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The Benefits of Monthly Pest Control

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ants eating a sandwhich

When you are a property owner, having unwanted guests, or the so-called pests, is the last thing you want to have. As much as possible, you want to keep your house in good shape and free from these nuisances. If pests infest your house or business establishment, the first thing that you'd like to do is to get rid of them. You have many different options for pest management. Some people prefer the DIY methods while others seek help from exterminators or professionals for hassle-free pest management. How often you perform pest control really varies on the situation or on how severe the infestation is.

First Of All, What Are Pests?

Pests are destructive insects or animals. They have a harmful effect on humans, their food, and their living condition. These creatures consist of mammals and insects. The majority of them are small but they bring serious health problems to humans and could damage your property in no time. Let’s run through the types of pests we usually find in our homes and establishments.

Pest Control: How Frequent?

The duration or pest control frequency is determined by different factors. Here are some of them:

  • The type of pest found in your home or establishment 
  • The severity of the infestation 
  • The size of the property that needs treatment 
  • The quality of pest control method used the last time you attempted to do pest control

There are instances when pest issues get resolved on the first treatment, especially if you were able to use an effective product or method, or if the pest problem was treated before the infestation starts, and when the number of pests is still manageable. If you are lucky enough and you were able to address the issue the first time, there is no need for you to do a follow-up treatment and consider the case closed. In cases of normal infestation though, treatment every two months is enough. However, in more severe or serious cases, monthly treatment may be suggested or required by the technician to get the situation better under control.

Pest Control Methods

  1. Biological Pest Control - The most natural method known and used today. It effectively reduces the number of pests without leaving a bad effect on the rest of the environment. One of the good things about this method too is that it can provide a long-term solution to a pest problem and pests do not become resistant.
  2. Mechanical Pest Control - Is a process used to manage pests using physical means such as the use of equipment as well as devices to get the job done. This also helps them from spreading and causing further destruction. Some examples of mechanical pest control are barriers, fences, or electronic wires. It also includes a change of temperature to control pests and weeds. 

House Pests We Normally See In Our Properties:

  1. Flies - These pests carry a wide range of diseases including food poisoning, viruses, and bacteria. They love decaying matters and will fly in to lay eggs. We usually see them flying near the sewage, garbage, or where there is food. 
  2. Ants - There are more than 12,000 species of ants all over the world. Ants are attracted to food so if there are fruits, sweets, or crumbs in your house, they will certainly find their way to it.
  3. Rats and mice - Rats and mice are mammals of the order Rodentia. They are known for their teeth that never stop growing.
  4. Cockroaches - Cockroaches are omnivores that eat plants and meat. They eat human flesh of both the living and the dead. They are one of the creepiest and filthiest kinds of pests for many people.
  5. Mosquitoes - This is a small insect but one of the most harmful as it carries and transmits diseases that could make you ill and cause death.
  6. Termites - Termites do not carry diseases that can be harmful to humans but they can cause extensive property damage.
  7. Bed bugs - They feed on human blood and are very challenging to control because they spread quickly.
  8. Ticks and fleas - These parasites are found in your pets, like cats and dogs, but they can also transmit the diseases they carry to humans.

Maintaining a clean home is important for reducing infestation chances, but having pests doesn’t mean your place is filthy. Sometimes, no matter how clean or spotless your place is, their presence can still be found in your property as these pests stay in places where there is an abundant food source and a safe place where they can breed. Pest prevention is critical and you can certainly take actions yourself so you won’t have to deal with any pest problems in the future. Check the tips on how we can prevent pests from coming to our homes: 

  • Pests like rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, and ants invade homes and establishments for food and shelter. If you want to avoid these creatures from coming to your property, make sure to always clean your place. Practice good sanitation. Clean all surfaces after eating and make sure there are no spilled food, sauces and crumbs left. Whether it is in the kitchen, living room where we watch our favorite movies while eating snacks, in the bedroom where we sometimes bring chips and cookies. Do not leave used dishes, cutlery, plates, glasses, pots, and pans. Wash them immediately as soon as you finish eating your meals and after cooking. Store food in tight containers to make sure pests will not be able to get them. Dispose of your garbage regularly and make sure it is sealed or covered.
  • For bed bugs, check your secondhand beds, furniture, and couches for any signs before bringing them inside your home. Vacuuming frequently will also help as a dryer on high frequency can kill bed bugs. Bed bugs can also transfer when you travel. Carefully inspect the hotel rooms, motels, or apartment units you will be staying in during your travel to avoid bringing them with you when going back home. As much as possible, use luggage made of smooth and white casings.
  • For mosquitoes, you can use an indoor insect fogger or insect spray to kill mosquitoes and treat areas where these insects are staying. You can start spraying in humid areas like closets, under the sink, and laundry area. It is also important to remove any standing water where mosquitoes could lay eggs. Empty and scrub anything that can hold water like tires, planters, buckets, etc. Also, make sure that your water containers have lids or covers. There are also some plants that help prevent mosquitoes from coming. Plants like citronella, lavender, marigold, thyme, and many more. In the bedroom, use a mosquito net and an electric fan to protect yourself and your family.
  • Termites eat woods and can damage your home silently. You can reduce the risk of termite attack by eliminating wood in contact with the ground. Remove lumbers, woods, plants, paper, and cupboard from the foundation.
  • For ticks and fleas, there is a homemade spray solution you can use to help ticks and fleas away from your pets. Based on studies, vinegar and water can be sprayed directly onto your pets. Just be careful not to get this solution into their eyes.

After the treatment though, it is important to still observe and be vigilant as you would never know when the issue will rise again. Yes, it is possible for these pests to go back especially if they find enough reason to stay in your home so you must be very careful if you don’t want to experience the same problem. Calling a pest control technician will give you peace of mind.

Asking Assistance From These Experts Is An Effective Way To Determine How Often A Pest Control Service Is Needed.

Once screening is scheduled, the first thing they would do is perform a thorough inspection of the infested area to find out the type of pest we have to get rid of, the severity of the problem and the entry and exit points to find out the best type of treatment to be used in that specific situation. Finding the best pest control management is important if you want to completely eradicate these troublesome pests in your home safely and efficiently. If you want worthy and reliable pest control service, go with Go-Forth Home Services.  

Why Choose Go-Forth?

Go-Forth is simply the best. If you want the best pest control management in the Triangle region, they are the ones you should call.

You may ask, what sets Go-Forth Home Services apart from the rest? We have a team of expert professionals who can provide the best pest control services to residents and business establishments. Our expert experience in exterminating pests can help you get rid of these pests in your home. You may check us on Facebook or Google us to see what our satisfied customers have to say about us.

For more information, or to set an appointment, just dial (877) 274-1475. Our friendly operators are standing by.