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Pest Control For Maggots (Greensboro Exterminators)

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In Italy, there is an island named Sardinia where maggots are used to make cheese. This is, of course, dangerous to anyone who eats it. So dangerous that it is illegal. Flies inject their larvae into a roll of cheese, then the maggots will come out. The rotting cheese would end up with hundreds of maggots. Residents say it is very tasty—otherwise, they would not continue producing it. It is not for sale, as the European Union forbids it. Residents of that island claimed that no one has ever gotten sick from it though. 

Such things are hard to imagine here in Greensboro. We would not let a single maggot touch our food, or else, we would get sick eating food contaminated by maggots. Maggots are actually the larvae of a fly. Since adult female flies are very loving mothers, they make sure that they lay their eggs, which will turn into maggots, anywhere there is an abundant supply of food. They like to lay their eggs on rotting food. This is why you see them in the rotten cheeses of that Italian island Sardinia. Flies also lay their eggs in rotten meat, leftovers, and dead animals.

It is very important to get rid of maggots. Aside from the fact that they are yucky, they would eventually turn into adult flies one day, thus giving us more problems later on.  


Maggots are a layman’s term for fly larvae, which is why it is very dangerous to put them in food. It is a non-technical term, and the term maggots do not appear in textbooks. Usually, they are the larvae of the common housefly. In the United States, it is said that the number of maggots number in the hundreds of trillions.

Maggots become flies, and flies lay eggs, which in turn would become maggots, and so on. Maggots themselves are dangerous, but then they would eventually turn into adults, and they would become more dangerous. They are also such a nuisance to have around.  


Flies undergo several stages and go through a complete metamorphosis all their lives. An adult female fly lays eggs in areas where food will be readily available once the eggs hatch. After one day, the eggs will hatch. After hatching, they become larvae or maggots. Maggots eat a lot, and they feed for 3 to 5 days. Next, they turn into pupae, then they become flies.  The cycle would then start all over again.  

Maggots Are Health Risks

Maggots are usually found in old and rotten food that you would usually not touch. Still, it is possible for you to ingest maggots by mistake. Maggots do not seem to be as dangerous as their adult forms, yet maggots still pose some health risks.

We now know that some cultures eat maggots, like in the case of the people of Sardinia—their cheese. Maggots, at their age, are safe to eat by themselves. What makes them dangerous is what they have eaten,  like rotten food and fecal matter.

According to the best Greensboro exterminators for termites, ants and more, here are the health risks when eating maggots: 

  1. Myiasis - This is a very icky infection. It occurs when maggots infest the living tissues of animals and humans to feed on them. This is fairly common in tropical countries. Poor oral hygiene makes one susceptible to myiasis; maggots can settle in the mouth of a person who does not practice good hygiene. Myiasis typically occurs under the skin, but eating maggots is also thought to cause myiasis in the internal organs. When a person has myiasis, maggots are most likely in his or her stomach, mouth, and intestines. Serious damage to the tissues may occur, so immediate medical care is needed. Signs and symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach upset. When the myiasis is in the mouth, the maggots are usually visible. The only good thing about myiasis is that it is not contagious.
  2. Allergic reaction - Maggots can cause allergic reactions to some people; some types of larvae are known to induce respiratory as well as asthmatic symptoms to people who are exposed to maggots.   
  3. Contact dermatitis -  Maggots are also known to cause contact dermatitis. Signs of symptoms include skin redness, dry and flaky skin, burning sensation on the skin, hives, extreme itching, sensitivity to sunlight, and swelling—especially in the eyes, face, and groin areas.
  4. Bacterial poisoning - Eating food that is infested with maggots can cause bacterial poisoning. Maggots most probably have been in contact with feces and other rotting matter. Flies land on fecal matter, garbage sites, or decomposing animals to breed.  
  5. Salmonella - Salmonella is a dangerous bacteria because it causes food poisoning. It is one of the most common gastrointestinal infections in the United States. People who are infected with Salmonellosis develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps, pain in urination, joint pain, and eye irritation. Seek medical care if you have these symptoms.
  6. E. Coli infection - E. coli bacteria live in the intestines of humans and animals. If food or water that is contaminated with E. coli, then E. coli infection can happen. Signs of symptoms of E. coli infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, gas, vomiting, and fever. For severe cases, there could be bloody diarrhea, dehydration, and even kidney failure. People who have weak immune systems are more at risk of having this infection, like the elderly, young children, and pregnant women.  

What Happens If We Do Not Get Rid Of Maggots?

Maggots are flies that are not quite yet. Maggots turn to pupae afterward, and it would take between 14 to 36 days for them to morph into adult flies.  If nothing has been done with the maggots, then flies would happen. Now, we would not want flies infestation, would we?

Maggots living to become flies are truly going to be troublesome.  Flies are matched only by cockroaches in terms of filthiness. They eat anything; from fresh to rotten foods, garbage, excrement, decomposing animals, and any rotting organic matter.  Because of this, flies carry around lots of bacteria, viruses, and other things that can truly make us sick.

Flies can be such a nuisance. They fly around your face and buzz like crazy, crawl on your skin, fly around the dining table, and crawl on your food.  There are hundreds of thousands of fly species, the most common of which is the common housefly. These are the flies that usually find inside your home.

House flies are less than an inch in length. They come in gray or black colors with four dark lines in the thorax. The difference between the female and the male house flies is that female house flies are slightly larger than the males. They have large compound eyes that enable them to see things from all angles, even behind them. They have hairs found all over their bodies.

House flies, unlike some other pests, do not bite and cause pain and itchiness; they are certainly disease carriers though and they can transmit these diseases to humans. They carry pathogens that come from feeding on animal feces, body excretions, garbage, and dead animals. The bacteria and viruses they carry can cause diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and food poisoning.

How To Get Rid Of Maggots And Flies (And Flies)

Here are some tips on how to get rid of maggots and flies:

  1. Practice good housekeeping. Throw away your garbage regularly. Cover your trash cans with lids. Always sweep and mop your floors, and wipe off food debris and drink spills.
  2. Protect your fruits, meats, and vegetables. Store them in your refrigerator, or cover them with a net.  
  3. Store your food in sealed containers.
  4. If you find maggots somewhere in your area, pour boiling water on them to kill them instantly.
  5. Watch out for your pet’s food too. Always put a fresh batch on your pet’s food bowl, and not just top it off. When not in use, put a cover on it.
  6. Seal holes on your screens, and keep your windows and doors closed to prevent flies from getting in.
  7. Always keep your yard free of dog or cat poop.

These tips will surely help you in getting rid of these yucky maggots.  However, if the infestation is already heavy and you need some help, there is the best fly control company in Greensboro, Go-Forth Home Services.

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

Of all the Greensboro exterminators out there, Go-Forth Home Services has the best people and equipment to do the job.

No home or pest is the same, so there is no cookie-cutter solution. At Go-Forth Home Services, we have professional technicians who will examine your home and your lawn to evaluate your individual necessity.  We will identify points of entry and make treatments as necessary. We only use state of the art equipment to keep up with these ever-evolving pests. If you have these unwanted pests in your home, be sure to contact Go-Forth Home Services.

Go-Forth Home Services has been around for 61 years, earning the trust of residents and businesses in Greensboro.