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The Best Pest Control Management For Silverfish (Greenville Exterminators)

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silverfish crawling on paper

Silverfish are among the most common nuisance pests in Greenville. They are usually present in kitchens, bathrooms, and dark areas in the house. They also like to stay in the window or door frames. Not only that, they can be under the sinks, bookcases, in storage boxes, behind the wallpaper, old stacks of magazines and newspapers, and wall voids. Silverfish feed on starch and can damage books and paper. The glue in papers and books attract them. They can also damage clothes, bathroom products, fabrics, cereals and other dry stored food, and plant materials. As we can see, they are not only a nuisance, but they are also very damaging and the damage they cause can also be costly.

Insects are already a part of our lives and we have come to expect them inside our homes. We might have already learned to adjust to having these unwelcome visitors, but do we really have to? Admittedly, insects when they are outdoors can be beneficial to the ecosystems: they help in pollination, they are food to other beneficial animals, and are natural predators of other more dangerous pests themselves. But indoors, they are simply pests and we should not tolerate them. Silverfish are among them


Silverfish are among the most common nuisance pests in Greenville, NC. They are  nuisance pests but are not really harmful to humans. Unlike their more notorious fellow pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, and mice. Silverfish do not transmit diseases. They prefer to look for food at night and stay in dark places during the day, being nocturnal creatures. Silverfish damage food, but they prefer sugary and starchy foods. They also do so much damage to books, papers, important documents, photographs, and cardboard. Homeowners really suffer from the presence of these insects alone. Silverfish are tiny insects, they are more or less 2.5 cm in length.

They come in silver metallic in color, and their appearance resembles a fish, hence their name. Silverfish have very long antennae that are as long as their bodies. They look like a fish and they also move like a fish, what with their wiggling motion. They move quickly, making it hard for their predators to catch them. Their extraordinary quickness applies only on horizontal surfaces though—they cannot climb walls, unlike most other insects. Since silverfish are nocturnal and always hide in dark places, they are not immediately noticeable. When the time comes you realize that you have silverfish infestation at home, it would be likely that their population has increased.      

Signs Of A Silverfish Infestation

A sign that you have silverfish in your home is the small holes and scrapes on books, paper, and magazines. Yet another is the presence of yellow stains on clothing that are made of synthetic fibers. You may also catch a glimpse of them crawling around the house.

Likewise, a silverfish infestation tells us an underlying problem in the house. When you have silverfish, it could mean that you have a damp problem in your home. Silverfish thrive in damp places, and you might be giving them a reason to stay. Fix leaking pipes, if any, and use dehumidifiers and improve ventilation.

Types of silverfish

There are many types of silverfish in the United States. Below is a detail of the types of silverfish:

Bristletail - These are the ones that are ordinarily pointed out as silverfish. They have three tails at the end of their abdominal section, hence the name bristletail. They have cylindrical bodies. Bristletail are usually outdoors and prefer grassy locations or forested ranges. They can be located under rotting leaves, under rocks, under wood, and under rocks. They forage for dried meat, meat extract, and a host of other items that are rich in protein.

Jumping bristletail - This is a small type of silverfish. They have powerful legs and abdomen, allowing them to jump high. They look like shrimps because of their hunched backs. Similar to the bristletail, they have three long and thin tails at the end of their abdomens. They have no wings so they cannot fly. Jumping bristletail have large eyes, and with scales that look coppery metallic placed under the light.

They have specific food choices and diets compared to the other silverfish. They prefer dead leaves, rotting vegetation, and other decaying organic matter. Jumping bristletail live under rocks, logs, leaf litter, stones, and other moist areas.

Firebrat - Firebrats have long and thin bodies with hairs that look like spikes. They have yellowish plates that show up like scales. They have three lengthy and narrow tails found at the end of their bellies. Firebrat do not have wings so they cannot fly but they move speedily and can run remarkably fast. They are a mere nuisance and do not hurt or bite humans.

Firebrat prefer to be indoors and near warm areas, like ovens, furnaces, and stoves. We can also occasionally catch them in between the pages of books because they feed on the glue that keeps books together. You can also spot them in libraries. They eat fabrics produced from plants. Cotton cloth is part of their diet.

Grey silverfish - These are solitary insects that have flat bodies, three thin tails found at the end of their bellies, and a couple of long antennae. They have smooth scales that enclose their bodies. This prevents larger insects from catching them. This is a form of protection from their enemies. Aside from that, they can crawl exceedingly fast and can elude any threats. They can be present in dim, warm sections of the household, like inside ovens, clothes dryer, bathroom vents, heaters, and furnaces.

Sweet and starchy foodstuffs draw them. That is why they can be consistently located in the kitchen and cupboard where flour, sugar, yams, and diverse items full of sugar are found. Other than the food, you can likewise notice them in between the pages of books because they eat the glue that is used to hold the pages closely. It is likewise worth mentioning too, that gray silverfish can thrive without food for months.

They can hole up in cracks and crevices because they are very thin. They are also nocturnal, so we do not regularly encounter them.

Four-lined silverfish - The four-lined silverfish is characterized by the 4 lines in their midsection. They are much sturdier, lengthier, and less glossy than the common silverfish. The four-lined silverfish infest our homes and can be seen anywhere: the basement, attic, and wall voids. They can also be located in flower bed mulch. They eat our stored dry foodstuffs, and also paper, magazines, and books.


Silverfish are truly unwelcome guests. They can damage our belongings if not controlled. To get rid of silverfish, you may want to enlist the services of the best pest control management in North Carolina, Go-Forth Home Services.

Or you may observe these simple tips on how to get rid of the silverfish yourself.

Before you do, and if you have the time, you may follow these simple tips on how to get rid of the silverfish yourself.   

  1. Remove clutter around your house. Keep away old newspapers, magazines, and books.
  2. You may purchase dehumidifiers. Improve ventilation to remove your damp problems since silverfish prefer damp places.
  3. Seal off cracks and crevices. Silverfish are thin and can fit into small cracks. These cracks and crevices can be used as entry points, or even as hiding places where they can lay eggs.  
  4. Use diatomaceous earth. These are made up of fossilized remains of diatoms. Diatomaceous earth is powdery materials that look like little shards of glass that can cause small cuts into the bodies of insects. When a silverfish crawls on it, it would cause tiny cuts which would cause them to bleed and dehydrate to death. Apply these in the evening since silverfish are nocturnal.  
  5. Vacuum carpets, flooring, and upholstery to keep dust and debris to a minimum.
  6. Keep flour, sugar, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods in a sealed container to reduce their food sources.  
  7. Fix leaky pipes and faucets and keep gutters free of debris.  
  8. Using sticky traps might work. Use a small piece of bread as a bit and put it beside the trap.   
  9. Use insecticide, but be sure to follow instructions carefully. Store insecticides out of the reach of children and pests. Dispose of the container properly after being emptied.  
  10.  Use boric acid. Sprinkle it on areas you often see silverfish to kill them and their eggs. This is harmful to the lungs, so do not inhale.  

Follow these tips so you can get rid of silverfish.  If you are overwhelmed by silverfish problems despite following these tips, then call Go-Forth Home Services, your local pest control company near Greenville. Go-Forth Home Services has a team of experienced professionals who are highly skilled and well-trained, using only the most advanced equipment in the business.

Go-Forth Home Services is a family-owned business that has earned the trust of residents and business establishments in Greenville for 61 years. For inquiries, or to set an appointment, you may call (877) 274-1475