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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Fleas? (Columbia, SC Exterminators)

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Fleas are a common enemy among breeders, pet trainers, and pet lodgers worldwide. Be it cats, dogs, or birds—fleas are rampant. The heavy influx of infestations is due to the increasing number of pet ownership, poor urbanization development, and irresponsibility in pet care. This is why experts recommend learning DIY procedures of pest management or looking for reliable Columbia, SC exterminators to collaborate schedules for pest prevention.

Without adequate pest management, you put your pet's life at risk of contracting the following diseases:


This comes as a shock to new fur parents. They never expected that fleas can transmit tapeworms to animals.  While this is a rare phenomenon, it is not impossible especially if your cat or dog accidentally ingests an infected flea.

Tapeworms are intestinal parasites along with the common hookworm, whipworm, and roundworm. These flat, segmented worms are not only common to the human gut but also dogs, cats, and other animal species.

Here are signs you need to observe if you suspect tapeworms infesting the intestines of your pet: lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, a visual sighting of tapeworms on the stool, ground, or pet bedding. If this happens, contact your vet for the best procedures to rid these parasites from your dog. 

Murine Typhus

Another common illness transmitted by fleas is the Murine typhus caused by Rickettsia Typhi bacteria. Fleas become infected when they feed on infected animals particularly rodents and possums. That's the time they can transmit the disease to humans and animals.

It could be through their bite or their excrements. Fleas secrete saliva every time they feed on humans and animals. This makes their bite itchy and reddish. After they feed, they excrete flea dirt that looks like black specks of dust. If either of these infected excrements is absorbed in the bloodstream, it causes Murine Typhus.

Humans and animals can also contract the disease through the inhalation of contaminated air or the ingestion of contaminated food. Luckily, there is sufficient evidence that the bacteria cannot be spread through human to human contact. Or else, this will increase the prevalence of the disease. This flea-borne typhus is common in tropical and subtropical areas. In the United States, this includes Southern California, Hawaii, and Texas.

Even if you're in a colder place, you can't be too sure. There is enough evidence that supports how fleas can easily migrate an adapt to a variety of environments. If I were you, I'd find a way to prevent or eliminate fleas from my home. 

DIY Tips To Eliminate Fleas On Your Pet

If you're wondering how you can do that, here are simple and affordable tips you can do to eradicate fleas from your home:

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Who would have known that this condiment does not only offer health benefits but also pest control agents? Professionals have studied the effect of apple cider vinegar and they found that it is an excellent way to treat fleas on animals by balancing their PH levels. This makes their skin unsustainable for fleas. All you need to do is dilute 6 cups of apple cider with 4 cups of water. Add a dash of salt and spray it directly to your dog's coat. Be careful not to spray any of it to their nose and eyes as it can irritate them.

Do this regularly for protection especially when you plan to take them outdoors for a walk. This will help prevent any fleas from latching onto their fur. 

Flea Collar From Vodka

To vodka lovers out there, there is another use of this liquor aside from leisure. Did you know that it is effective to treat fleas on animals? You can create flea collar by dipping a simple collar into unflavored vodka and let it dry. If you want to give it a little twist, add a few drops of essential oils such as lavender, mint, or tea tree for the optimum flea protection.

Lemon Bath

This is one of the most practical methods to eliminate fleas of bathing your dog.  Apart from its anti-pest properties, it will also leave your dog smelling fresh. To apply this hack, mix 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon with 2 cups of water and add a generous amount of pet-friendly soap. Bathe your pet regularly with this solution and you'll eliminate fleas in no time. 

Make Your Own Lemon Comb

That is not the only hack you can get from lemons. You can create lemon comb by dipping the brush into fresh lemon juice then use it casually onto your pet's fur. This works best for long- and thick-coated animals such as Persians, Shih Tzus, Spitzes, and many more.  But you can also use it for short-haired pets. It will work the same way.

Eliminate Fleas At Home 

Recent findings show that a pet owner shouldn't only treat your pets to eliminate fleas. The professionals found that most eggs fall from the animal's coat into the floors, bedding, couches, and carpets. No matter how much you treat your animal that specialized methods, there will always be another wave of infestation after these eggs hatch.

The flea bomb, for example, professionals such as Go-Forth Home Services recommend multiple sessions of extermination procedures. Fogging will only eliminate existing adults, not necessarily the eggs and the pupae. Therefore, reapplication of flea bombs after 2 to 4 weeks is necessary to make sure no flea will survive the extermination process. To help eliminate fleas from your home, here are some DIY methods you can try:

Regular Vacuuming

Most homeowners underestimate the value of vacuuming their floors, mattresses, and upholstery.  Little do they know it contributes significantly to the elimination of pests such as bedbugs, fleas, roaches, and many more.

Experts regard this as the most cost-effective method to eliminate fleas. It removes the eggs, pupae, larvae, and adults from the fibers of carpets, couches, and bedding.  It is a powerful tool to extract pests and eliminate them completely.

After you vacuum, don't forget to throw away the contents of the vacuum bag. There could be eggs ready to hatch are pupae ready to turn into adults. If this happens, they will spark another set of infestation. 

Use Baking Soda

Not only is this used for cleaning but also pest management. All you need to do is lay down a generous amount of baking soda on your floors, furniture, carpets, and bedding. Spread it thinly using a brush or a piece of cloth. Let it stay for 1 to 2 days, vacuum it thoroughly, and replace it with another batch.

If you don't have baking soda at home, you can use salt or Diatomaceous Earth (DE). These powders can destroy the exoskeleton of pests, dehydrating them from the outside until they die. To make this method more effective, you need to do it regularly and consistently to make your home unsuitable for pest development. 

Wash Bedding Regularly

Do not limit this method only to the pet bedding. Fleas are cunning creatures, they could be anywhere including your mattresses and the cushions of your couch. To prevent infestations, it pays off to wash the covers regularly. Not only will this ensure a pest-free environment, but it also promotes sanitation and safety for your family. 

Eliminate Fleas From Your Yard

Your yard should be your first line of defense against pests. You wouldn't have to deal with these pesky creatures if your lawn is clean and tidy. To make it so, here are some hacks you can apply to make your lawn unattractive to all kinds of pests: 

Mow Your Lawn Regularly

Experts reveal mowing the lawn is an effective method to make the area unwelcoming to fleas. We all know the process of mowing. The blades cut the grasses short, generating mulch to provide nutrients for the plants and made the grass shoots healthier and lush.  But this is not the only importance of lawn mowing.

Tall grasses serve as hiding spots for pests from the extreme heat of the sun. If the grasses are well-trimmed, pests are forced to move out and look for another place to stay.  If you haven't already bought your lawnmower, invest in one now to achieve its benefits.

Treat Your Lawn Regularly

If you're afraid of using chemical treatments, you can use essential oils such as lavender, nasturtium, and geranium. These are irritating to pests, making the lawn unsuitable for their activities and pushing them to move away.

The downside of using essential oils is its short-lasting effects. However, it is beneficial to prevent the harmful effects of using insecticides to your family, pets, and the environment.

If you don't want to constantly apply essential oils, you can plant these herbs around your lawn to serve as protection from various pests.

These are only a few ways you can get rid of fleas and other pests in your home. Apply these regularly for a more effective pest management technique. But if signs of flea infestations persist, don't hesitate to call a flea control professional in your area. With their specialized methods, they can guarantee lifetime protection from the creatures that bring a nuisance to your family.