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Pest Control For Wasps (Go-Forth Home Services)

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Wasps are often mistaken for bees. Alike as they seem, they are distinct from one another. Wasps are slender on the stomach while bees have round-shaped abdomens. The trait that makes wasps far different from bees is their aggressive behavior. Bees rarely sting. They only do that when they feel threatened by animals or humans. Wasps, on the other hand, sting when there is only the slightest provocation. Even if you didn’t mean to disturb them, they are more likely to sting.

Unlike wasps, bees get to sting once. Their stingers are directly connected to their stomachs. So, once they sting, it will be like ripping their guts from the inside out. Wasps may sting any time and as many times as they want. This is the reason why there are many cases of hospital reports from wasp attacks.

Did you know that there are two types of wasps – the social wasps and the solitary wasps? Social wasps have larger populations compared to solitary wasps. They are very defensive and aggressive when it comes to protecting their colony. According to entomologists, social wasps have a threatening presence in residential areas because of their habit of building nests on attics, voids, and any possible cavity inside homes. They invade structures of human beings and attack them when wasps feel bothered or threatened. This is the reason why we need help from exterminators near our area.

Stinging wasps, one the other hand, are also known as solitary wasps. From their name itself, they do not live in groups. They prefer living alone. Unlike social wasps, solitary wasps use their ability to sting to catch their prey. It is not necessarily for stinging humans and animals unless they are directly threatened by them. Otherwise, solitary wasps are less aggressive than social wasps. If you see one, there’s no need to panic. As long as you do not show hostility against them, they won’t mind you and they’ll see their way out. Some wasp species are more common in other states. In North Carolina, here are the most common wasps you can see:

  1. Yellow Jackets. Their name is based on their color laced with a black pattern. It is a type of social wasp that is willing to fight to the death protecting its colony. These creatures usually build their nests on the ground or in structures. If you want to eliminate them, do it during the night when they are more vulnerable to treatments and other methods of pest control.
  2. Paper Wasps. These are also common in the household. You can often see them under-roofs and porch roofs. It is a type of social wasp that breaks the pattern of being aggressive. The reason why they are called paper wasp is their ability to construct nests using a mixture of wood fragments and their very own salivary secretions. The build-up looks like paper because of its dirty-white to brown in color. Don’t worry, they are much smaller than the yellow Jacket and their nest can be easily treated by your local pesticides.
  3. Giant European Insect Hornet. This wasp has yellow and brown coloring. Just like the yellow jacket, it is very defensive when it comes to defending its nest. Did you know that the queen of this species hibernates during winter and emerges by the time spring comes? Each of their colonies has over 300 or more workers. Fun fact, the workers and the soldiers of a colony are dominated by the female wasps. The males’ purpose is to fertilize the queen.

The nest of a Giant European Insect Hornet looks like an inverted tear-drop attached to a bush, tree, or the side of a building. Be sure never to tackle this nest on your own. Contact a professional to help you eliminate wasp nests especially when it’s causing a nuisance to your family.

  1. Cicada Killers. From their name itself, the female cicada can drag the paralyzed cicada back to its nest and consume for the next days. These creatures burrow themselves in the ground and store up to 20 cicadas in one cell. The mother wasp needs as many cicadas as possible since her newborns need it too to survive.
  2. Mud Daubers. This wasp is about ¼ to 2 inches long. They are dull black, brown, or brilliant red in color. Some can also have a shiny yellow or blue. It’s like they have a metallic covering on their body. These wasps have a slender petiole that connects their abdomen and their thorax.

These creatures are known to come back in the spring. They mate during this time and build their nests.

If you are having a hard time controlling wasps in your area, here is a guide to help you control the wasp population in your area. But before you proceed, you need to remember to take precautionary measures before engaging their nest. Make sure to keep your pets and children away from the site so they won’t suffer any stings from these wasps. You can purchase protective garments to protect your body and face from wasp stings that can lead to hospitalization.

  1. You can spray the nest with an insecticide using a pressurized tool. You need to be as far away from the nest as possible while maintaining the strength of the pressure. When you do, clean the area after one day to get rid of the oil bases.
  2. When you cannot locate the wasp, be careful when going to dark corners in your houses such as attics and basements. Also, be careful when going to the roof, you never know if they are attached under it. If you are hesitant to roam around your house, contact a pest control professional to have a whole house evaluation. In that way, they can find the wasp nest and apply the necessary measures to get rid of it. When this happens, you need to prepare yourself and your family.
  3. Monitoring is necessary to find the wasp nest. Be more observant in and outside your house. Check if there are wasps flying around and see check the areas with the most number of these creatures. In that way, you can narrow down the search.
  4. According to specialists, it is important for the wasp nest not to be broken or else angry wasps will scatter aggressively, biting everything on their path. This will cause more damage especially when you’re not prepared. This could put your loved ones in great jeopardy.
  5. You can use Aerosols to target wasp nests at night. This will provide the ultimate knockdown of wasps. Make sure to spray from 15 to 20 feet away. Use protective garments at all times during the treatment to avoid any accidents.
  6. Another thing you can use is Insecticide dust. This can deter these creatures from returning. As we have discussed, wasps usually hibernate during winter and emerge during spring. When an area is protected by insecticide dust, it can immediately kill the emerging wasps during early spring.
  7. Lastly, use Residual Liquid Insecticides to spray potential nesting areas. These chemicals are concentrated pesticides that are mixed with water. To use, spray it around areas where there is a tendency for wasps to build their nests. As we have discussed, based on their habits, they could build nests under-roofs, on bushes, attics, basements, and structural voids. However, do not limit it to these areas. If you can apply it to as many areas as you can, do so. It’s for the protection of your whole family anyway. What’s a little investment to keep your loved ones safe?

Call For Professional Help

Wasps are dangerous creatures which is why you need extra protection from them. If you are looking for ways to get rid of them for good, look for Go-Forth exterminatorsto do the job for you. The experts are more than willing to search the house for potential pest infestations. When they find the signs, they will do whatever they can to get rid of them. The plus side of hiring a professional is the safety it can bring to you and your family. You do not have to face the burden alone. As a non-expert, it could be too dangerous for you.

The best thing you can do is trust the process of the exterminators and protect your family by taking them someplace else until the treatment is over. This will ensure that no wasp can touch your loved ones.

Go-Forth Home Servicesis one of the best pest control companies in North Carolina. The methods of this company have been proven safe and effective over the years. With their help, you can get rid of all kinds of pests in the household including roaches, flies, fleas, and many more. The company offers a basic service plan that offers holistic home protection at an affordable price. Go-Forth Home Services is the combined version of efficiency, safety, and affordability. What are you waiting for? Call the pest control service that saves lives from wasps and other insects.