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Will Pest Control Get Rid Of Bees? (High Point Exterminators)

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There is no doubt that bees are one of the most important creatures on earth. They are the earth’s number 1 pollinators. They pollinate an estimated 33% of the food we eat, and also the trees and flowers that give another wildlife shelter. They can pollinate on a bigger scale than all the other pollinators like bats, birds, and other insects. They play a very important part in the ecology.

It is always so nice and refreshing to see them buzz from one flower to another. They are reminders of the beauty of nature, what with their black and yellow stripes, gliding gracefully in the air. Our planet would not be the same without the bees, both for their aesthetic beauty and their practicality.

On the other hand, bees that are living near or in human dwellings can be dangerous to the humans nearby. Bees are quite known to sting, and their stings can be very painful. Not only that, but they can also cause death. For this reason, there is a need to get them out of your property safely without harming them. You may either call for one of the High Point pest exterminators to do the job for you, or you can do it yourself. Go-Forth Home Services, the best pest exterminators in High Point, would like to share with you some tips on how to remove bees safely.  

Overview Of Bees

There are more than 16,000 species of bees, and they are found all over the world, except in Antarctica. They are golden yellow in color with brown bands across their bodies. They are ½ inch in length. They have oval-shaped bodies with 6 legs and antennae. This antenna houses several sense organs that allow them to detect smell, taste, and touch. They have mouthparts that can chew and suck; they are equipped with mandibles and a long proboscis. Like flies, they have two large compound eyes, with three smaller, simpler eyes between them.

Bees undergo different stages in their lives. They begin life as eggs. After that, they become larvae, which are white, oval in shape, and are bluntly pointed on both of their ends. Next, they pass the pupation stage, and after a few days, it becomes the winged adult we all are familiar with. 

Common Types Of Bees


This type of bees are social insects that live in a colony. Each colony has a queen, worker bees that are actually her offspring, and the male bumblebees. It is the queen’s job to lay as many eggs as she can to ensure the survival of the colony. Not much else is required of her, not even taking care of her young. The worker bees do all the hard work, which includes foraging for food, protecting the colony, cleaning of the nest, and caring for the young bees.  The males are responsible only for mating with the queen.

There are more than 250 species of bumblebees. Due to this immense number, there is no one particular standard size for the bumblebee. The largest is said to be the Bombus dahlbomii, whose queen can grow up to 4 centimeters long. They are plump, fuzzy insects with stubby and short wings.  Bumblebees can beat their wings 130 times per second, allowing for flowers to vibrate until they release pollen. This is called buzz pollination, and this helps plants produce more fruit.

They build their nests near the ground or even in abandoned nests by other animals.

Honey Bees

Honey bees are flying insects that are closely related to wasps and ants. They feed on nectar and pollen. They have a pair of wings, a pair of antennae, and three segmented body parts. They are equipped with proboscis and this allows them to suck nectar from the blossoms.

Like the bumblebees, they are social insects that live in colonies. The colony has a queen, worker bees, and drones. It is the queen’s responsibility to assure the survival of the colony by laying as many eggs as she can. She can lay around 1,500 eggs in a single day. She has long abdomens and short wings. The queen never leaves the hive and stays there all her life, unless they look for another home. She can live for 4 to 7 years.

The worker bees are the ones who forage for food, protect the colony, clean their nests, and care for the young. The stinger of the female bees are barbed, so when they sting, the stinger becomes lodged to the skin of their victims. They sting only to defend themselves or the colony, but they get stuck to the skin along with their stinger, they die when they tear themselves apart from the stinger.  Honeybees are gentle, and they avoid stinging humans without provocation. Still, we should be careful when they are around.

The colony has males that mate with the queen. The males die immediately after mating with the queen. Otherwise, they can live up to 90 days.  

Honey bees nest in hollow trees, or any hollow spaces.  Inside their nests, they create small hexagon shapes inside their hives called cells. They store honey, or eggs, or pollen in these cells. Their hives are sealed by combining beeswax, honey, and tree resins. This is probably the perfect mixture, as it is both antibacterial and antifungal. It protects their hives from disease and from outside forces.

Honey bees, like all other insects, release pheromones. These pheromones are released when the honey bee senses danger. The pheromones they release smell like bananas when they need help. When they are happy, they release a lemon smelling pheromone. When a bee finds a new source of nectar, the bee dances to alert all the other bees and follow her. That is why you should stay away from a solitary honey bee because they can easily get help.

Honey bees are very good and important pollinators.

Mason Bees

They are named as such because of their habit of using mud to close nest cavities. They are small insects that fly fast. They are metallic in color like blue, black, and green. They carry pollen in their hair on the underside of their bellies. Mason bees are good pollinators and they visit different kinds of flowers. They are said to be good pollinators of spring-flowering nuts and fruits.

Leafcutter Bees

Leafcutter bees use leaves to seal their nest cavities. They have large heads, are black in color, with white hairs covering their thorax and bottom of their abdomens. They have powerful jaws that can cut off leaves. Just like the mason bees, they carry pollen on their abdomens.

Squash Bees

Squash bees have evolved into an expert in pollinating a type of plant. They pollinate squash, pumpkin, and zucchini. They fly at pre-dawn when the squash flowers open up, and until mid-morning.

Sweat Bees

They are named as such because they are attracted to human sweat. They are small in size but belong to a very large group. They are most active in October and November and are excellent pollinators. They are attracted to small flowers.  

Why Is There A Need To Avoid Bees?

  • Allergies - If you have allergies, then bees are insects that you need to avoid. Since bees sting when they feel threatened, getting near their nests is already a recipe for disaster as you may likely be stung. Bee stings can be painful but will resolve on its own after a few days. However, if you have bee allergies, the problem is going to be much worse. Allergies might trigger anaphylaxis, a condition wherein breathing would be very difficult and can result in death.
  • Bees sting - Bumblebees and honeybees both have stings that are very painful. Their stings are painful and could swell due to the venom they inject. Even though a single bee cannot sting multiple times, the sheer number of bees can give you multiple stings. They can be especially aggressive when there are no flowers around, or during hot weather. They also sting when their nests are in danger.  

How To Repel Bees?

Bees are beneficial insects, but we should still exercise caution whenever there are bees around. If we are not careful, we might be harmed. Here are some of the ways we can get rid of bees safely:

  • You may tarp the nests. Place a tarp over their nest, then place heavy objects on the sides. Do this at night so that most bees are inside the nest.  
  • For extreme cases wherein you will have to kill the bees for some reason, try soapy, minty boiling water. Mix 2 cups water, 2 cups peppermint castile soap, and 1 kettle of boiling water then pour on the bees’ nest. Wear protective clothing before doing this.

If you are wary of removing bees yourself, then you can call the best pest control company in High Point, Go-Forth Home Services. For more information, or to request a free quote, call us now!