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Will Pest Control Kill Bed Bugs? (Greensboro Exterminators)

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Waking up with lots of bites around your body is an inconvenience at the same time a problem. It may be a sign that you have bed bugs at home!

You’ve read it right! Bed bugs can leave you a lot of bites when you're asleep because that’s the time that they feed on their hosts. If you are not aware that you have the pest at home, you’ll never know that you’re already facing a serious pest problem.

Bed bugs are among the pests that homeowners have in common–pest problems. Yes, bedbugs are nuisances until today because even in the past, they were already pests. With the smallness of the pest, you’ll never imagine how huge the effects it can have on you, your family, and your property.

Pests will never be easy enemies. They are hardy and can resist pesticides as well. If you spray on them, they’ll not be bothered because they have already gone through a lot of chemicals and their bodies have adjusted. That’s why DIY pest control is never a solution especially if you have bed bugs at home.

The best solution to your bed bug problems is pest control from a Greensboro, NC exterminator because they know what to do with bed bugs and have the solutions that the pest can’t resist. If you are not confident about pest control dealing with bed bugs, then you might change your mind after finding out what pest control can do to the pest in your property.

Different Ways of Eliminating Bed Bugs

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

Since bed bugs are small, getting rid of them one by one is a difficult task. You don’t have the time to search for bed bugs and kill them because it will take you months or years to get everything killed. If you want to remove not only the live bed bugs but also the eggs and larvae, then a vacuum cleaner is what you need. Vacuuming is a big help because it can make your home sparkly clean because even specks of dust are removed from your home. Also, it can help in eliminating bed bugs found in your home.

A vacuum cleaner is convenient because you can get rid of the pest even the ones hiding in unreachable areas. You can use the vacuum safely on any surface like mattresses, bed frames, baseboards, appliances, cabinets, and more. Make sure that after you have vacuumed the area, throw away the contents of the bag so that the pest will not be able to re-infest your home. Vacuuming can work if your bed bug problem is controllable but if an infestation is already happening, then an exterminator should be called because they know what to do with pesky bed bugs in your property. 

Freeze Them

Another way to eliminate bed bugs in your home is by freezing them. The pest may be hard to exterminate but if you find their weakness, it’ll be easier for you to say goodbye to them. What you need is a freezer to make it happen. It doesn’t mean that you have to freeze your entire home, but you should focus first on the infested areas or belongings. Bed bugs can either infest an entire room or will settle first on the things you have at home like beds, bags, luggage, clothes, and more. If you want to freeze them to death, then you have to freeze the belongings below zero degrees Fahrenheit to make it work and make sure to let it froze up to four days to get better results.

But, you need to remember that some items that you want to freeze may get damaged during the process. If you can’t find the right freezer, then it is always best to seek help from Go-Forth Home Services which is well-equipped.

Launder With Hot Water

Your clothes, pillowcases, bedsheets, and more can be infested by bed bugs because they will tend to cling on things that can easily help them reach their host which is you. The pest will do their best to get near you so the things that you typically use or wear are its target. If you find out that bed bugs are present in your clothing and belongings, you can get rid of them by washing your things with hot water. Yes, hot water helps in eliminating bed bugs because they can’t stand too much heat. All infested items should be laundered in hot water so that bed bugs will be killed. This will also help the spread of the pest from happening.

From washing to drying your belongings, the hot temperature must be used so that the pest will be gone for good. But, even if you have washed your clothes bed bugs are still around, and you might be having a severe infestation so rather than laundering, hire Go-Forth Home Services's Greensboro exterminator to get rid of your enemy once and for all.

These are some ways that you can do to get rid of bed bugs in your home. When the pest is getting out of hand and needs the expertise of a professional, Go-Forth Home Services is ready to serve you.

Why Hire a Bed Bug Exterminator?

Do you think you can eliminate bed bugs alone? Maybe a few of them but if thousands of them are present, we bet you’ll never be able to get rid of them in a short span of time. This is the reason why hiring a bed bug exterminator like Go-Forth Home Services is the best choice and here are more reasons to have them work for you.


Hiring a bed bug exterminator is a good investment because they are guaranteed to be fully equipped. Greensboro area exterminators are your bed bug exterminators and they are complete with the needed equipment to eliminate bed bugs in your property. From pesticides that can’t be found in the market down to traps, and more that are effective in eliminating your pest problem. Only the best equipment is used by professionals so rest assured that your pest worries will be resolved in no time. 


Another reason why you need to hire a bed bug exterminator is because of experience. You don’t want your problem to worsen because an inexperienced individual did the work, right? If you want to avoid this, then it is high time that you get a bed bug exterminator to help you out Go-Forth Home Services's Greensboro, NC exterminators are ready to serve you. Hiring a bed bug exterminator will not fail you because they are experienced. They know what to do with bed bugs and can easily find where the pest is hiding. A professional also knows how to use treatments properly and can stop infestations from occurring.

Less Risk

Since using pesticides is bad for your health, it is not good to apply them carelessly on your own but if you let a bed bug exterminator do it, the risks will be lessened. A professional is well aware of how pesticides are used so with their care, they will not put you in danger. Also, a bed bug exterminator is trained so they know the safe ways of treating your home for bed bugs.

Are Bed Bugs Killed With Pest Control?

The answer is definitely yes! Pest control will kill bed bugs because the right methods of extermination are applied which are guaranteed to eliminate the pest, its eggs, and larvae. Pest control is more effective if a professional performs it because a pest exterminator is knowledgeable about bed bugs from the way they behave down to their hiding place. With the help of pest control, you will be able to achieve a pest-free home because pest exterminators will never stop until all bed bugs are gone to give you peace of mind.

If you need a pest control company to help you with your bed bug problem, Go-Forth Home Services is the one you should call.

Professional Pest Control Company

Go-Forth Home Services is the leading and most experienced pest control company in North Carolina that you can count on anytime and anywhere. The company is well-rounded in dealing with pests and you’ll never regret calling them.

Go-Forth Home Services knows everything about pests and extermination methods so partnering with them is a perfect choice. The company offers exceptional yet cost-effective pest control services that will not cause a problem in your pocket. With over 50 years of experience in the industry, your road to a pest-free home is never far from happening when you have them.

The company is consistent in delivering excellent services that you can’t experience from others and all of them are done best by their professional, expert, licensed, and highly skilled pest exterminators. From finding pests in your home down to the elimination process, everything is done following the right protocols to ensure that you’ll be safe when pests are being exterminated.

When you have cockroaches, ants, fleas, bed bugs, termites, rodents, mosquitoes, and more on your property, instantly call Go-Forth Home Services at (877) 274-1475 and they’ll immediately come to your home and lend a hand!