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Will Pest Control Kill Birds? (High Point Exterminators)

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Fly like a bird. Everyone wants to be like these marvelous creatures. They are truly nature's wonders that have been flying in the sky millions of years before man did with the help of machines. And at this day and age of Twitter, the birds did it first.

Mother nature truly benefits from these aerial creatures. Birds are pollinators, thus helping in the growth of the food we need to survive, flowers, trees, and other plants. Birds also help control populations of pests, containing insects to a manageable level. Have you ever wondered what they eat to survive? Birds feed on insects like mosquitoes, flies, grasshoppers, bugs, beetles, snakes, frogs, and many others. And when the birds themselves die for whatever reasons, they become food for other animals. Humans hunt for birds to eat.

Unfortunately, pests are happening, and in our effort to get rid of pests to protect our gardens and crops, the birds too are being killed, albeit accidentally. So to answer the question of whether pest control can kill birds or not, yes it can. Will it make the birds extinct? Hopefully not. We can all do something about it by choosing environmentally responsible High Point exterminators. Exterminators who do not use poisons that can kill birds are what we need right now.

About The Birds

Contrary to popular belief, not all birds fly. There are some birds that do not have the ability to fly. Some can run, like the ostrich. Some jump, like the widowbirds. Some swim, like ducks. No matter what they do, all of them are vertebrates. The ostrich is the largest bird at 9 feet in height, while the smallest is the hummingbird at two inches.

The anatomy of a bird allows it to fly. Their wings are shaped in such a way that it can give them a lift. Do you know that an airplane’s wings are modeled after bird wings? The wings of birds have a thicker leading edge than the back edge. Their muscles and bones are unlike any other creatures on earth; they are highly specialized. The humerus is hollow instead of solid. The humerus connects to the air sac system of the bird; this is connected to the lungs. The shoulder muscles are powerful and are used for flying; it connects to the breast. It uses the tail for steering.

Birds can eat while flying and then digest the food later. They have beaks to help catch prey and swallow food.

The way birds reproduce also allows them to maximize their flying abilities. Unlike other animals that carry offspring as they develop inside the body, birds lay eggs and incubate them instead.

Birds live on every possible habitat all over the world due to the fact that they are so mobile. Not even the most remote island can avoid birds.

The Human & Bird Relationship

Birds have been an integral part of human existence for thousands of years. As previously mentioned, birds are useful as pollinators and have helped in the growth and development of flowers, trees, and plants that are food for humans. Birds and their eggs have been hunted down for food, to their detriment. A lot of bird species are now extinct for this reason. Aside from being food for humans, birds’ feathers are also used as ornaments. They are also a popular pet among families all over the world.

Since the 17th century, there are already a hundred bird species that have become extinct. The reasons for this include human hunting and activities, loss of habitat, and introduced predators that disrupted the natural balance. Even cats contributed to their demise. Among the birds that have vanished are the snail-eating Coua, Jamaican Poorwill, King Island Emu, Atitlan Grebe, Stephens Island wren, Pallas’ Cormorant, White-winged Sandpiper, and Paradise Parrot, among others.

Birds Are Silently Being Killed By Pesticides

Globally, the killing of birds happens on such a huge scale that more and more birds are in danger of becoming extinct soon. Millions of birds have lost their lives due to accidental poisoning, some are not accidental. Birds are predators, that is true, and some see them as pests as they eat away at crops and garden plants. Owners of race pigeons see them as enemies due to the fact that their pigeons are being hunted down by larger birds. So do farmers, gardeners, and fishermen; they use poisons to kill these birds that prey on their crops and livestock. Unfortunately, even the unintended targets are killed. Some birds are accidentally killed by poisons that are intended for rats, mice, foxes, feral cats, and insects that are pests to farmers.

Pests will continue to be a problem for everyone, and as long as they are there, pesticide use will consequently never stop. This problem had already been addressed by some countries, and they are now regulating pesticide use. Unfortunately, there are still some who do not regulate its use, and the result continues to be disastrous.

Birds do not need to ingest huge amounts of pesticides to be harmed. Large doses can kill them, but even just a few amounts of poison can cause dangerous effects. Migratory birds would not be able to fly, which could lead to death because they need to fly long distances to survive. Many other species of birds would lose their ability to fly until their respiratory muscles are paralyzed, leading to death.

Pesticides are also indirectly killing pests. As they prey on and eat insects like locusts, grasshoppers, and earthworms, they also put themselves at risk. This is because these insects may have eaten pesticides.

Rodents are among the birds’ favorite prey. Migratory birds and raptors are among the birds that are affected by various rodenticides whenever they eat poisoned prey or poisoned baits that were not even meant for them. The failure to remove poisoned baits right after baiting campaigns and the lack of protection of bait stations increase the risk of exposure to the birds. Exposure to rodenticides can lead to lethargy, which impairs their ability to hunt. If they cannot hunt, they would starve and die.

Types Of Pesticides That Kill Birds

The high acute toxicity of the chemicals below makes them dangerous to the birds.

  1. Organochlorines- Some organochlorines are still being used here in the United States. This causes eggshell thinning in birds.
  2. Organophosphates- This type of pesticide prevents an important enzyme for the proper functioning of the nervous system. This is also toxic to birds even at low doses. There have been reports of bird kills caused by organophosphates, with one report saying thirty to forty thousand birds killed.
  3. Carbamates - Carbamates, like organophosphates, inhibit an enzyme that is vital to the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also kills birds at low doses. It is estimated that carbamates kill 1 to 2 million birds every year. A carbamate pesticide, Carbofuran, kills 1 to 2 million birds every year.
  4. Herbicides- Some herbicides are lethal to birds even in small doses.

As we can see, pesticides will really kill birds, interrupt their normal behaviors, and reduce their food sources. As long as chemical pesticides are being used, these magnificent creatures will be in danger. The best thing to do is to apply Integrated Pest Management, one in which nonchemical management techniques are being applied.

Protecting the birds can be a daunting task, but one that is very critical in trying to sustain a balanced ecology.

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management is the use of all available pest control techniques that discourage the development of pest populations without using chemical pesticides, or at least kept to acceptable levels to reduce risks to human health and the environment.

This is probably the only way we can balance the need to get rid of damaging pests and ensuring the survival of all birds.

If you are unsure as to how you can use environment-friendly pesticides to protect your plants or crops, do not worry. You can with the help of professionals who have the training and skills to control these pests. Ask them if they are using pesticides that would not harm other creatures. If you are in High Point, you are in luck! The best pest control management in High Point, Go-Forth Home Services, is just a phone call away.

Why Go-Forth Home Services?

Go-Forth Home Services uses only family-friendly, pet-friendly, and environment-friendly methods of pest control, assuring you that you and your family, as well as the environment, are out of harm’s way. We are a family-owned company that provides modern pest control services and techniques, using the latest and most advanced technology in the business. We are making our service to you more efficient, safer, and more convenient.

Our team of expert professionals can provide the best pest control services to residents and business establishments all throughout High Point and the rest of North and South Carolina. For more questions, call us now. Our friendly operators are standing by.