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How To Control Bed Bugs (Wake Forest Exterminators)

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Once upon a time, Americans thought they had successfully eradicated bed bugs on this side of the earth. It happened in the mid-20th century. They enjoyed relative peace in their bedrooms for several decades.

The ’50s were a time of great technological breakthroughs that changed the lives of people all over the world. During this decade, the commercial computer was invented, along with the telephone answering the machine, videotape recorder, radial tires, and optic fiber. On the pest control fronts, advances were made with pesticides. This helped in killing off all bed bugs that had terrorized American homes for decades prior. Homeowners all over the United States, including Wake Forest residents, stopped worrying about bed bugs and had considered them a thing of the past.

However, bed bugs have made a resurgence in recent years. They are back and are stronger than ever. Since bed bugs were relatively new to a new generation of homeowners—having only a vague idea of them—controlling them proved to be difficult until bed bugs have spread and have grown to a huge number. Homeowners now only know about bed bugs probably because of the nursery rhyme “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” recited by their parents before bedtime.

It is hard to beat the enemy if you do not know what your enemy is. This is the case with bed bugs. Wake Forest exterminators now have their hands full with bed bugs.

So, what can be done to prevent their spread? Read on to know more.


To begin with, no one is safe from these tiny, blood-sucking insects. Bedrooms are their first favorite spots to live in but will spread to other parts of the house when the infestation becomes heavy, and they do increase in numbers quickly. They prefer to live in dark areas and are actually creatures of the night.

Bed bugs came into the United States in the 19th century. These insects hitched a ride in ships that had come from all parts of the world. Since then they had become regular fixtures in millions of American homes, until of course the 1950’s.

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans. The scientific name for bed bugs is Cimex lectularius, and they have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. They are small, about the size of an Appleseed, but are prolific biters—they can bite as many as 90 times every night.  Their bites appear like those of mosquitoes’, only that theirs appear in a straight pattern, whereas mosquito bites are scattered all over the skin. Bed bugs are brown in color and are flat. However, after a blood meal, they turn red and bloat.

Advancements in the way people travel is a boon for these bed bugs. Since these insects are expert hitchhikers, they latch on to luggage and clothes of travelers.

Resistance to insecticides is now also a problem. The insecticides that once worked well to eliminate them do not work anymore.

A study about bed bugs in 2017 revealed that they too have favorite colors, just like many other insects. They like dark colors—black and dark red in particular. On the other hand, they do not like white and bright colors. This is an important discovery as it can help repel bed bugs.  

Why Do We Need To Control Bed Bugs?

It is impossible to leave peacefully with bed bugs in your house. There is no way you should cohabitate with them for many reasons.

They Bite

As that famous nursery rhyme had said, bed bugs bite. Their bites are very itchy and very unsightly; having them can be so embarrassing. Their bites look the same as mosquito bites, but there is one way to differentiate a bed bug bite from a mosquito bite: bed bugs bite in a straight pattern.  Mosquitoes have no pattern and will just bite anywhere. Another difference is that bed bug bites would only appear after 7 to 14 days of the actual bite.

Bed bugs are active only at night, being the nocturnal creatures that they are. They bite as you sleep. You would not get roused from your sleep because they secrete enzymes that act as anesthesia.

While it is true that bed bug bites will give you lots of discomfort due to their extreme itchiness, bed bug bites resolve on their own with no need for intervention.

Psychological Effects

More than their bites, bed bugs are known to be high health risks. There are three U.S. government agencies that say so, namely the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Center for Disease Control. Even though bed bugs do not transmit any disease, their presence causes stress, anxiety, insomnia, social isolation, and even depression on many occasions.

Obviously, if you have insects on your bed that you know would bite you when you sleep, you would not be able to sleep. Sleeplessness then leads to stress and loss of productivity during the day. When all these happen, depression may not be far behind. Most of those who suffer from social isolation are children, who after being seen by their classmates from school and their parents with some ugly bed bug bites, would stay away from them.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Like with many other creatures, it makes sense for bed bugs to set up camp right next to where food is abundant. In their case, food is right in the bedroom. There, they hide in mattresses, headboards, bed frames, and pillowcases. However, once their numbers increase, they would spread into other parts of the house. They can be found in cracks and crevices of walls and ceilings, in drawers, electrical receptacles, sofas, chairs, cabinets, and other furniture. They might even move to the apartment unit next to yours if you live in an apartment. 

How Did I Get These Bed Bugs?

Traveling is the most common cause of bed bug infestation. Due to better means of traveling, more and more residents of Wake Forest have been traveling either for business or pleasure. Those who stay in hotels, motels and other rooms for rent are at most risk. It does not matter if the place is clean; even 5-star hotels have them. Bed bugs are great hitchhikers. If the hotel room you are staying in has bed bugs, then you are in trouble. These bed bugs will not only bite, but they will tag along with you when you go home. They could latch into your luggage and clothes.

Another way to get bed bugs is by hitching a ride on old furniture and clothes that were bought from a second-hand store. You really do not know the sources of these items, and quality control in these kinds of shops are a bit looser.

Signs Of Bed Bugs

It is very important that you find out about bed bug infestation as soon as they get to your home.  Finding out about them after their numbers have grown would only complicate things. That is why if you see these signs, you better act fast.

  1. A sweet musty odor that comes from their scent glands.
  2. Bloodstains on your mattress as a result of bed bugs getting crushed by your own weight.
  3. Bed bug feces that are actually dried blood.
  4. Skin sheddings on your bed.
  5. Bed bugs are small, but they are still visible to the naked eye. They could be brown or red, depending on whether they have had a blood meal or not.  

Bed bug bite marks are also a sure indicator, but keep in mind that their bites would not appear until after 7 to 15 days, by which it would be too late. Bed bugs reproduce at a fast pace, and it would be very difficult to get rid of them once they become so many.  

Bed Bug Control

When you travel, use a light-colored suitcase so that you can easily spot bed bugs. Better yet, use a piece of smooth plastic luggage so that they cannot latch on to it and would have no place to hide.

Before settling into a hotel, check for bed bug signs on the bed. Place your luggage as far from the bed as possible.

When buying second-hand furniture or clothes, check them first for bed bugs.

Vacuum your furniture, beddings, carpets, and cracks and crevices. When your furniture is already infested, salvage it first by vacuuming. If it is way too damaged, dispose of it already. Make a sign that says “bed bugs” so that no one else would use it.

If you live in an apartment unit, inform your landlord as soon as possible.

If you already have a bed bug infestation, seek help from the professionals. For the best in pest control management, call Go-Forth Home Services. Go-Forth Home Services has been exterminating pests since 1959 and has earned the trust of residents and businesses in Wake Forest due to its commitment to quality.