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Pest Control Can't Get Rid Of Mice (Triad Exterminators)


The majority of the world’s population of abhor mice infestations. This is because of the incessant damage and noise they bring in the household. Did you know that mice are responsible for 25% of all house fires in the United States alone? Apart from that, they are responsible for millions of house damage each year. If you’re not alarmed that your house is infested by mice, you’ll be spending a lot on repairing your home.

This is not the only reason people hate these creatures. According to the World Health Organization, mice are responsible for transmitting several diseases. Here are a few illnesses you need to watch out for if you have mice infestations. 

Illnesses From Mice


This is the most common illness brought by mice. It was first recognized in 1993 in the southwestern region of the United States. But now, it is reported to be more common in the western portion of the country. According to scientists, the virus was initially carried by the deer mouse and the white-footed mouse. In the later years, cotton rats and rice rats were able to transmit the same disease.

Hantavirus cases have become more prominent due to uncontrolled urbanization, lack of personal hygiene, and poor irrigation practices. For example, there was a recent case in China reported this year where a man was killed by the virus. This spread fear all over the country, worrying that this could be another pandemic. However, experts have clarified that Hantavirus can only be transmitted from rodents to humans. It cannot be transmitted by human to human contact.

According to medical professionals, the symptoms of this disease usually show from one week to one month after one’s exposure to infected mouse urine, feces, and saliva. Researchers also note that people can be infected by the virus by ingesting contaminated food and water.

The symptoms of the disease include but are not limited to the following: headaches, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, high fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. Without appropriate medical intervention, the late stage of Hantavirus is characterized by coughing, shortness of breath, and respiratory distress. If these are not treated, it could kill the victim.

There is no cure or vaccine for the Hantavirus. However, if it is diagnosed early and even medical attention, patients can survive within days or weeks depending on the immune system. 

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)

This is yet another infectious disease from rodents caused by the Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. According to entomologists, the common host of this disease is the common house mouse. If your home is infested with these pests, the risk of contracting the disease is high. Other rodents that may carry the virus include hamsters. However, the chances of these species carrying the disease are rare.

The transmission of the virus can occur from exposure to an infected rodent’s excrements and saliva. Of this report that human beings can also be infected through contact with their nesting materials. If these are introduced directly into one’s nose, eyes, wounds, or mouth, it could lead to LCM. Just like the Hantavirus, LCM is not reported to spread through human to human contact. So, you only need to focus on eliminating rodents through pest control methods.

Medical professionals note that LCM has two stages. The first phase shows unclear signs of the disease. A person during this stage exhibits flu-like symptoms like fever, headache, muscle pain, stiff neck, and joint pain. However, if it escalates to the second stage, it leads to meningitis, encephalitis, and motor abnormalities.

Although most of the patients survive from LCM, some of them experience permanent damage to the nervous system. Pregnant women who get infected by the virus could pass the infection to the fetus causing abnormalities during childbirth. It could lead to birth defects such as vision problems and mental retardation. Other professionals report mothers giving birth to children with hydrocephalus. 

Bubonic Plague

This is the infamous pandemic that killed millions of people in Europe during the middle ages. This is a disease that affects humans and mammals after being bitten by an infected rodent or rodent flea. The last outbreak of this disease was reported in Los Angeles from 1924 to 1925. People think that bubonic plaque is no longer common in the 21st century. Little do they know the number of cases each year. To protect your family from this illness, you need to secure in any rodent infestation that comes your way.

The symptoms of the bubonic plague include but are not limited to fever, headache, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding of the skin, or bleeding of internal organs. Luckily, scientists have created an antibiotic to cure the plague. But this does not give your license a take this for granted. Without immediate medical assistance, it can still lead to death. 


This is a common illness in the United States, particularly in Hawaii. It can be transmitted through the bite of an infected rodent, skin contact with infected rodents, but if an infected deer fly, and ingestion of contaminated food.

The initial symptom of Tularemia is an extremely high fever that can reach 104° F. without medical attention, the illness can be life-threatening. According to medical professionals, the most serious form of Tularemia is pneumonic infection. The symptoms include chest pains, respiratory difficulties, and coughing. This happens when the bacteria has already spread to the lungs. Out of all the types of Tularemia, pneumonic infection takes the most lives.

Experts recommend avoiding self-diagnosis. This could be mistaken as mere flu. If the symptoms escalate, it will be more difficult to handle. If you experience very high fevers, go to the doctor immediately to avoid complications that can lead to death.

Other illnesses that mice bring to homes are Salmonellosis, Amoebiasis, and Leptospirosis. If you don’t want to experience these illnesses, better call for professionals responsible for mice removal and extermination in the Triad area. This way you can eliminate the threat for good. 

Can You Eliminate Mice On Your Own?

Mice are very good jumpers and runners. They are very athletic creatures with ravenous appetites. They will do everything they can to achieve their needs such as food, moisture, water, and warmth.

By the time winter comes, they should have found a stable home to outlive the freezing weather. Once they enter our houses, the first thing they do is find a stable nesting ground. It could be our attic, ceilings, basement, and walls. If their existence is unprecedented, you’ll be facing a full-on infestation in no time.

Experts recommend applying these methods to help eliminate rats:

Eliminate entry points. Seal every hole you suspect that can accommodate mice. This will also help you to keep them inside while you trap and bait them. Another method to keep them away is to maintain a clean environment. Dirty compartments, food crumbs, and cluttered objects attract mice. To keep their population at bay, eliminate their food sources and hiding spots.

Another important tip to keep mice infestations at a minimum is to keep your lawns tidy. Since mice are normally outdoor pests, you need to make your lawn a fortress against them. To make it difficult to enter your home, eliminate any food source or potential shelters for pests.

Experts recommend using mice traps. Spread it on locations where mice are common. They also note adding some peppermint to help ward off pests. Although this is not as effective as the pest control methods of professionals, it helps to deter them. Simply combine a generous amount of peppermint oil with water and spray it all over your lawn. Not only will this prevent mice but also garden pests and other common household pests.  

Why You Must Get Professional Mice Control In North Carolina

Many are hesitant to call professional Triad area exterminators. It’s because of the stigma that pest control does not do anything well. And that the methods will only cause harm to the environment.

On the contrary, pest control professionals are mandated to use pesticides only when other methods fail. Even if they use chemicals, they use low-impact chemicals to ensure the safety of the residents and the environment.

Compared to DIY methods, exterminators pinpoint the source and the entryway of mice and other rodents. They make sure they find the nests to make sure their methods will take effect. From there, they lay their baits and drive the mice into going straight towards them. With their new and improved technology for pest control, you can rest assured that all the pests infesting your home will be gone in the morning.

If you’re looking for a reliable pest control company, contact Go-Forth Home Services. This company offers the best methods for extermination and pest management at an affordable price. With their help, you can save more time and energy in preparing DIY methods. With professional intervention, you can eliminate your problems for good. What are you waiting for? You have all the means to get your free quote. Start your journey towards a pest-free life now.