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Pest Control To Kill Bed Bugs (Greenville Sc Exterminators)

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If you are single and not in a relationship and think you are alone sleeping in your bed, well think again. There may be dozens more with you. They observe you, come out only at night, and they bite. 

And they are bad!

Bed bugs were once thought of as extinct, at least on this side of the world. When scientists made inroads in pest control technology in the 1900’s they were very successful in eradicating bed bugs. Ironically, it is a technology that brought them back here in the United States, and now bed bugs are stronger than ever.

I am talking about advancements in traveling here. 

Now, travel is faster, safer, and more comfortable than ever before.  Due to this, more and more Americans are encouraged to go to different places, be it for business or for leisure.

This is what bed bugs have taken advantage of.  

Bed bugs are very good at hitchhiking. They hitch a ride from one place to another, their vehicles being luggage, clothes, and furniture. Just when they have disappeared from every American home, here they are again, immigrating from different parts of the world. 

 Bed bugs are truly a problem, but do not despair! 

There are pest control methods we can all do to stop their spread.  And if these fail, we have the best pest control in Greenville, Go-Forth Home Services to do all the dirty work for us.  In this article we will talk about bed bugs, and how to get rid of them.


Bed bugs are tiny insects that live off the blood of humans and animals. They are very resilient and have been a successful species, especially in the last decade.

Bed bugs are as small as an apple seed. Adults can grow to 4 to 5 mm long and 1 - 3 mm wide. They have brown, oval-shaped flat bodies. They bloat and become red after having a blood meal. They do not fly but can crawl very fast. They also reproduce very fast, making it important for the homeowner who has bed bug infestation problems to act swiftly in order to control them.  

Bed bugs feed mostly at night since they are nocturnal, but that does not mean they do not feed during the day.  If they are given a chance they will feed during the day.

History Of Bed Bugs In The United States

Bed bugs appeared millions of years ago, and most probably they fed on dinosaur blood.   It is not until the 19th century though that they first appeared here in the United States.  

Bed bugs came to America via ships that came from all over the world. By the early 20th century, millions of Americans have fallen victim. It is said that improvements in heating technology in homes allowed bed bugs to thrive the whole year round, instead of during the summer seasons only. 

By the mid-1900s, the bed bug population saw a decline. This is credited to the development of better pesticides.

Bed bugs were said to have been controlled in the 1950s, and Americans enjoyed a bed bug - free life. 

That is, until the 1990s.

Even though bed bugs disappeared in the United States, they are still abundant in other parts of the world.  Even 5-star hotels have them. Better ways of traveling made it possible for bed bugs to make a comeback. Now that Americans travel more often and in more countries, more of them become exposed to bed bugs as well.

 Since these insects are very good hitchhikers, they simply latch themselves on luggage, clothes, and other stuff that travelers bring back home to the States. This was the reason why bed bugs have made a comeback. Not only that, they seem stronger than ever, having developed some resistance to the pesticides that were so effective in killing their ancestors before. 

Bed bugs develop into adults much faster when the temperatures are between 70 F to 80 F. This allows them to produce up to three generations a year.

These days, bed bugs continue to be a big problem.  In order to feed on humans, they bite the skin. This causes ugly bite marks and extreme itching. Though they are not known to transmit diseases, they hit us psychologically just with their presence alone.  

Bed Bugs As A High Health Risk

Bed bug bites are very itchy, and they leave unsightly marks that can be very embarrassing to show in the office or at school. Yet these are not the only things they can do to ruin our lives.

According to three government agencies namely the United States Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Environmental Protection Agency, bed bugs are high health risks. No, they do not transmit diseases, but they hit us psychologically. They are just as torturous as any other disease-transmitting insects. 

Cases have been reported about people having stress and anxiety because of bed bugs. Insomnia, social isolation, and depression have also been reported as a result of bed bug infestation.  

People with bed bugs find it hard to function throughout the day and have a hard time sleeping at night.  

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed bugs’ main purpose of being in our homes is to feed. Their strategy on how to feed is to get near their source of food at all times.  Since we are their food while we sleep, their best bet would be to hide in our beds. Initially, they would be confined to mattresses, headboards, and bed frames. When the infestation becomes heavy, they start to spread to different parts of the house. Though they do not fly, they are fast crawlers.

Bed bugs can quickly spread to other parts of the house, like in cracks, crevices, and holes on the walls and floors. They also hide in drawers, electrical receptacles, sofas, couches, carpets, and other furniture. They can even spread to the neighbors especially if you live in an apartment unit.  

What To Do With Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites are itchy and ugly, but usually, resolve by itself without any need for intervention.  The effects show up only after 1 to 2 weeks. If you want some relief, you may wash the site of the bite with soap and water.  Bed bug bites appear in a straight pattern.  

Signs That You Have Bed Bugs

Watch out for these signs for bed bugs. Bed bugs reproduce quickly, and if you wait for them to spread, it would be very difficult to control them. If you would rely on seeing bed bug bites on your skin, then it would be too late as bed bug bites appear after 7 to 14 days.  Here are the signs you have bed bugs at home:

  1. A sweet, musty odor coming from the scent glands of bed bugs.  
  2. Sheddings of their skins.
  3. Dark spots on mattresses which could be bed bug feces.  Their feces look like blood. 
  4. Bloody marks on the mattress due to the crushed bodies of bed bugs after you have rolled over them while sleeping.
  5. Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye.  If you see one then there are much more hidden there.  


If you need to exterminate bed bugs, then it is time to take action.  Here are some ways to get rid of bed bugs.

  1. Use your vacuum cleaner and vacuum frequently.  Vacuum cracks and crevices around the house, furniture, drawers, and anywhere they may be hiding.  
  2. Spread diatomaceous earth on areas that the bed bugs may be hiding in your house.  Diatomaceous earth is made up of fossilized remains of diatoms. This looks like tiny shards of broken glass.  It inflicts tiny cuts on the bodies of these bed bugs, causing them to bleed until they die. You may buy diatomaceous earth from a local gardening store near you.  
  3. If you have infested furniture, do not throw it out yet.  Treat the furniture first by sprinkling diatomaceous earth and vacuuming.  If it cannot be treated any longer, then dispose of it properly. Place a sign that says “Bed Bugs” so that no one would use it anymore.  
  4. Reduce the clutter in the house to reduce the places they can hide.  
  5. When traveling, use a plastic suitcase so that the bed bugs would not be able to latch on to it.  When you get back home, do not store your luggage near the bed.  
  6. Check used furniture bought from the garage for bed bugs sales before bringing it home.
  7. If you live in an apartment unit and you have bed bugs, it is best to inform the landlord.  The landlord would be the one to call the pest control professionals.  

Remember, these measures can help put bed bugs in check. 

If the infestation is too heavy, then it is time to call the best bed bugs solution in Greenville, Go-Forth Home Services.   For more information, or to request a free estimate, call us now.