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Acquisition Of Process Pictures Team

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The Lingering Question Is: Why Would A Pest Control Company Need A Film Production Team?

On Monday, April 21, 2020, Go-Forth Home Services acquired the 3-person team from Process Pictures, a film production company based in Winston-Salem.

According to Chase Hazelwood, third generation owner of Go-Forth Home Services, “When we hired our new Director of Marketing, Gary Corns, last month, he immediately got together with our Digital Marketing Director, Logan Torres, and together they established that a pressing objective was to create modern, impactful video content for both internal and external marketing. Meanwhile, we had hired Process Pictures to begin working on a training video so that we could virtually train our new hires and adhere to social distancing orders. We discovered that Process Pictures, traditionally a documentary crew, was facing a big challenge as they were unable to produce on-site corporate videos during the pandemic. So, basically a conversation started about how Go-Forth had a need for a lot of video content and Process Pictures was unable to produce for other clients at this time, and that led to an agreement to combine forces!”

The 61-year-old, family-owned pest control company recently relocated to a new 24,000 square foot location on Piedmont Parkway in January of this year.

“We have plenty of space at our new building for the film crew’s team members, equipment and editing space,” says Hazelwood. “Process Picture’s team members now have a dedicated workspace located with the rest of our marketing team.”

With the addition of the three members of the Process Pictures team, Go-Forth’s marketing department now boasts a total of 6 full-time employees with room for additional growth in both full-time employees and part-time interns.

Gerry Gibson, co-owner and CEO of Process Pictures, had this to say, “Our film team has traditionally been in the business of documentary-style storytelling—our corporate videos have also been produced in a way that tells the 'why' behind the business. Go-Forth is all about their 'Why!' Go-Forth’s 'Why' is present in all their communications, in the processes by which they operate, and even written on their walls. We see so much artistic opportunity in submerging ourselves in a single brand that has a clear vision, and being able to share that company’s story to its team and its customers. We have an opportunity to do something very, very unique!”

Devin Forbes, COO and co-owner of Process Pictures attests, “This will be a really interesting experience, having a single focus and being part of a bigger team that is working together toward the same goal.”

“We have team members located throughout North Carolina,” explains Hazelwood. “And we have a plan to continue to expand our footprint. We need an engaging way to onboard new branches into our culture, consistently train our team, reinforce our values, and create a sense of connection despite physical distance—and video seems the best way to do that! By having our own dedicated film team, I envision us being able to rapidly produce a large quantity of high-quality videos that we otherwise would not have had the resources to produce. I think it will enhance our employees’ experience in many ways. Videos have a way of conveying emotions that emails simply cannot.”

Gary Corns, Go-Forth’s Marketing Director, says, “We know video-based marketing messages are becoming a go-to for our potential customers. Homeowners are eager for quick ways to learn about our brand and services, and don’t have the time to read a lengthy website. Video is a perfect way to communicate what differentiates our customer experience from the competition. Go-Forth’s marketing team is stoked to be able to 'show' our brand and no longer just write about it!”

The Go-Forth Film Production team’s first project? To introduce themselves to the rest of the Go-Forth team. Watch it here
