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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Mosquitoes? (Triangle Exterminators)

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Mosquitoes are annoying insects. Imagine sleeping at night with an infested home. Their flying and buzzing are actually the least of our concerns. It is the diseases they bring to human beings. The World Health Organization regards Mosquitoes as vectors that transmit pathogens that make a large impact on human health. The current control measures for these vector-borne diseases are slowly losing their effectiveness. Hence, urgent new strategies need to be developed.

The genetic strategies that help control mosquito-borne diseases include mosquito suppression and replacement. Only the female mosquitoes suck blood and transmit the diseases. A part of their strategy is releasing only males to the environment since their diet revolves around fruits and nectars.

Mosquitoes are the deadliest vectors. They transmit the most serious human diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever. Despite the efforts of organizations to control the population, mosquitoes remain a threat. 

One of the most profound ways of controlling mosquitoes is by identification. This serves as a basis to develop more methods to get rid of mosquitoes based on their olfaction, digestion, habits, feeding, reproduction, and immunity. 

Did you know that mosquitoes are a species of Dipteran flies? They have over 1000 species worldwide. The most common amongst them is the Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles. 

These creatures are small and slender - more than that of a fruit fly. Mosquitoes have a narrow body and wings ranging from 2 to 10 mm in length. They also have large, compound eyes and long, thin legs.  

Mosquitoes have a chitin structure. It includes chitin plates and hair-like protrusions of varying sizes. This creates the coloring and pattern that distinguishes one mosquito from the other. 

When a mosquito is at rest, it presses its wings onto the posterior of its body. Did you know that adult mosquitoes have scales on their wings and body? 

Mosquitoes have long, striated antennae attached between their compound eyes. The males have antennae which are typically covered with dense “fur.” This part of their body helps them locate the females since they make whining sounds with their wings. 

Many people are wondering how mosquitoes bite. They do not bite. They use a set of tubes to suck blood from their victims. Mosquitoes have a long proboscis, also known as the sucking rostrum. This is a structurally complex part of their body that points forward. One of the tubes is used to inject a substance that numbs the area and the other is responsible for sucking blood. 

Types Of Mosquitoes

Anopheles Mosquitoes

These species of mosquitoes originated in Africa. It is known to transmit one of the deadliest diseases - malaria. Although malaria is only common in tropical environments, the Anopheles Mosquito found a way to migrate to other parts of the world. Now, there are cases of malaria in the colder climates of the Midwestern United States and Canada. 

Apart from being vectors of malaria, they are also known to transmit elephantiasis in human beings. These creatures have a life cycle of two weeks. Within these 14 days, the mosquitoes will have laid 50 - 200 eggs. 

Anopheles Mosquitoes has a wingspan of approximately 3 to 4 millimeters. It is dark brown. And it can be found everywhere except in Antarctica. Like most mosquito species, the Anopheles Mosquito is known to lay their eggs on stagnant water. They are more abundant in the rainy seasons. These mosquitoes are also more active at night until dawn. 

Culex Mosquito

Culex mosquitoes are known to transmit encephalitis, filariasis and the West Nile virus. Just like the Anopheles mosquito, the Culex Mosquito is common in tropical areas but managed to migrate to other places. 

To identify, the adults reach around 4 millimeters in length. It is lighter in color than the Anopheles Mosquito. 

The Culex Mosquito cannot withstand the freezing temperature during the winter. So, they migrate to the south and slowly move North as summer comes. 

Just like the Anopheles Mosquito, they like laying eggs on stagnant water. But they are specifically attracted to areas that can hold water for more than one week. If they can access this kind of area, a female Culex Mosquito can lay up to 5 rafts of eggs. 

Aedes Mosquitoes

According to experts, this mosquito species originate din Africa then migrated to the rest of the world. It is a well-known transmitter of yellow fever and dengue.  

How is it different from other mosquito species? Well, the Aedes Mosquito is larger than most of the mosquitoes. It reaches up to 10 mm in length. It has white eyes and has black and white stripes all over its body. 

