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Will Pest Control Kill Black Widows? (Fort Mill Exterminators)

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A black widow infestation problem no doubt needs Fort Mill exterminator experts for it to be resolved. While it is true that black widow spiders are generally peaceful and would bite only if they feel threatened, it is not worth the risk of manually handling them. This is because black widows are highly venomous; it is said that their venom is 15 times more potent than those of rattlesnakes’. You would not want to be around these creepy crawlies.

All spiders are peaceful. We are all living within 3 feet of a spider whether at home or in the office. We just do not feel them because they have nothing to do with us humans. They are not dependent on us for food or water. They only need the space to spin their webs and catch prey. This is a perfect set-up for most people, even though spiders are not aesthetically pleasing. But when we are talking about black widows here or the other type of venomous spiders in the country called the brown recluse spider, then it is a different story.

Fort Mills exterminators are here to help, of course. In this article, we will discuss one of the most fearsome creatures on the planet, and how these very poisonous spiders are nevertheless a misunderstood lot, plus tips on how to get rid of them. So grab a comfy chair, take a hot, steaming cup of joe, and read on.  

Overview Of Black Widow Spiders

Do not let the thought of a spider freeze you with fear. Whether you have a funnel-web spider, a spined micrathena, Spotted Forest Orb-weaver, a brown recluse, or a black widow spider around the garden or in the yard, these spiders are generally peaceful and would rather be left alone.

But it is a different story once a black widow spider gets inside your home.

The black widow spider is one of the more poisonous spiders in the United States, the second one being the brown recluse spider. Its venom is said to be 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake’s. Only the females bite. But even though its venom is very powerful and can be very painful, it is not fatal to adult humans. Much care should be given to children and the elderly because it can be fatal.

The black widow spider got its name supposedly because of the female black widow’s habit of eating their male counterparts after mating, making them widows. It is said that the males make this ultimate sacrifice so that their offspring will have enough food when they break out of their eggshells.

Female black widows can live up to three years, while the males can live up to a year, that is if they are not eaten.

A female black widow has a shiny black body with a red hourglass marking in their abdomen. It can grow to about 1.5 inches long. On the other hand, the male black widow is about half the size of females, is lighter in color, and has red or pink spots on its back. The red hourglass marking serves as a warning to other predators that they are toxic and cannot be eaten.

A black widow’s diet consists of other insects and arachnids. To capture prey, they make use of their webs. They capture and eat mosquitoes, flies, ants, termites, and roaches, among others. Once these insects get trapped in the web, the black widow then approaches it and covers it in silk. It bites into the flesh of its prey to release an enzyme that would liquefy the poor insect. Only then will the black spider eat its prey.

If you accidentally run into a black widow spider, and it bites you, seek immediate medical attention. If possible, catch the same spider that bit you, whether dead or alive. Show it to your healthcare provider. This will allow him to make an informed decision on the type of care and treatment that you need. As a first aid precaution, wash the bite area with soap and water, then apply a cold compress.  

Black Widow Habits

Black widow spiders typically hide under ledges, plants, debris, rocks, and wherever they can spin their webs and be hidden. During the cold weather, they might try to enter houses for warmth.

Between the males and the females, it is the latter’s behavior that has been studied more. She rarely leaves her web and waits for her prey silently. Her web is a crisscrossed, irregularly shaped silk. This web can be changed at all times, depending on her needs. She often hangs upside down on her web.

She stays close to her egg sac, protecting it and biting anyone who comes near it or her. Her egg sac can carry anywhere from 25 to 750 eggs. She does not need to mate for her to produce more offspring; she stores sperm. The egg sacs are oval in shape, brown in color, and papery. Newly hatched baby spiders are white, turning black gradually and getting those red streaks eventually after each molt.  

Spider Bites

Black widow bites are not painful at first, but their venom is toxic to the nervous system. People react differently to their bites; it depends on the person’s age, body weight, the depth of the bite, the amount of venom injected, and what part of the body was bitten.

The first sign of the bite is a small localized swelling that may have two small red spots in the middle of the swelling. Symptoms include body aches, alternating salivation, and dry mouth, swollen eyelids, profuse sweating, paralysis of the diaphragm, headache, nausea, and abdominal pains.

If bitten, clean the site of the bite with soap and water, then go to your health care provider at once. In most cases, the symptoms would disappear after two to three days. 

Effective Ways To Control Spiders

We said earlier that black widow spiders are peaceful creatures and would bite only if they feel threatened. But how do we know when they feel threatened? Or more importantly, how do we know that they are just around the corner? Running into them accidentally is enough of a threat to them, thus there is that danger of us being bitten. This is why it is important to get rid of them, as they do not belong in our homes.

Here are some tips on how to control black widow spiders:

  1. Clear vegetation around your home, most especially ivy. Black widows thrive in plants. Cut or trim shrubs, grass, and plants.
  2. Seal off all cracks, crevices, openings, and holes by caulking. Use a caulking gun and some sealant. Fill in any holes and cracks around the holes, cables, walls, and faucets. Black widows are so small that they can fit into these small cracks and openings. Inspect your home inside and outside. 
  3. Remove clutter since these are potential hiding spots for black widows. They like to remain undisturbed, so they always like to hide in clutter. Storage boxes, woodpiles, the back of the closets, under the furniture, and even shoes that have not been worn for a long time are some of the places they can hide.
  4. Avoid using outdoor lighting, as these attract bugs. When bugs are around, the black widows follow because it is a food source.
  5. Place weather stripping around the windows and walls so that black widows would not be able to enter.
  6. Use your vacuum cleaner and vacuum around the house. Move your furniture a bit so you can vacuum the area where it stood. Seal and throw away the vacuum bag outside your home and make sure nothing in the bag can find its way back again.
  7. Do not go barefoot in the garden.
  8. Wear gloves when gardening. This will protect your hands in case you run into a black widow.

Black widow spiders are helpful to the ecosystem whenever they are outdoors because they prey on insects that can otherwise cause harm to people, plants, and other animals. But inside the house, they can be dangerous to everyone, especially if you have children and pets. We cannot tolerate them being inside our home. This is when you will need the help of professionals.

If you have these unwanted pests in your house, be sure to contact the best pest control management in Fort Mill, Go-Forth Home Services.  

Find The Most Trusted Spider Exterminator In NC: Go-Forth Home Services

Finding the best pest control company is vital to the eradication of these troublesome pests in your home safely and efficiently. For their pest control needs, people from Fort Mills trust only on Go-Forth Home Services, and you should too. Here is why:

  • Go-Forth Home Services uses state of the art equipment for pest control.
  • They use family-friendly and pet-friendly methods, so you are assured of your family’s safety.
  • They are licensed by the National Pest Management Association.
  • They have 61 years of experience.

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