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Local Spider Exterminator In Kernersville, NC

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house spider on an arm

Did you know that arachnophobia or the fear of spiders is the second most common phobia in the United States? That’s right!

And the fact that there are over 45,000 species of these eight-legged creatures can be very unsettling for people suffering from it. People develop arachnophobia when an individual experiences an off-putting or a traumatic incident with a spider. They could be trapped in a closet with one or they could be bitten by one. Whatever the case is, you have to understand that arachnophobia is real. In fact, it is dangerous for some people. This is why they need to eliminate spiders within their surroundings.

Some would argue that spiders are beneficial despite their scary appearance. Studies have shown that without spiders the agricultural industry would suffer. They play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Spiders guard our food supply by preying on farm pests. According to reports, one spider can eat 2,000 insects in just one year.

Even so, spiders can still become a nuisance when they enter the home. Their webs can be off-putting for visiting guests. Some species of spiders are even venomous.

Let’s learn more about the dangers posed by spiders and ways of keeping them out of your homes.

Common House Spiders

Common house spiders do not usually bite humans unless threatened. When they are aggravated, they usually do not cause serious health problems. Minor skin irritation is the worst they can do.

Domestic house spider
Its color ranges from gray to dark brown with dark bands around its legs. They grow to an inch in length with legs measuring up to two inches. Domestic house spiders like to dwell on dry areas including garages, crawl spaces, and outdoor vegetation.

Jumping spider
Jumping spiders are commonly mistaken with the black widow spider which is venomous. This is due to the similarity in their compact bodies and short legs. But unlike the black widow, the jumping spider comes come in a variety of colors including white, gray, yellow, gray, and black. Although it has poor night vision, the jumping spider has the best daylight vision among other species. It can see as far 18 inches away. Since they do not build webs, their excellent vision is very helpful when they pounce on unsuspecting insects.

Daddy longlegs
There is a lot of confusion relating to this name. The Harvestman, nicknamed as daddy longlegs because of its spider-like appearance, is not an actual spider. It also belongs to a family of arachnids which is closer to scorpions. The real daddy longlegs spiders a.k.a. the Cellar spiders are pale, gray, or tan. These spiders spin webs. However, their thread is not as sticky as most spiders. They use the web to alert them of movement. When an insect hits their web, they scuttle to the source of vibration and attack.

Yellow sac spider
The yellow sac spider is a pale yellow-green creature that grows to half an inch in length. It is a nighttime feeder. During the day, it hides in a silken sac which gives it its name. It dwells in ceilings, under furniture, along walls and windows. In America, the yellow sac spider is the most common culprit for spider bites at home. Its bite causes a hard, itchy red bump on the bite site. Thankfully, this is the worst it can do and the bump will disappear in a few days.

Dangerous Spiders

The black widow and brown recluse do not usually venture indoors. But they can enter the house in search of food or a mate. This usually happens when people bring infested materials indoors such as firewood. Like most spiders, these creatures are not aggressive at all. The venom that they possess is only for smaller insects. The spiders use this to paralyze their prey. In order for it to cause paralysis or death to human beings, you're going to need at least 50 to 150 doses. Even so, it is still smart to know how to identify them and symptoms of their bite to know what to do.

Black widow
The black widow got its name from the fact that most female black widow performs sexual cannibalism. It has a telltale red hourglass marking on its shiny, black abdomen. The black widow’s venom attacks the nervous system. Symptoms of its bites include nausea, muscle cramps, sweating, itchy rash, tremors, and swollen eyelids.

Brown recluse
The violin-shaped marking on the back of the brown recluse gives it the nickname fiddle back and violin spider. Unlike most of its cousins, it has only six eyes arranged in 3 sets of pairs with one pair in the middle of its head. Its color is sandy brown that leans toward a slightly yellowish shade. The brown recluse’s venom does not affect you immediately. Symptoms start to appear 8 hours after it bit you. You may feel a burning sensation, chills, fever, nausea, sweating, and restlessness.

Getting Rid Of Spiders

Spider population increase during the summer and early autumn as the eggs hatch. Infestations boom during this time. Getting rid of spiders can be tricky but they do not need to involve harmful chemicals like commercial pesticides. These are some home remedies that you can do.

Maintain cleanliness
Spiders are not attracted to dirt but other insects are. Roaches and other smaller bugs are some foods of spiders. If you attract these bugs inside your house, spiders are likely to come as well. Cleaning the house will discourage the proliferation of other pests decreasing the spider’s food supply.

Keep yourself active in the lawn
Spiders prefer to live outdoors where there is an abundance of food. They love to dwell in areas where they are undisturbed. If you want to eliminate spiders on your own, stay active in maintaining your lawn. You can mow, trim, and clean. These activities will help deter spiders by giving them the idea that they’re in trouble. With regular cleaning, they’ll find another area to infest.

Store firewood and debris away
If you can observe, spiders are attracted to clutter and piles of materials such as firewood, tools, and debris. To keep them from infesting your home, maintain at least six feet interval between the stored materials and your house’s exterior.

Trim trees and shrubs that overlap
Spiders dwell on shrubs and trees too. When the twigs and leaves overlap to your windows or doors, it gives spiders an all-access pass to your home. Did you know that spiders are winter pests? This is not because of their ability to ward off the cold but rather the opposite. By the time winter comes they should have found a stable place to live where there are warmth and an abundance of food.  When you feel like the weather is getting colder, trim the shrubs and twigs that overlap to your home to eliminate their access.

Make home-made spider repellants
Experts believe that several natural spider repellents such as essential oils are effective to deter spiders. While peppermint and lemon, among many others, show positive effects to human beings, these are irritating to pests. According to experts, you can use this as a barrier against them. Simply combine a generous amount of natural oils with water, store it in a spray bottle. Apply it to areas where spiders are common.

The downside to this method is its short-lasting effects. The scent of the essential oils can last an hour at most. So, you have to be patient in reapplying this solution to prevent pests. But if you compare it to pesticides, natural oils are more natural and safe for use, especially if you have children and pets around.

Another effective method to eliminate spiders naturally is using a vinegar solution. Mix vinegar with water and spray them in areas infested with spiders. Like the essential oils, the effects of the solution are short-lasting. However, it is more affordable and accessible since it is an essential condiment in the kitchen.

Spiders also do not like the smell of baking powder. Line the walls and window sill with baking powder to prevent entry. If not, you can use diatomaceous earth to hamper their reproductive activities.

While some claim that spiders are generally harmless, safety first is safety always. You can never be too careful, especially when it comes to your family. If you are experiencing spider infestations but you have no time to apply do-it-yourself methods, I have the best remedy for you.

Contact professional solutions for exterminating pests to have a long-lasting and effective way to eliminate spiders, roaches, ants, wasps, and many more. If you are in North Carolina, there is a pest control service near you that offers affordable methods for pest management.

Go-Forth Home Services is one of the top-rated service providers in the United States. The experts in this company pride themselves in using highly effective yet safe methods for pest elimination. With one quick call, they will be on their way for a thorough inspection. This will help them assess the problem to assign a permanent solution. What are you waiting for? Contact Go-Forth Home Services now to get your free quote!