it is best to leave your home for pest control.

Things To Do Before The Pest Treatment

When you hire a pest exterminator to do pest control for termites in your home, you should prepare your house for the treatment so that the professional will not be hindered while doing his job. Here are the things you need to do before the pest exterminator arrives.

Make Your Home Accessible

Before an exterminator comes, you should make your home accessible meaning you have to remove things that can block the exterminator from reaching all areas in your home. You have to put aside first the furniture, appliances, and more so that when the professional comes, he will not have worries of moving around. Pest inspections and treatment applications are made easy when your home is accessible.

Cover Belongings

Before the pest exterminator does pest control, you need to cover your belongings. The reason for this is to avoid your things from absorbing chemicals. It is not safe for your things to have chemicals because it can ruin your things or impose damage. Your clothes, jewelry, pet and children’s toys, toiletries, bed sheets, pillowcases, and more should be covered and stored properly to keep it safe during the treatment. Your cabinets are recommended storage areas but make sure to put masking tape on gaps so that the tape will absorb the chemicals. 

Store Food Properly

You don't want your food to absorb chemicals when pest treatment is taking place, right? If you want to avoid it, make sure to store the food properly. You can place your food inside the refrigerator, airtight containers, glass jars, and more that will keep it protected and uncontaminated. The foods or fruits you always display on the table should be kept first because if you don’t, you will not be able to eat them since it contains chemicals and the ending will be you have to throw away those foods.

Bring Your Pets Out

If you have pets at home, you need to bring them out first to keep them safe and healthy. Your pets can be sensitive to the chemicals so if you expose them, it will be dangerous for them. When you have pets, make sure to keep your dogs or cats out or drop them off in your relative’s house to take care of them for some hours. If you have pet fish, cover the aquarium to avoid it from getting chemicals as well. 

What To Do After The Pest Treatment

After the exterminator is done treating your home, there are things you also need to do for you to be free from danger. Here are the things to do after:

Don’t Enter Immediately

If the pest exterminator asked you to leave your home first before the treatment process, make sure to ask him the right time to come back. Sometimes you have to wait for three to four hours before you can enter your treated home because treatments are already dry and you will not be able to acquire chemicals.

Wait For A Week To Clean

Even though you are itching to clean your home due to the pest control done, it is not recommended to clean right after the treatment. If you clean, you can wipe away the applied chemicals and with this, it will not take effect. The result would be you are not able to remove pests in your home. Don’t wipe your baseboards, countertops, floors, and more to keep the treatment intact and its effectiveness will not be removed. After a week, you can now clean your home because chemicals have worked.

Don’t Stop Checking For Pests

Even though your home is treated, there are instances that pests can still be around as treatments will not work overnight. If you want to monitor pests at home, you should always check for them so that you will know if the treatments have worked. You will also know if they are still active even if they have been sprayed. By inspecting after the treatment, you will have an idea which areas are heavily-infested or where troubles take place.

These are the things you need to remember before and after every pest treatment. If you keep these in mind, you will be able to help the exterminator to make treatments effective. Also, leaving the house for pest control will be your choice but it is still best to be out when treatments are done to keep you safe and free from health problems. 

The Pest Control Company To Hire

If you are looking for a pest control company that is always eager to help, Go-Forth Home Services is the one. The company is the leading pest control company in North Carolina that offers lots of pest control services that can combat termites, ants, cockroaches, etc.

The company is your local termite exterminators near Wake Forest, NC that is always ready to lend a hand when you have destructive pests at home. Go-Forth Home Services has been exterminating pests for more than 50 years and they have the experience that you are looking for. The company is reputable as well as they are the most-reviewed company and has been awarded for its exceptional pest technicians.

With Go-Forth Home Services, your pest worries are resolved immediately because they have the proper equipment, pest treatments, extermination methods, and more that are effective and successful in eliminating pests. With them, you can have peace of mind, pest-free, and healthy home because they will get rid of vermin infestation in and out of your property.

When you need Go-Forth Home Services, you can call them at (877) 274-1475 and experience their incomparable pest control services in NC!