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Getting Rid Of Fleas In The City Of Burlington, NC

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Fleas are one of the most common problems of pet lovers. These pesky little beasts hunt warm-blooded mammals for a blood meal, including you and your pets. Fleas cause an intense itchy sensation, leaving you with swollen wounded marks. The worst part is, they don't only bite in one place, they seek another part of your body to pierce and feed on. If it's not good enough, they transfer to another creature to have their fill for the day.

These creatures have 2,500 known species from the order of Siphonaptera. These tiny external parasites could consume blood up to 15 times their weight. They have a hard, laterally compressed body, making it easier for them to swiftly move from their host’s fur or feather. They might be wingless but they have strong hind legs that are capable of leaping up to 6 to 8 inches. This makes it easier for them to go from one host to another. They use their strong claws to grasp unto their host's fur to avoid getting easily dislodged when the animal scratches or shakes. 

The Life Cycle Of Fleas

Fleas have 4 life stages. The first stage is the egg. A female flea could lay up to 50 eggs per day on an animal. However, most of these fall off from the body as your pet moves. The eggs fall to the floor, carpets, and couches.

According to a study, a flea egg could hatch as early as 2 days if the environment is warm and has a high humidity level. However, it takes longer to hatch if temperatures are cold and dry.

The second stage is the larvae. These are blind, legless creatures who are sensitive to light. They spend much of their time under carpets, cracks, or any dark and humid place. Larvae feed on the excrements of the adult flea. These consist of organic matter that can sustain the nutrients they need for survival.

Larvae stage can take up to 18 days before they transform into pupae. This is the stage where they enclose themselves in a silk-like covering to form a cocoon. In optimal conditions, a flea can remain as a pupa for 4 days. But in unfavorable conditions, a pupa can remain dormant for several months to one year.

Finally, the pupae turn into adult fleas, the last stage in the cycle. During this stage, the primary goal of these creatures is to feed. Their first blood meal will trigger their reproductive system to mature and will start the cycle again. In optimal conditions, they could live up to 3 months. Your goal as responsible homeowners is to make your house unattractive to any flea activity.

How Do You Get Fleas?

There are countless ways on how your pet can catch fleas. It could be from interacting with another pet or walking or going to the park for a walk. Other times, pets can catch fleas by running around the yard. This is the reason experts recommend checking your pet's coat daily to prevent flea infestations. 

Illnesses Brought By Fleas

Yes, fleas carry pathogens and transmit it from one host to another. Humans and animals can contract flea-borne diseases as the fleas feed on them. Other times, it could be through the ingestion of an infected flea or their excrements.

Here are some of the illnesses brought by fleas:

The Flea-Borne Typhus

This disease is also known as Murine typhus, cat flea typhus, or flea-borne spotted fever. It is primarily caused by the bacteria Rickettsia Typhi. A flea can acquire the pathogen from feeding on an infected animal like cats, dogs, and rats. The insect transmits the bacteria to another host through the inhalation or ingestion of their excrements.

Other times, the transmission could occur once the bacteria come in contact with an open wound. If this happens, the symptoms could appear two weeks after infection which includes fever, severe headaches, chills, muscle pain, and rashes. Most people affected by the disease recover completely. However, severe cases can still occur if left untreated. In which case, it could damage other organs like liver kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain


Fleas could also transmit parasites like tapeworms. It happens when humans and animals accidentally ingest an infected flea while eating. In which case, most victims experience the following symptoms: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cravings, and unexplained weight loss. If you experience these changes, consult a doctor so they can prescribe interventions to remove the parasites inside your gut. 

Cat-Scratch Disease

This disease is caused by the bacteria Bartonella Hennselae. Despite its name, it is not only common to cats but to every mammal that gets in contact with an infected flea. Other times, it can be contracted through the bite or scratch of an infected mammal. The symptoms of cat-scratch disease include a bump on the bite site, swollen lymph nodes, fever, headaches, and body aches. While most victims of this illness recover completely, people with weaker immune systems such as young children and the elderly should beware of its complications. In case they experience these symptoms, it's best to call a professional to tend to their medical needs. 

Bubonic Plague

The bubonic plague, also known as a Black Death is responsible for killing almost one-third of the European civilization during the 14th century. The illness is brought to humans by infected rat fleas. There was no known cure for the bubonic plague before. Luckily, doctors can readily manage the symptoms including high fever, chills, body weakness, muscle pain.

The hallmark of this disease is the swelling lymph glands or buboes, usually in the groin armpits or necks. This is why it's called the bubonic plague. Other victims experience worse symptoms such as gangrene of the extremities, and vomiting of blood. If you experience initial symptoms, avoid self-diagnosis and see a doctor to assess the disease and prescribe medications for a more effective recovery.  

How To Get Rid Of Fleas

Seeing how detrimental fleas are to human and animal health, it is apparent to do our best to prevent, if not eliminate infestations.

Here are a few ways to do so:

  1. Get your pets checked and treated. One mistake dog owners make is avoiding veterinarian fees. Little do they know that regular check-ups can help prevent flea and tick infestations that can cause illnesses to both the pet and the owner. The veterinarian can recommend spot-on treatments, chewable tablets, and other methods for pest prevention. This way, you won't have to deal with these pesky creatures on your own.  
  2. Bathe your pet using a flea shampoo. Before you get a pet, it is important to understand their needs to achieve a healthy well-being. One of which is regular bathing in grooming. This is an important strategy to eliminate and prevent infestations on their coat.
  3. Use flea combs. Experts believe that this is the most cost-effective method for pest prevention. Not only will this help eliminate adult fleas, but it also helps detangle the hair of your pet. Some recommend placing your pet's comb with lemon or apple cider vinegar since it's an effective way to deter fleas from their coat.
  4. Clean your environment. As discussed earlier, most flea eggs will fall on your carpets, floors, and beddings. Spend a portion of your time to clean these areas as well. Don't forget to wash the pet's bedding regularly and vacuum the floors, carpets, and mattresses. Not only will this keep your home clean and tidy but also unattractive to all kinds of pests.
  5. Use natural treatments. Fleas are allergic to essential oils such as tea tree, neem, and lemon. To create a DIY repellent, simply add 15 drops of essential oils to 1 cup of water and store it in a spray bottle. Spray it on areas where flea infestations are common such as pet bedding, mattresses, and carpets. Better yet, use it as a protection on your pet's fur. Every time the walk or play, use it to deter insects that can cause an infestation.
  6. Contact a professional. If you had done all means of extermination but still see fleas in your house, it's time to call a professional exterminator. Many people believe that hiring a flea exterminator in Burlington, NC is too costly. Little do they know that some companies offer affordable prices for basic pest control. The best part of contacting professionals is their high-end strategies to stop and prevent infestations for good.  Not only will they focus on eliminating pests indoors but also outdoors.

If you are in North Carolina and you need an affordable yet competent service, contact Go-Forth Home Services. This company offers premium quality methods for pest management at a very affordable price. Companies and residents in North Carolina have these experts on speed dial because they know how quickly they respond to pests emergencies. With their help, you can have an assurance that those critters won’t come back. Then, you can achieve a pest-free environment for the comfort of your family.