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Can Pest Control Spray Harm Dogs? (Triangle Exterminators)

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This is one question that is being asked not only by the thousands of dog owners in the Triangle region but by millions of people all over the world. As we all probably know, pests are not like humans in such a way that pests do not choose countries. Any place where there are humans would be fine; more so if they have dogs. Dogs are an added attraction for pests. Dog food and dog poop attract flies and cockroaches. The dogs themselves attract fleas and ticks.

With these added attractions, are we doomed to have pests when we have pets? According to some of the best Triangle pest exterminators, dog owners and their dogs should not have to suffer from pests, since there are tricks we could learn in order to beat them. That is what pest control is for.

What worries homeowners who have dogs is that pest control may harm their beloved dogs. Indeed, the most popular type of pest control is one that uses chemically made insecticides; it is readily available in the groceries, convenient, easy to use, and—admittedly—effective. The downside is that it could be dangerous to children and pets.

Go-Forth Home Services, the leading pest control services near Durham, NC and Raleigh, NC, have some trick up their sleeves. The best thing about it is that they are willing to share some of them with you. Interested? Read on.

The Danger To Dogs

Dogs are typically happy-go-lucky creatures, a trait that has endeared them to human beings. However, this is the same trait that puts them in danger as well. They are curious and love to investigate. They sniff around as if they are looking for something that only they could tell. One thing dog owners will have to remember is that their pets will not go out being cautious about the dangers of pesticide residue.

Homeowners typically utilize pesticides to kill a wide variety of pests like fleas, weeds, rats, and mice. Pesticides are either applied to different parts of the house and garden or directly to their pets. While pesticides truly have their benefits, these chemicals can prove to be harmful to your dogs.

If pesticides are dangerous to human health, they are more so with our dogs. Studies have shown that chemical pesticides can cause cancer, nerve damage, birth defects, and other long term effects in dogs. So, are we torn between the need to control pests and the need to keep our pets safe? You do not have to be. Let us take a look at some of the chemical pesticides you have to steer clear from if you have dogs in your house.

  • Phosdrin - This is a type of organophosphate insecticide that is easily available in the market. This poison is absorbed via inhalation, skin absorption, or ingestion. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, paralysis, respiratory distress, and cardiac irregularities.
  • Nudrin- This is commonly used to protect crops and vegetables. It is a highly toxic carbamate insecticide that works as an enzyme exhibitor.
  • Spectracide- This is another organophosphate insecticide that can damage the nerve and respiratory organs in insects. However, such effects are found in humans and animals when they are exposed for long periods. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and coma.

Spraying these on your property will definitely have dire consequences on your dog, but do not worry about it. There are dog-friendly pesticides that you can use as an alternative that are much safer, yet as effective.

Dog-Friendly Pesticides

One important reminder: natural does not always mean dog-friendly when it comes to pesticides. Do not assume that it is, or your dog might suffer the consequences.

To guide you on what pesticides to use, Go-Forth Home Services has made a list of pet-friendly pesticides you can use:

  1. Acetamiprid- Acetamiprid was first put into use as a pesticide to protect plants against sucking insects. Eventually, it has been found to be effective against bed bugs. It is odorless and is composed of synthetic organic compounds. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it is safe for humans, pets, mammals, birds, and fish. It degrades quickly in soil by soil metabolism. Always read the label before use.
  2. Lufenuron- This is used to control flea infestation by inhibiting their development. This is because Lufenuron prevents hatching of the eggs. This, combined with insecticides that kill adult fleas, is an effective flea control solution. Lufenuron is also proven safe for dogs.
  3. Pyriproxyfen- Pyriproxyfen works by inhibiting the growth of insects and prevents insects from increasing in numbers. Classified as an insect growth regulator, it affects young insects and eggs. This is safe enough for pets so much that it can be applied directly on them to control fleas and ticks; it is also registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. Dogs who are exposed to a high dosage of pyriproxyfen may vomit but will be fine the next day. Dogs who are exposed to a low dosage will show no symptoms. Other insects that you can control using pyriproxyfen include carpet beetles, cockroaches, ants, and mosquitoes.
  4. Spinosad- SPinosad is toxic to insects but safe for dogs. This is a combination of two chemicals known as spinosyn A and spinosyn D. Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, it is used to control leafminers, mosquitoes, ants, thrips, spider mites, and fruit flies. It is also used to control head lice on humans and fleas on dogs and cats. It works by damaging the nervous system of the insect that eats or gets into contact with it. Its muscles will flex uncontrollably until it is paralyzed and dies.
  5. Nitenpyram- Nitenpyram is a neonicotinoid that is used to control fleas on dogs and cats. It quickly kills adult fleas, but not as effective against flea eggs. As long as you follow the instructions on its label, it will be safe to use on your dog. Your dog may scratch himself as the fleas die off, but it would be temporary and would resolve on its own. Still, you may consult your friendly vet if you notice anything unusual.
  6. Imidacloprid- This pesticide is made to copy the effects of nicotine. Nicotine kills many insects. It is used against termites, sucking insects, and fleas. It is safe to use on dogs. It works by disrupting the nerve’s ability to send the usual signals and stops it from doing its normal duties in an insect’s body. Imidacloprid is absorbed from the soil by the plants, and the poison spreads throughout the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. If these are eaten by insects, they get to ingest the poison as well. This will kill them eventually.
  7. S-methoprene - This acts as an important hormone in an insect’s body. By doing so, it prevents insect growth and development. It is used to kill fleas, moths, flies, beetles, and many other pests. Normal molting, egg-laying, and egg-hatching are prevented. This way, the pests are also prevented from reproducing. Always follow instructions found on the label.

Read The Label

Even though the pesticides in the list above are generally considered safe, improper use can still lead to poisoning. Overdosing is one risk. After purchasing any of these pesticides, make sure to read the label first.

Do not apply pesticides on your lawn when your dog, or his feeding bowl and toys, are around. While you cannot control your dog’s curiosity, this is one thing you can control. As much as possible, avoid pesticides that look like pellets. This type of pesticide might be mistaken for food.

Do not mix pesticides with organic fertilizers. This is because dogs like the taste of organic pesticides.

Store all pesticides out of the reach of children and pesticides.

Another problem you might face is your dog getting in contact with your neighbor’s pesticides. You certainly have no control of what your dog does outside. This is why it is best to talk to your neighbors about the kind of pesticides that they use.

In case your dog accidentally gets in contact with the pesticide, call the vet immediately. If possible, know what was ingested, how much, and the means of exposure. If your dog has vomited, bring a sample of it. Bring with you the pesticide pack if you can.

Pesticides are beneficial, you just have to be extra careful when you have children and pets around. If you are still unsure about what pesticide to use, or how to safely use them, you can learn from the top Triangle pest exterminators.

Go-Forth Home Services is the name to trust when it comes to pest and pest control especially on flea control for dogs.

Known as the best pest control company in the Triangle area, Go-Forth Home Services has a team of highly skilled and well-trained professionals who have excellent experience in exterminating pests like mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, poisonous spiders, aphids, locusts, ants, roaches, mice, rats, and many other pests. We use pet-friendly and family-friendly methods, so you can be sure that your family is safe.