Just like most of their kind, the Aedes Mosquito also loves warm, moist climates. However, they are more active in daylight. They bite from sunrise to sunset. When it comes to laying eggs, they prefer cavities of water such as that of a tree hole, planters, old tires, and other objects. 

The Mosquito Bite

As we have discussed, only the female mosquitoes feed on blood. They need the protein to develop their eggs. Without feeding on blood, their eggs cannot mature enough to the point that they need to hatch. 

How Do I Get Detected? 

The female mosquito has compound eyes that help them pick up movement and bright colors. This is the reason why people avoid wearing bright colors when going to the woods. So, they will not attract any mosquito towards them. 

Also, mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide. Yes, they can smell. If you are wondering why there are mosquito magnets in this world, it is because of their Carbon Dioxide emissions. Pregnant women, people who work out, and people who drink beer are more prone to mosquito bites. From 120 feet, the female mosquitoes can smell the source of Carbon Dioxide. Hence, it should not be a surprise when mosquitoes flock over you after you jog. 

What Mosquito Bites Look Like

It is not the “bite” per se that is the problem. It is the enzyme they inject into the skin. Once the proboscis pierces the skin, it releases a substance that numbs its surroundings. This foreign body causes an allergic reaction to the skin. Hence, the red bumps after a mosquito bite. Your body starts to release histamine to get rid of the foreign object which causes the bite to swell. This swelling is known as the “wheal”. 

Did you know that there are some mosquito bites that can grow as big as a grapefruit? Some even report that the allergic reaction from the bite lasts for days. How big it grows and how long it takes to heal varies from one person to another. Some are just more sensitive to the foreign body injected by these pesky creatures. 

Occasionally, people experience a more severe type of reaction called anaphylaxis. When it happens, a person's throat can swell, restricting breathing. The person’s skin will also break into hives of itchy bumps aside from the site of the bite. Although this happens rarely, this is one of the reasons that mosquito bites should be avoided. 

How To Alleviate The Itch 

This is important information to know. Can you imagine your lack of concentration every time you have mosquito bites? Some people go through lengths to alleviate the itch but sometimes, it just doesn’t work. So, what can we do to help ease the itch? 

The first one to remember is to never scratch the bite. This will only irritate the skin further and may escalate to a skin infection. Instead of doing that, better give it a light washing with cool water and soap. 

Calamine lotion. This is known as the pink goo, the favorite of moms all over the world. This lotion is a mixture of zinc oxide and iron oxide that works as a cooling agent to the bite. Other dermatologists suggest using Caladryl. It contains calamine and analgesic to help alleviate the swelling from the bite. 

OTC hydrocortisone cream. This substance contains corticosteroids which counteract the effect of histamines. It is also known to reduce the swelling. It should give you a good night's sleep after you apply it at night. If not, you can take some anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen for worse situations. 

This never goes out of style – the use of a cold compress. You can use an ice pack for this. As we all know, histamines dilate blood vessels. It fills the affected area with excess blood, causing the blood vessels to grow. The cold compress will reverse the effects of histamine by helping the blood vessels constrict. 

Use baking soda paste. Who would have known that out of all the uses of baking soda, itch alleviation is one of them? For some reason, dermatologists recommend baking soda mixed with water to alleviate the itch. Apply it as needed to achieve maximum results. 

Another way to help relieve the itch is by using a hot compress. You can heat up a spoon and apply it to the bite. This method will help destroy the protein which caused the inflammation and soon, the itching will cease. 

Call A Professional 

Pest Control can get rid of mosquitoes and prevent any more infestations. Take a look at the Triangle exterminators and choose the company with the best service. Go-Forth Home Services is the finest company to call. Their exterminators pride themselves in using high-end tools to end an infestation once and for all.  

With one call, all your worries about mosquitoes will go away. So, what are you waiting for? Contact Go-Forth Home Services now for their premium-quality service plans in the Triangle area.